Ansys Discovery

Ansys Discovery

Ansys Discovery

Ansys is a software suite of Ansys Inc.

Ansys Discovery provides instantaneous 3D simulation, tightly coupled with direct geometry modeling, to enable interactive design exploration and rapid product innovation. It is an interactive experience in which you can manipulate geometry, material types or physics inputs, then instantaneously see changes in performance.
Answer critical design questions earlier, without waiting days or weeks for traditional simulation results.

  • Quickly prepare models for simulation or create design variations for study
  • Rapidly explore multiple design concepts with real-time interactive simulation
  • Refine insights with high-fidelity simulation and additional conditions

Ansys Discovery seamlessly aligns with proven Ansys solver technology to provide additional detail and calculate a high-fidelity result for increased confidence. When you need it, use the Fluent or the Mechanical solver within the Discovery environment without changing your model or your workflow.

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CFD analysis for ESO’s extremely large telescope (ELT) in Chile: Wind screening performance of the dome and main structure

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is a 40m-class optical and infrared telescope being built in Chile. The ELT has a complex geometry, with a rotating structure and a dome that must be protected from wind effects to ensure accurate observations. To study the wind flow within the dome, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was created.

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Preparazione di modellio geometrici per l'ambiente di simulazione tramite l'utilizzo di Ansys Space Claim e Design Modeler

Il corso introduce al software Ansys SpaceClaim Direct Modeler (AnsysSCDM), strumento per la manipolazione di geometrie CAD.

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Our competences in Ansys Discovery


New solution for cost-effective electromagnetic analysis

EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program

EnginSoft’s cost-effective solution was successfully created in collaboration with F4E’s expert teams after numerous years spent developing and testing tools, algorithms and customized interfaces in each phase of the Electromagnetic FEM analysis workflow.

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Digitizing a process to standardize the analysis and evaluation of windshield wiper performance

TAE SUNG collaborates with DY Auto to develop dedicated software

This technical article describes a project that was undertaken by TAE SUNG Software and Engineering, in collaboration with DY AUTO in Korea, to establish a computerized process to conduct three-dimensional real-scale analysis of any of the three types of windshield wiper currently in use, and to establish a specific standard for evaluating wiper performance.

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Integrated Simulation of Commercial Pasta Manufacturing

The Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project, which resulted in a simulation model

This study was part of the Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project,

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