

Soluzione CFD basata su un metodo numerico avanzato, noto come "MPS - Moving Particle Simulation method"


Particleworks è un prodotto Prometech

Particleworks è un software CFD basato su un metodo numerico avanzato, noto come "MPS | Moving Particle Simulation method".

La natura senza mesh di MPS consente una simulazione robusta dei flussi a superficie libera ad alte risoluzioni, risparmiando il tempo necessario per generare mesh per il dominio del fluido.

Particleworks fornisce l'importazione diretta di file dal software CAD per ridurre i costi associati alla generazione di mesh richiesta per il software CFD convenzionale.

Particleworks consente agli ingegneri di modellare e simulare su vasta scala problemi relativi a flussi di superficie liberi, che interagiscono, ad esempio, con i cosiddetti fluidi-rigidi o fluidi-polvere, e che hanno geometrie di contorno complesse.

An advanced CFD Software solution, based on the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method

Principali vantaggi

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  Risparmio in termini di tempo e costi con il metodo "Mesh-free particle"

  Maggiore precisione del flusso di superficie libero

  Superamento dei limiti delle geometrie complesse con le condizioni al contorno flessibili

  Comprensione della modularità delle reazioni chimiche e della miscelazione



Futurities: 2023 special issue on Particleworks

Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) is a meshless method of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) specifically conceived to analyse liquid flows, from the most common liquids like water and oil, to the most complex ones such as highly viscous consumer products, adhesives, polymers, and foods or even semi-solid materials like grease or organic waste.

This publication is a collection of papers addressing different industrial sectors and covering applications ranging from lubrication of transmissions, cooling of engines, prevention of aquaplaning, and fire extinguishing, to the electrification of mobility solutions and the study of snow drifts.

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Optimizing the spray cooling of e-drives with moving particle simulation

This article discusses the use of moving particle simulation of the oil distribution system to predict heat dissipation and temperature distribution in the engine in order to examine virtual e-drive prototypes to improve their final design.

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Damage Estimation of Vehicle through Tsunami Simulation using Particleworks and LS-DYNA

MPS method in fluid computational dynamics offers possibilities for improving the design of vehicle safety

In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.

automotive ls-dyna energy cfd particleworks environmental

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Testing ParticleWorks coupled with RecurDyn to simulate water behavior in water technology products

LIXIL is trying to introduce Particleworks, a meshless multiparticle simulation (MPS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool in the research and development of these products.

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Damage Estimation of Vehicle through Tsunami Simulation using Particleworks and LS-DYNA

MPS method in fluid computational dynamics offers possibilities for improving the design of vehicle safety

In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.

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A design study of a centrifuge for separating water and plastic

This paper presents the preliminary simulation study of a typical centrifuge currently produced by Gamma Meccanica. The objective of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of the centrifuge using moving particle simulation and discrete element method (MPS-DEM) simulation techniques with Particleworks 7.2.1 to gain a better understanding of phenomena that are impossible to monitor experimentally.

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