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The impact of numerical analysis on the efficiency of cooker hood ventilation systems

Minimizes trial and error activities and costs and improves right-first-time results

Newsletter EnginSoft Year 16 n°4
By Andrea Rapisarda, Francesco Faginoli and Raffaele Galassi | Faber
The impact of numerical analysis on the efficiency of cooker hood ventilation systems
The impact of numerical analysis on the efficiency of cooker hood ventilation systems


Kitchen appliances today are also designed with the objective of reducing their environmental impact. Particularly, the design of cooker hood ventilation systems considers how to reduce their energy consumption and polluting emissions.
The improvement of the fluid-dynamic efficiency of the ventilation system is one of the main areas under examination.

This technical article describes how CFD analysis minimizes trial and error activities and costs and improves RFT – “right first time” – results.

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