ViveLab Ergo

ViveLab Ergo

Validazione ergonomica in ambiente virtuale

ViveLab Ergo

ViveLab Ergo è un prodotto ViveLab Ergo Ltd.

ViveLab Ergo è una soluzione innovativa dedicata all’interazione tra macchine, robot e persone, in grado di riprodurre il contesto reale in un ambiente virtuale tridimensionale. Utilizzando un database composto da milioni di campioni antropometrici, ViveLab Ergo è in grado di ricreare il 99% delle caratteristiche umane: mette in evidenza gli effetti, dannosi per la salute, causati da movimenti scorretti o da posture errate, nello svolgimento delle normali attività lavorative.

Attraverso le 7 più diffuse analisi ergonomiche - RULA, OWAS, NASA-OBI, ISO 1226, EN 1005-4, reachability zone, spaghetti diagram -, la tecnologia consente di perfezionare l’ergonomia delle postazioni di lavoro e/o dei prodotti. L'interfaccia user-friendly garantisce inoltre che progettisti, responsabili della sicurezza sul lavoro e designer possano eseguire autonomamente simulazioni o lavorare simultaneamente da qualsiasi punto nel mondo ad uno stesso progetto.

Ergonomic verification in 3D virtual space

Principali vantaggi

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  Ottimizzazione dei flussi di lavoro

  Riduzione degli incidenti

  Incremento dell’efficienza operativa

  Identificazione dei processi automatizzabili

  Coordinamento dell’interazione uomo – macchina

  Validazione ergonomica dei prodotti



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A perspective on simulation in the automotive industry

Face to face with Paul Stewart, design process leader and consultant

Futurities interviewed Paul Stewart about his thoughts on the evolution of simulation’s role in the design process in the automotive industry, the evolving roles of CAD and CAE and the move to freeform deformation in automotive design, as well as the likely impact and role of artificial intelligence technologies in this space.



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Media Center  


A new methodology based on LS-DYNA for integrating product & process engineering of a steel wheel

Wheels are products with key geometrical and structural specifications.

A new methodology is presented, following an integrated process-product analysis approach, showing some benefits related to increased accuracy and the potential application of new optimization methods.

ls-dyna automotive composites

Scopri di più

Le nostre competenze in ViveLab Ergo


Numerical simulations for the structural performance assessments: a connecting rod’s case study

Piaggio Group uses CAE to ensure a new product design’s safety and durability

The connecting rod is one of the most important components in powertrain systems, so it requires very careful structural analyses because its failure implies serious damage to the entire engine.

automotive ansys rail-transport


The importance of numerical simulation in optimizing electrified power transmission systems

Off-road vehicles are evolving towards full sustainability, driving the need for solutions that maximize fuel efficiency while reducing atmospheric emissions. To meet the growing interest in electrification, the significant challenge of power loss management in electric engines must be addressed.

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Damage Estimation of Vehicle through Tsunami Simulation using Particleworks and LS-DYNA

MPS method in fluid computational dynamics offers possibilities for improving the design of vehicle safety

In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.

automotive ls-dyna energy cfd particleworks environmental