Ansys Discovery

Ansys Discovery

Ansys Discovery

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Ansys Discovery è l’unica tecnologia in grado di eseguire simulazioni numeriche multifisiche Real-Time. Pensata per incontrare le esigenze del progettista, è una soluzione ideale per aggiornare continuamente il modello CAD e verificare istantaneamente le relative performance con un approccio davvero un approccio dirompente.

Ansys Discovery utilizza metodologie risolutive diverse ed innovative, attraverso un approccio meshless è possibile processare in modo istantaneo le informazioni relative a geometria e condizioni al contorno, restituendo in tempo reale i risultati dell’analisi.

A supporto del processo decisionale, Discovery permette di affrontare le fasi di esplorazione progettuale attraverso strumenti di ottimizzazione parametrici e topologici, i quali consentono un rapido confronto tra numerose configurazioni restituendo infine la geometria ottimale per il proprio progetto.

Le nuove funzionalità consentono infine approcciare il modello con maggiore dettagli utilizzando i solutori Mechanical e Fluent nell’ambiente Discovery oppure esportando la propria analisi in ambiente Workbench

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Numerical analyses of the heat transfer processes of a key cooling system in the ITER reactor

Supporting the design of a critical system with realistic numerical simulations of heat radiation and conjugate heat transfer

The ITER reactor’s electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system launcher requires an effective cooling system due to the strong thermal loads it supports. In supporting the design of this cooling system, NINE performed several numerical studies using the Ansys simulation tools

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Preparazione di modellio geometrici per l'ambiente di simulazione tramite l'utilizzo di Ansys Space Claim e Design Modeler

Il corso introduce al software Ansys SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (AnsysSCDM), strumento per la manipolazione di geometrie CAD.

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Le nostre competenze in Ansys Discovery


Using CFD simulation to optimize the ventilation system of a spray booth

Overspray is a key problem in the paint application process. This phenomenon is caused by inefficiencies of the robots inside the spray booth and can best be solved by balancing the air flow properly in the paint application area.

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CFD analysis of an industrial burner of a regeneration gas heater application

Using CFD analysis to save time and money in designing and testing industrial burners for the oil and gas industry

In this technical case study, EnginSoft was called in to assist in the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flame size of a regeneration gas-fired heater for a project in Oman.

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Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

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