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EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program

Newsletter EnginSoft Year 18 n°3
By Giovanni Falcitelli | EnginSoft
EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program
EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program


On the 25th of March 2021, EnginSoft participated as an exhibitor in an important webinar hosted by Fusion for Energy (F4E), called: “Fusion technology applications in advanced simulation and modelling”. This event was part of a wider F4E initiative - The Technology Transfer Program - which aims to promote the transfer of fusion technologies to European industry.

In the webinar EnginSoft was able to talk about its long-standing collaboration with F4E in the broad area of Electromagnetic FEM Analyses for the ITER components. EnginSoft’s presentation covered many of the technical details of its acknowledged “Solution for cost effective electromagnetic analysis”.

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Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

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