

Innovative digitale Plattform für die Entwicklung und Modellierung von Batterien, die deren Verhalten simuliert, vorhersagt und optimiert


oorja ist ein Produkt der oorja

Bei der Entwicklung einer Batterie werden traditionell zwei Ansätze verfolgt. Bei der ersten wird das Verhalten einer Batterie durch den Einsatz von CAE-Technologien (Computer Aided Engineering) simuliert, die es ermöglichen, das Produkt mit numerischen Modellen darzustellen, die sich auf die physikalische Modellierung und Analyse konzentrieren. Für eine genaue Vorhersage ist es jedoch notwendig, eine Multiphysik-Analyse durchzuführen, d.h. weitere Parameter einzuführen, z.B. die für Batterien charakteristischen elektrophysikalischen Parameter, die das eigentliche physikalische Modell komplexer machen. Hinzu kommt die zunehmende Komplexität der Produkte, die durch die Einführung neuer Technologien und neuer Materialien sowie durch die Beachtung der Umweltverträglichkeit bestimmt wird. Und es ist diese Komplexität, die die Grenzen dieses Ansatzes aufzeigt: von den zunehmenden Berechnungszeiten bis hin zu den umfangreichen Kenntnissen, die erforderlich sind (über die zu verwendende Software, über die Art der durchzuführenden Analysen, über die Eigenschaften und das Verhalten der neuen Materialien, um nur die wichtigsten zu nennen).

Der zweite, neuere Ansatz ist stattdessen mit automatischen Lernmodellen (maschinelles Lernen) verbunden. In diesem Fall werden Datensätze verwendet, um eine neue Batterie zu entwerfen, die aus einer großen Anzahl von experimentell gesammelten Daten besteht.
Doch wie zuverlässig sind diese Daten bei der Entwicklung eines neuen Produkts? Das Design und die Leistung einer Batterie hängen von vielen Faktoren ab: Die Grenze bei der Anwendung dieses Ansatzes ist die Verfügbarkeit von Daten, die in den frühen Designphasen tatsächlich nützlich sind.

oorja passt in dieses Szenario: Die Stärke dieser Plattform liegt in der Anwendung eines hybriden Ansatzes, der die Vorteile der beiden oben beschriebenen Methoden nutzt und ihre Grenzen überwindet.

oorja verwendet einen Ansatz, der auf einfachen und schnellen physikalischen Modellen basiert, die die Grundlage für den Algorithmus des maschinellen Lernens bilden, wodurch die Anzahl der für den anfänglichen Datensatz benötigten Daten reduziert wird.

oorja simuliert, prognostiziert und optimiert das Verhalten von Batterien und analysiert verschiedene Leistungen, wie z. B. die erzeugte Strommenge, den "Kapazitäts-/Leistungsabfall", die Überhitzung während der Nutzung, Schnellladeprotokolle und damit verbundene Aspekte der Garantie.

Die Grundlage der Methodik ist ein Arbeitsablauf, der aus 9 Modulen besteht:

  • Material: zur Definition des Materials
  • Daten: für die Verwendung von Machine Learning
  • Design: zum Erstellen oder Importieren der zu optimierenden "Packgeometrie"
  • Bereich: zur Vorhersage der Leistung in Bezug auf den Batteriestrom
  • Volt: zur Optimierung der Leistung (z.B. BoL: Begin of Life Leistung)
  • Fade: zur Risikoanalyse, Analyse von Aspekten der Garantie, Analyse des "Kapazitäts-/Leistungsabfalls"
  • Wärme: thermische Analyse, Designoptimierung, um die Abstände zwischen den Zellen oder die Kühlung zu definieren
  • Analysieren: Verschiedene Lösungen vergleichen
  • Optimieren: Vorhersage von Degradation und Designparametern.

Hervorzuheben ist die äußerst "benutzerfreundliche" grafische Oberfläche von oorja, die die Anwendung der komplexen Methodik extrem einfach macht: Sie basiert auf der Verwendung eines "Assistenten", d.h. eines automatischen Systems, das den Benutzer Schritt für Schritt durch die Erstellung des Workflows führt.

Redefining Product Features - Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration. RANGE - Predict vehicle performance and range at the get go. Estimate the impact of real life driving conditions, road conditions and temperature on vehicle range over the life of the vehicle.

  Berechnungsgeschwindigkeit - schnellere Simulationen als klassische "Physik-basierte Lösungen

  Kleine Datensätze - weniger Daten als bei reinen "Machine Learning"-Ansätzen erforderlich

  Benutzerfreundliches und geführtes Interface


  Optimierung des Packungsdesigns

  Identifizierung des "Schnelllade"-Protokolls


  Analyse des "Kapazitätsabfalls



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Fast Charging Algorithms - Safety - Thermal Stability - Degradation
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The Fundamental Role of a Simulation-Based Approach in New High-Technology Product Development

Numerical simulation assists in all phases of product development from scoping and costing to final performance analysis

Simulation is nowadays strongly connected to new product development in most high-technology industries.

ansys electronics


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training courses

LITHIUM BATTERIES course catalogue

Lithium-ion batteries, with their high energy density and long lifespan, are extensively used in a wide range of electronic devices, electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage systems. Explore our range of training courses on oorja, a SaaS platform based on Machine Learning algorithms to analyze and predict the behavior of cells and batteries. By utilizing a limited dataset, it delivers highly accurate and efficient forecasts.


