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From saving energy to creating energy

Use pumps as turbines to generate low-cost electricity from existing piping systems

Futurities Year 20 n°2
By Marco Favella - SAER Elettropompe


With increasing pressure globally to lower CO2 emissions and move to more sustainable energy sources while containing costs and ensuring productivity, engineering companies are responding to the challenge. One such company is SAER Elettropompe, one of Italy’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of surface and submersible pumps and motors. SAER has been using Ansys CFX to study pump fluid dynamics since 2006 to improve the efficiency, and reduce the energy consumption of its pump designs. Together with Easy Hydro, a spin-out of Trinity College Dublin born from the experience of the Dŵr Uisce and REDAWN research projects in the EU, they have commercialized a way to recover energy in water networks or for small-scale hydropower schemes through the use of hydraulic pumps operating as turbines.

The excess water energy generated by the pumps as turbines (PATs) can be used by the pump owners or sold back to the grid, both of which solutions imply significant savings on energy costs.
This article describes how SAER ELETTROPOMPE used Ansys CFX to transform "standard" pumps into pumps to be used as turbines.

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Ansys CFX

Software potente e flessibile per la CFD e multifisica, con particolare focus sulle turbomacchine

Grazie alla sua vasta libreria di modelli e alle sue elevate prestazioni, CFX può essere utilizzato per simulare una gamma molto ampia di problemi di fluidodinamica e multifisica.

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A CFD-based approach

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