Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators

Newsletter EnginSoft Year 18 n°3
By Paolo Vallerotonda, RF Microtech - University of Perugia| Fabrizio Cacciamani, RF Microtech | Luca Pelliccia, RF Microtech | Francesco Aquino, RF Microtech | Cristiano Tomassoni, University of Perugia | Vittorio Tornielli di Crestvolant | ESA ESTEC
Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators
Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators


This paper presents the design and first experimental results of a very compact Ku-band bandpass filter for high power satellite applications. The filter was designed and simulated using the Ansys HFSS and Mechanical simulators. Proposed as part of an ESA ARTES Advanced Technology project, the filter is based on dielectric loaded combline resonators.
Several dielectric materials were considered and two models of the same filter are presented in this paper.
The geometries and materials were chosen to improve the performance in terms of power-handling and multipactor up to 150 W continuous wave of input RF power. Barrel-shaped metal cavities and high-permittivity ceramic materials were mixed to minimize volume occupancy while maintaining high unloaded Q-factor values (>4500).

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