Particleworks ist ein Produkt der Prometech Software, Inc.
Die Gittergenerierung bei der numerischen Strömungssimulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics - CFD) ist ein sehr aufwendiger Prozess, der mehrere Wochen in Anspruch nehmen kann. Auch die Berechnung der instationären Strömung selbst bringt einen großen Zeitaufwand mit sich. Diese enormen Zeitaufwände lassen sich aufgrund der immer kürzer getakteten Time-to-Market-Intervalle und verkürzten Produktentstehungszyklen heutzutage kaum noch umsetzen.
Particleworks greift diese Probleme mit seiner Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) Methode auf und ermöglicht dank der implementierten vernetzungsfreien Methodik eine Aufwandsreduktion von fast 90%. Die vielfältigen Anwendungsgebiete erlauben es, innerhalb kürzester Zeit detaillierte Berechnungen durchzuführen und Ihre CFD-Projekte grundlegend zu optimieren. Der Wegfall der Netzerstellung bei der Strömungssimulation in Particleworks lässt die Produktentstehung nicht nur kostengünstiger und effizienter ausfallen, sondern überzeugt auch durch eine deutlich verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche, vereinfachte Handhabung und anschauliche Visualisierungsoptionen.
Particleworks ist eine Strömungssimulations-Software (CFD-Software), die auf der innovativen numerischen Methode der Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) beruht. Particleworks wird von EnginSoft europaweit unterstützt und vertrieben und bietet durch den Wegfall des Vernetzungsprozesses in der Methodik signifikante Einsparmöglichkeit in den Turnaround-Zeiten der Simulationen und damit auch in den Entwicklungskosten. Für konventionelle CFD-Tools schwierige Fragestellungen, wie Free-Surface Flows, lassen sich mit Particleworks ohne Einsatz übermäßiger Rechnerressourcen beantworten. Für CFD-Anwender bietet Particleworks einen robusten und intuitiven Workflow und trägt so zu einem effizienteren CAE-Prozess bei. Schlussendlich kann durch diese MPS-Software die notwenige Anzahl physischer Prototypen auf ein Minimum reduziert, und somit Kosten gespart werden.
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Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) is a meshless method of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) specifically conceived to analyse liquid flows, from the most common liquids like water and oil, to the most complex ones such as highly viscous consumer products, adhesives, polymers, and foods or even semi-solid materials like grease or organic waste.
This publication is a collection of papers addressing different industrial sectors and covering applications ranging from lubrication of transmissions, cooling of engines, prevention of aquaplaning, and fire extinguishing, to the electrification of mobility solutions and the study of snow drifts.
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This article presents the simulation of rainfall on the outdoor unit of an air conditioner as a concrete example of this approach.
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In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.
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Performing flow simulations to investigate the complex loss mechanisms caused by the interaction of the rotating oil ring within a piston in the inside of the roll of a calender, which is an important device of a paper machine. Hereby, the trends of the churning losses are determined for design improvement conducted by Voith Paper R&D.
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Motorsport’s competitive demands drive innovation, such as optimizing fuel tank performance by reducing sloshing and ensuring efficient fuel extraction. This study explores a meshless CFD approach using Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) to streamline workflows and reduce computational costs compared to traditional finite volume method (FVM) CFD.
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In this paper, we discuss the digital modelling and simulation of the EASYRAIN Aquaplaning Intelligent Solution (AIS) using mesh-free moving particle simulation (MPS).
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LIXIL is trying to introduce Particleworks, a meshless multiparticle simulation (MPS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool in the research and development of these products.
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In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.
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Particle-based CFD (computational fluid dynamics) methods have become very popular in recent years due to the simplicity of the model configuration process and the ability to solve free surface problems such as splashing.
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This article discusses the use of moving particle simulation of the oil distribution system to predict heat dissipation and temperature distribution in the engine in order to examine virtual e-drive prototypes to improve their final design.
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This technical article, a collaboration between EnginSoft and ZECO, compares two different methodologies for the study and optimization of impulse turbines, specifically Pelton turbines, in order to evaluate which is the quicker and more reliable method.
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In this paper, we will present the methodology developed by TotalEnergies and EnginSoft to select, design and improve an e-motor by simulating and predicting electromagnetic losses, fluid flow behaviour and temperature distributions.
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This paper presents the preliminary simulation study of a typical centrifuge currently produced by Gamma Meccanica. The objective of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of the centrifuge using moving particle simulation and discrete element method (MPS-DEM) simulation techniques with Particleworks 7.2.1 to gain a better understanding of phenomena that are impossible to monitor experimentally.
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Off-road vehicles are evolving towards full sustainability, driving the need for solutions that maximize fuel efficiency while reducing atmospheric emissions. To meet the growing interest in electrification, the significant challenge of power loss management in electric engines must be addressed.
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Understanding the flow of oil lubrication in transmissions and axles is vital to improving their efficiency and reducing the wear of key components. The choice, and volume of lubricant, and the shape of the gearbox housing can all be optimized for the expected gear speeds, loads, and temperatures.
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In this case study, LION Corporation uses Particleworks to simulate fluid flow to improve the design of a new cap spout for its new HARETA brand of laundry detergent.
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Transmission design is mainly based on the mechanical aspects of the transmission and lubrication is an aspect that is verified, and eventually corrected, based on bench testing, i.e. once the design phase has been completed and a physical prototype is available.
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In this study, the focus was on the oil supply system for the big-end-bearings of an 18-cylinder engine, which is one of the largest four-stroke gas engines in existence, ideal for base load applications. Wärtsilä and EnginSoft created a moving-particle simulation model, a meshless method of solving Navier-Stokes equations, which allows complex geometries with moving parts to be simulated.
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This article introduces a case study on the waterproofing of an automotive air conditioning system for rainy conditions using Particleworks, a particle method CFD software.
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In this technical article, EnginSoft and Prometech explain how they executed a highly complex computational simulation on the fluid-structure interaction of the oil flow inside a reciprocating engine, on behalf of Honda R&D.
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This article presents simulation examples for three types of firefighting equipment for cultural heritage buildings using Particleworks, a CFD software based on the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method: a water discharge gun, a drencher, and a firefighting drone.
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This technical article presents the study of a radial piston hydraulic motor with an outside cam arrangement for Bosch Rexroth Mellansel AB.
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The article describes a study on the behaviour of a vertical-axis washing machine's hydraulic balancer, which is a critical component that helps to balance the load during the spinning phase of the washing cycle. The study was conducted by SPM, a company that specializes in dynamic analysis, to confirm a hypothesis that the flexibility of the tub was causing the imbalance and to validate a proposed modification to stiffen the structure.
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Packaging companies are always striving to stay one step ahead of their competitors in providing the best solutions for product capacity.
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This article presents the simulation of rainfall on the outdoor unit of an air conditioner as a concrete example of this approach.
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