Maple is a product of Maplesoft.
Maple is the world leader in numeric and symbolic computation solutions: used in Fortune 500 companies all over the world to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve engineering math and computation problems in a single environment.
Maple is used by Design Engineers and Advanced Analysts to quickly and accurately perform calculations and mathematical manipulations using live mathematical expressions. Its intuitive interface allows the direct use of live mathematical expressions, turning mathematical concepts into solutions through powerful symbolic processing and advanced numeric computation. Maple enables the creation of intuitive user interfaces using ready-made components that directly integrate with the underlying algorithms and routines. These Functional Mock-Ups capture the technical knowledge behind the solution through fully-disclosed equations and documentation capabilities.
Maple è uno strumento potente e versatile per la risoluzione
di problemi matematici complessi.
Con la sua interfaccia user-friendly, la vasta gamma di funzionalità, la potenza di calcolo,
la personalizzazione, la compatibilità con altri software, il supporto online e l’ampia diffusione,
Maple è un’ottima scelta per coloro che cercano una soluzione per la gestione di calcoli matematici avanzati.
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This article describes how the company created and tested a process to construct a parametric CAD model capable of providing its designers with a starting point for any new machine to be designed.
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Ogni appuntamento affronta un tema specifico, che viene presentato utilizzando una breve introduzione ed esempi applicativi. La condivisione di Best Practice rende questi interventi utili ed interessanti sia per l’ingegnere che si affaccia per la prima volta al mondo della matematica applicata che per l’esperto che desidera valutare nuovi approcci.
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Our competences in Maple
The avoidance or reduction of chainsaw kickback is a key safety feature for manufacturers. The challenges for engineers are to obtain more accurate analyses of the problem over the tool’s lifecycle.
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This technical article details the application of the methodology developed using ANSYS WorkBench
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This article describes how the company created and tested a process to construct a parametric CAD model capable of providing its designers with a starting point for any new machine to be designed.
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