Flownex is a product of M-Tech Industrial (Pty) Ltd.
Flownex is a design tool for fluid network. It allows a fast and accurate CFD analyses of a plant because it defines components through lumped parameters and connects them in a thermo-fluid network.
Flownex SE calculates the variation of pressure drop, mass flow, temperature and heat transfer for each component of the system (pumps, compressors, turbines, pipes, valves, tanks, heat exchangers) to extensively examine all possible design and optimization choices.
Flownex SE simulates any dynamic scenarios with pressure and mass flow waves, system start-up and shut-down, control loops and safety procedures.
Flownex is developed in an ISO 9001:2008 and NQA1 quality assurance system environment: it is the only software of its kind to hold a nuclear accreditation, a testament to the quality, reliability and accuracy of this simulation software.
Flownex SE applies to all industrial sectors which deal with gas or liquid transportation in a plant: HVAC, Hydraulics, Renewable Energy, Power Generation, Turbo-machinery and Nuclear.
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The recent increasing demand for alternative fuels is leading to the fast development of technologies devoted to hydrogen production at
industrial level. The interest in hydrogen as an alternative fuel comes from its ability to power fuel cells in zero-emission vehicles, its potential for domestic production, and the fuel cell’s fast filling time
and high efficiency.
Moreover, hydrogen is widely recognized as a key component for
storing large quantities of renewable electricity over longer periods: it
works as renewable energy “bank” for power systems upon request.
For this reasons hydrogen production and usage are now the goals of
several companies which work in the energy sector.
The simulation tool Flownex SE
is adopted to create a network,
where each component represents
a part of the cell and
the auxiliary equipment.
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This technical article describes a comparative study that was undertaken by Intermarine, with the assistance of EnginSoft, between using the Flownex simulation environment and Intermarine’s manual or classic methods (both of which were compared with actual field data from on-board measurements) to predict pressure losses in the various piping systems that convey fluids on board a vessel.
marine energy oil-gas flownex
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Il corso, della durata di una giornata, ha come obiettivo quello di fornire ai partecipanti gli strumenti essenziali per utilizzare FLOWNEX quale strumento di simulazione per il dimensionamento, l’analisi e la verifica di impianti e reti.
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Our competences in Flownex
This technical article describes a comparative study that was undertaken by Intermarine, with the assistance of EnginSoft, between using the Flownex simulation environment and Intermarine’s manual or classic methods (both of which were compared with actual field data from on-board measurements) to predict pressure losses in the various piping systems that convey fluids on board a vessel.
marine energy oil-gas flownex
In this study, Alfa Laval and EnginSoft present the results of a simulation of the methanol fuel supply system currently used on a methanol carrier.
marine flownex
This article describes an analysis of the performance of a hot water distribution piping network consisting of a main boiler and various utilities inside an automotive paint shop based in France. The simulation is performed using Flownex, a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software with concentrated parameters.
automotive flownex