Our Expertise | MECHANICS

Plastic Film Dragging

The dynamics of flexible bodies as they interactthrough contact with other bodies

<h5>Plastic Film Dragging</h5>
Plastic Film Dragging

RecurDyn offers unparalleled performance when solving the dynamics of flexible bodies as they interactthrough contact with other bodies. In this example, these features were tested by simulating the motion of a very thin plastic film (32µm) being dragged by two rollers. The film is connected to a tensioner and pulled by two rollers, which fold the film in the first step of a forming process.

The film was meshed using shell elements from RecurDyn’s proprietary Full Flex technology. The position of the film is controlled only by contacts (the connection with the tensioner being the only exception): flexible-to-rigid body contacts were used to represent the contacts with the rollers, while flexible-to-flexible contact was used to represent the film’s contact with itself. The model was used to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the film during the forming process, and to evaluate the stresses caused by the process.


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An innovative Multibody Dynamics based CAE software

RecurDyn is a superior Multibody Dynamics solution with exceptional contact technology and powerful solver for large scale multibody models with multiple contacts and flexible bodies.



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