

Innovative digital platform for the development and modeling of Li-ion batteries, which simulates, predicts and optimizes their behavior


oorja is a product of oorja

Two approaches are traditionally used in the design of a Li-ion battery.
With the first, the behavior of a battery is simulated through the use of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) technologies, which allow the product to be represented using numerical models focused on physics modeling and analysis. But, for an accurate prediction, it is necessary to introduce multi-physics analysis, i.e. to introduce further parameters, the electrophysical ones characteristic of batteries for example, which make the actual physical model more complex. To this we must add the increase in product complexity, determined by the introduction of new technologies and new materials, and by attention to environmental sustainability. And it is this complexity that has brought out the limits in adopting this approach: from the increasing calculation times, to the extensive skills that are required (on the software to be used, on the types of analyzes to be carried out, on the characteristics and behaviors of the new materials, to name the main ones).

The second approach, more recent, is instead linked to automatic learning models (Machine Learning) . In this case, datasets are used to design a new battery, consisting of a large number of data collected experimentally.
But how reliable is this data when designing a new product? The design and performance of a battery depend on many factors: the limit in using this approach is the availability of data that is actually useful in the early design phases.

oorja fits into this scenario: the strength of this platform lies in the adoption of a hybrid approach, which exploits the advantages of the two methodologies described above, and overcomes their limitations.

oorja uses an approach based on simple and fast physical models, which will form the basis for the machine learning algorithm, thus reducing the number of data needed for the initial dataset.

oorja simulates and predicts the behavior of batteries, analyzing different performances, such as, for example, the quantity of current produced, the "capacity/power fade", overheating during use, fast charging protocols and related aspects to the guarantee.

At the basis of the methodology there is a workflow made up of 9 modules:

  • Material: Define the material of cells and battery pack features (filler, enclosure, thermal pads, etc.).
  • Data: Upload and clean data for the Machine Learning algorithm.
  • Design: Create or import the battery pack geometry to study.
  • Range: Predict the performance of the battery in the automotive field.
  • Volt: Predict cell performance.
  • Fade: Analyze "capacity/power fade" of cells in real-world operating conditions and drive cycles.
  • Heat: Conduct thermal analysis in normal conditions and thermal runaway (initialization and propagation in the battery pack).
  • Analyze: Compare different solutions.
  • Optimize: Predict degradation and design parameters.

To underline the extremely "user friendly" graphic interface of oorja, which makes the use of the complex methodology extremely simple: it is based on the use of a "wizard", i.e. an automatic system, which guides the user step by step in workflow generation.

Redefining Product Features - Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration. RANGE - Predict vehicle performance and range at the get go. Estimate the impact of real life driving conditions, road conditions and temperature on vehicle range over the life of the vehicle.

Main benefits

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  Computational speed - faster simulations than classic "Physics based solutions"

  Small datasets - less data than required by pure "Machine Learning" approaches

  Ease to use and guided interface

  Performance optimization

  Pack design optimization

  Identification of the "Fast charge" protocol

  Temperature prediction

  "Capacity fade" analysis



Product brochure

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Fast Charging Algorithms - Safety - Thermal Stability - Degradation
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