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Acoustic assessment of an electric water pump using Ansys Workbench and Multiphysics simulation

Feasibility study of a complete acoustic workflow

Newsletter EnginSoft Year 16 n°4
By Morena Angelucci, Giuseppe Marulo, Raffaele Squarcini | Pierburg Pump Technology
Acoustic assessment of an electric water pump using ANSYS Workbench and Multiphysics simulation
Acoustic assessment of an electric water pump using ANSYS Workbench and Multiphysics simulation


This technical article describes an acoustic emissions study conducted on an electric water circulation pump used for supplementary cooling or heating functions in vehicles, by the Modeling & Simulation Pumps Department of Pierburg Pump Technology.

This case study was used to demonstrate the feasibility of using a complete acoustic workflow, from the analysis of the main exciting loads to the acoustic output, which made it possible to quantify the relative contributions of the different loads to the final acoustic emission.

The WUP case study was a successful example of demonstrating the feasibility of a complete acoustic workflow, from the analysis of the main exciting loads to the acoustic output. This approach made it possible to quantify the relative contribution of the different loads to the final acoustic emission. The Ansys Workbench environment made this activity efficient due to the possibility of establishing direct links between the different physics, which facilitated the transfer of data and results.

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