

Digital engineering, simulation and augmented reality for machines, production lines design and plant logistics


ilPhysics is a product of Machineering Gmbh.

iPhysics is an innovative simulation platform for the digital design and virtual commissioning of complex production machines, lines and plants. By integrating the mechanical, electrical and software engineering it provides substantial benefits, such as the possibility to further optimize the machine sequence planning, immediately verify solutions and reduce costs.

iPhysics enables comprehensive engineering from the CAD level to the PLC and robots simulation. It provides the ability to realistically simulate lines and plants and obtain better Throughput and OEE estimates. It enhances communication between the mechanical and the automation design teams effectively reducing risk for complex plants and projects and simplifying commissioning. It provides the possibility to evaluate multiple design solutions and seamlessly explore new ideas and what-if scenarios. Furthermore, industrialPhysics integrates the Augmented Reality features that advance the production processes visualization allowing to effectively engage the design and sales teams with customers.


Main benefits

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  Reduce risk for complex plants / projects

  Evaluate multiple solutions / implement what-if analysis

  Simulate and visualize production processes

  Get realistic Throughput and OEE estimates

  Optimize machine sequence planning

  Simplify commissioning

  Increase modularization and improve change management

The future of automated machines development

Explore the Virtual Commissioning demos we created with iPhysics!

A collection of videos, which show some applications of this innovative platform for the design and simulation of machines, lines and production plants.

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Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: mean strain effects

The article focuses on the difference in fatigue behaviour between rubber and metal materials. While metal fatigue is often described by a simple rule: increasing mean strain is detrimental to fatigue life, rubber fatigue is more complex and depends on the material's ability to strain crystallize. The text concludes that while tensile mean stresses are always detrimental in metals, in rubber they may be either beneficial or harmful depending on whether the rubber can strain crystallize.

mechanics endurica automotive


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Optimization of an automotive manufacturing system design taking into account regional requirements

Applying CAE to facilitate business CapEx decision making in the automotive manufacturing sector

In this case study, EnginSoft engineers explain how they used modeFRONTIER to assist Comau, a Fiat Chrysler subsidiary, to optimize their approach to the preliminary design of production systems for automotive manufacturing system RFQs.

automotive optimization rail-transport modefrontier SIMUL8 iphysics industry4

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Our competences in iPhysics


Controlled Floater for Marine Pipeline Towing

A system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields

A developer of innovative equipment designed a system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields.

energy modefrontier optimization oil-gas recurdyn


Optimization of the SLM/DMLS process to manufacture an aerodynamic Formula 1 part

This paper presents the RENAULT F1 Team’s AM process for an aerodynamic insert in titanium Ti6Al4V. Production was optimized by identifying the best orientation for the parts and the best positioning for the support structures in the melting chamber, in addition to using the ANSYS Additive Print module, a simulation software useful for predicting the distortion of a part and for developing a new, 3D, compensated model that guarantees the best “as-built” quality.

automotive additive-manufacturing optimization


Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

construction modefrontier ansys optimization energy