EZtol is a product of Sigmetrix LLC.
EZtol is a 1-Dimensional tolerance stackup analysis program designed to assist in understanding the impact of the accumulation of part-level dimensional variation and part-to-part assembly variation sources and the impact that they have on assembly-level requirements.
Today such analyses are performed in a spreadsheet, most commonly Microsoft® Excel®. Much work is required in creating spreadsheets that manage all of the product requirements simultaneously with consideration of common dimensions and tolerances that feed each one, properly including the impacts of the more complex geometric tolerances, and properly calculating the statistical results. Analysis spreadsheets often include a visual diagram either from the model or an assembly-level drawing to help explain the components of each of the analyses, but these too must be maintained as updates are made.
Per analisi delle tolleranze si intende una metodologia
che si utilizza nella progettazione di un prodotto, per comprendere
come le imperfezioni di parti,
in fase di fabbricazione, e di prodotti, in fase di assemblaggio, influenzino la
capacità di un prodotto finito di soddisfare le aspettative e le richieste del cliente.
Scopri come EZtol sia lo strumento indispensabile per comprendere l’impatto dell’accumulo di
variazioni dimensionali e geometriche sui requisiti delle parti e dell’assieme in modo semplice, efficiente e veloce.
Find out how and why to implement the "Dimensional Management" method.
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This article examines the simulation of an RCD to determine the factors that affect its response times.
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Special Springs commissioned EnginSoft’s engineers to calculate the production cost repercussions of a technical product modification requested by an important customer.
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Our competences in EZtol
This article examines the simulation of an RCD to determine the factors that affect its response times.
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This article describes how EnginSoft supported Metasystem in acquiring the know-how to satisfy future customer requests on the one hand, and to create projects that are as profitable as possible in terms of waste minimization, on the other hand.
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This case study describes ISEO’s project to introduce a global dimensional management approach based on CETOL6σ that starts from the product concept phase and includes design development and prototyping and extends on to cover all other phases of production through to the finished product, with the guidance and support of EnginSoft.
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