

Years of Experience


Completed Projects


Software Solutions


Specialized Engineers

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In Italy and Europe, we are a leader in technology transfer and simulation software solutions with 40 years of experience and 4,000 successfully completed projects.

Through partnerships with all major simulation software vendors (over 60 solutions), we specialize in guiding and assisting clients through the digital transformation process, identifying and then customizing the ideal simulation software solution to deliver:

  • Decreased production times and costs
  • A reduction in, or elimination of, the use of physical prototypes
  • Greater production flexibility
  • An optimized design phase

Our team of more than 250 specialized experts with multidisciplinary skills in every industrial sector enables us to offer application and methodological consulting in:

  • Fluid-dynamic, structural, electromagnetic and optical simulation
  • Simulation of metallurgy processes
  • Multibody simulation
  • Tolerance management
  • Multidisciplinary optimization