Engineering Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning, a journey in stages

Lifelong Learning is an essential prerequisite for innovation: with our wide range of courses, delivered by sector professionals we ensure that our customers develop their digital skills and provide continuous qualifications for their employees.

We offer both basic and advanced training courses in the field of simulation, customized courses, and coaching, to help you to maximize return on investment when adopting state-of-the-art technologies and to create know-how that is an asset to the company; in other words, broad-spectrum education and training.

Our proposals, which emphasize flexibility (face-to-face, live online, in-house), are always personalized and tailored to the user with customized levels (basic, advanced, and expert), and offer the opportunity to create specific learning paths for every business need.

The trainer is of primary importance and is carefully selected, always present and available – even when courses are conducted online.

Catalogo corsi 2025


Experience and professionalism

These programmes are designed on the strength of our experience gained from 40 years of training and consulting work in the field of simulation.

All courses are delivered live online by one of our trainers, because we value iteration and direct and continuous support during the training process.

Our extensive catalogue is the starting point from which we can jointly define your training requirements, including the option of conducting courses in person supported by the professionalism and flexibility of our lecturers.

View the 2025 catalogue


Highly specialized topics

This category includes training interventions dedicated to highly specialized topics, the result of the field experiences of our technicians.

These are courses designed specifically to respond to the growing complexity and dynamism of the simulation world, and allow the user to focus on specific problems.

All training is delivered live online by one of our lecturers, and here, too, the catalogue can be the starting point for jointly defining the training you need, including the option of conducting it in person supported by the professionalism and flexibility of our trainers.

View the 2025 catalogue


Tailor-made effectiveness and quality

To meet the specific needs of our customers, EnginSoft applies its skills, experience, and professionalism to co-design both individual courses and training paths together with our clients.

In planning these courses, our trainers meet with the customer to contextualize the problems to be addressed, and to clarify objectives and expected results.

When we tailor training, we focus on the client’s needs and work together to define the most suitable programme, methods, and timing to deliver effective, high-quality courses.

Contact us for more information

Why choose EnginSoft
for training

EnginSoft is a centre of excellence in engineering simulation, and has been promoting initiatives for the professional growth of engineers in the field of simulation for 40 years: disseminating knowledge about engineering simulation is part of our DNA.

We focus on the customer's perspective in order to respond to their specific needs in a timely manner. Our catalogue provides an outline from which to define a customized training course.

As part of our drive for continuous improvement, EnginSoft has systematically obtained the "ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certification" from the IMQ Certifying Body, which has also been extended to the EA37 training sector, enabling our customers to benefit from the subsidies and funding available in the training sector.

We can partner with you to create your corporate academy courses. In this context, we offer: training needs analysis, content design, learning contextualization based on specific industrial cases, differentiated training channels (face-to-face, live online, in-house) according to target audience and content dissemination requirements, verification of learning outcomes, and training budget optimization.

EnginSoft is part of the Consorzio TCN, a high-level training organization whose proposal is made up of topics linked to various engineering disciplines - from mechanics to fluid dynamics, from thermal to acoustics, from mechatronics to materials -, dealing in parallel with new technologies, which in these areas can be used, also addressing the specifics of sector regulations, and extending to management methodologies and the optimization of procedures of the product development phases. Visit the consortium website to find out more.

Consorzio TCN

Discover our training courses

Browse our Training Offerings for your Region:

training courses


Artificial Intelligence applied to design, modeling and management of laboratory data, fundamental for project development, has clearly demonstrated significant and concrete advantages. These translate into both a reduction in calculation times and a clearer understanding of the phenomena detected by laboratory tests during the product design and development phases. The "Design and data analysis using AI" catalog offers a complete and advanced training path to develop fundamental skills in the field of design and data analysis, as well as in the creation of simplified numerical models using advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques.


training courses

LITHIUM BATTERIES course catalogue

Lithium-ion batteries, with their high energy density and long lifespan, are extensively used in a wide range of electronic devices, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage systems. Explore our range of training courses on oorja, a SaaS platform based on Machine Learning algorithms to analyze and predict the behavior of cells and batteries. By utilizing a limited dataset, it delivers highly accurate and efficient forecasts.


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The training course on geometric product specification and tolerance analysis addresses the issues related to tolerance management and the approach known as "Dimensional Management", which defines the activities involved and their sequence for achieving the desired quality at the lowest possible cost. We offer a wide range of training courses – scheduled, on-demand and customized – designed to meet the varying needs of individuals and/or the company in which they work: SO-GPS, ASME-GD&T standards, Tolerance analysis and model-based definition, and Software technologies training.

cetol tolerances

training courses

FLUID DYNAMICS course catalogue

In the field of computational fluid dynamics we offer a wide range of courses to introduce users to the correct and profitable use of CFD codes in their work environment, be it industrial or academic.

training ansys cfd flownex particleworks

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MECHANICS course catalogue

In the field of mechanics, EnginSoft offers a wide range of courses to consolidate knowledge transfer in the use of technologies and create value for its customers by enabling them to go far beyond the simplest, necessary knowledge of simulation software.

training ansys

training courses


We offer a wide range of training courses on Straus7, produced by Strand7 Pty Ltd, an application based on the finite element method, which allows you to deal with most structural behavior simulation problems.

civil-engineering construction straus training

training courses

MULTIBODY course catalogue

In the Multibody environment more than in any other knowledge of software functionality and the ability to apply it to practical problems dictates the difference between success and failure. RecurDyn courses, designed by EnginSoft, are tailored to enable our clients to become effective in the shortest possible time.

training recurdyn mbd-ansys multibody

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The topics covered in the "ELECTRONICS / ELECTROMAGNETISM" courses focus on the design of electromechanical and electronic components by simulating electromagnetic fields and calculating circuit and system performance parameters.

training electronics ansys

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FOUNDRY PROCESSES course catalogue

EnginSoft provides training courses on the software technologies designed for the simulation of manufacturing processes. The reference software packages are those produced by MAGMASOFT.

training magma metal-process-simulation

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Digital Manufacturing technologies make new sources of data available to engineers and designers. Extracting information from data is essential to make good decisions and create reliable models, and yet data analysis is complicated primarily due to its increasing quantity associated with a large number of variables. The courses provide methods and solutions for data analysis, data visualization and the creation of regression models.


training courses

SPEED DYNAMICS / CRASH Course catalogue

EnginSoft offers a wide range of courses on accurate simulation of fast dynamic (crash) phenomena. The courses range from model definition, to simulation setup and advanced post-processing, which users can apply in their own work environment, be it industrial or academic.

training ls-dyna

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Maple is the world leader in numerical and symbolic computing: our courses aim to enable participants to quickly become independent and productive in their use of Maple for engineering applications.

training maplesim maple

training courses

Training courses

Live online, face-to-face, in-house courses

Our proposals include standard courses, the result of our 40-year experience of training and consultancy activities in the field of simulation, vertical courses, training interventions dedicated to highly specialized topics, and customized training courses or paths, designed to measure, for respond to specific needs.


training course

Methodentraining ISO GPS

Ab sofort auch im Virtual Classroom!

Wer sagt, dass Trainings immer vor Ort stattfinden müssen? Mit unserem Virtual Classroom sparen Sie sich die Zeit und Mühe der Anreise und können ganz einfach per Webmeeting an unseren Trainings teilnehmen! Im ISO GPS Methodentraining führen Sie unsere Experten live durch ein interaktives, zweitägiges Online-Training, das den methodischen Ansatz der Vergabe von Form- und Lagetoleranzen sowie die ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen beschreibt.

cetol tolerances

training course

Software- und Methodentrainings

Jetzt ein Software- oder Methodentraining unverbindlich anfragen

Für alle Softwarelösungen und Methoden in unserem Portfolio bieten wir Ihnen ein Training an, das Ihnen den Einstieg in die eigene Anwendung erleichtert und Sie dabei unterstützt, das volle Potential der Software oder Methodik auszuschöpfen.

cetol tolerances eztol particleworks recurdyn

Ask the Expert

Training Secretariat

Silvia Galtarossa
Ph. +39 049 770 5311 |

Send an information request