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Numerical analyses of the heat transfer processes of a key cooling system in the ITER reactor

Supporting the design of a critical system with realistic numerical simulations of heat radiation and conjugate heat transfer

The ITER reactor’s electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system launcher requires an effective cooling system due to the strong thermal loads it supports. In supporting the design of this cooling system, NINE performed several numerical studies using the Ansys simulation tools

ansys energy


Ring Rolling of a Wind Tower Flange

A tool to reduce the level of post manufacturing defects, material wastage and overall production costs

An academic study of the hot ring rolling process at ASFO Spa, that it ended with the company using Transvalor Forge as a tool to reduce the level of post manufacturing defects, material wastage and overall production costs

energy forge metal-process-simulation


Reshaping the DEMO Tokamak’s TF Coil with high fidelity Multiphysics CAE and advanced mesh morphing

This article describes the Multiphysics optimization procedure undertaken to ensure the best compromise between electromagnetic and structural compliance for the Toroidal Field coils of the Advanced Divertor Configurations of the toroidal chamber, that holds the plasma in which the fusion reaction takes place.

energy ansys rbf-morph


Numerical simulation of protection systems on agricultural tractors to ensure standards compliancy

Virtual testing of roll-over protection and of falling-object protection in the early design phase ensures safety performance

This technical case study describes how the ROPS and FOPS of a tractor were numerically studied in the early design phase to ensure compliance with OECD Standard Code 4 (for the cabin’s resistance to longitudinal, lateral and vertical energy or force) and Code 10 (for overhead protection from falling objects).

automotive rail-transport ls-dyna


Optimizing the performance of antennas installed on avionics platforms

Rapid and accurate evaluation of platform impact on antenna radiating characteristics is vital

This article discusses the use of the Ansys HFSS SBR+ method for wave propagation analysis that is based on specific EM propagation formulations (commonly referred to as Asymptotic Methods), and which offers an effective alternative in terms of solution accuracy and computational cost. The method’s effectiveness is demonstrated in this case study that considers the analysis of an ESM sinuous antenna installed on an avionics platform.

ansys electronics


Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators

This paper presents the design and first experimental results of a very compact Ku-band bandpass filter for high power satellite applications. The filter was designed and simulated using the Ansys HFSS and Mechanical simulators. Proposed as part of an ESA ARTES Advanced Technology project, the filter is based on dielectric loaded combline resonators.

ansys electronics aerospace


Oil flow simulation in a reciprocating engine at Honda R&D

Particleworks, an innovative particle method simulation tool, playing an important role in previously-unattainable simulation problems

In this technical article, EnginSoft and Prometech explain how they executed a highly complex computational simulation on the fluid-structure interaction of the oil flow inside a reciprocating engine, on behalf of Honda R&D.

automotive cfd particleworks


High Pressure Die Casting Optimization of a Connecting Rod

A multi-objective engineering simulation study of the connecting rods manufacturing process

Connecting rods connect the pistons to the crank shaft in automotive engines and are vital components of the engine. Connecting rods are traditionally produced in ferrous metals by forging or die casting.

metal-process-simulation automotive magma


Tracked Vehicle

RecurDyn offers two Toolkits that are completely dedicated to tracked vehicles

In this example, a tracked bulldozer was simulated to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle on different terrains and with different obstacles. The model can also be used to calculate the loads operating on the vehicle’s structure..

recurdyn automotive mechanics multibody


A History of Vortices

Detecting and mitigating critical flow structures in water pumping stations is a complex engineering task, that has always been based on experimental activities.

GE Power is a world leading supplier of solutions for power generation, from engineering to manufacturing. Detecting and mitigating critical flow structures in water pumping stations is a complex engineering task, that has always been based on experimental activities. Now GE Power can rely also on CFD modelling and on the support of EnginSoft

ansys cfd energy


The Fundamental Role of a Simulation-Based Approach in New High-Technology Product Development

Numerical simulation assists in all phases of product development from scoping and costing to final performance analysis

Simulation is nowadays strongly connected to new product development in most high-technology industries.

ansys electronics


Aero packs in good shape with advanced mesh morphing

How the synergy between Adjoint Methods and RBF Morph can efficiently boost Dallara Automobili’s aerodynamic design process

This article describes a new method of aerodynamic design, the result of a collaboration between Dallara Automobili and RBF Morph, that uses adjoint methods and mesh morphing to create an innovative solution to accelerate the optimization process, reducing both time and costs.

automotive rbf-morph


From saving energy to creating energy

Use pumps as turbines to generate low-cost electricity from existing piping systems

This article describes how SAER ELETTROPOMPE used Ansys CFX to transform "standard" pumps into pumps to be used as turbines.

energy ansys cfd


Creating new services based on reconstruction of accident kinematics with FEM prototypes and a design thinking approach

This article combines the use of the finite element method with a Design Thinking approach to reconstruct a road traffic accident for an traffic accident insurance report in order to analyse the outcome of the accident, compare the respective property damage, and the physical injuries to pedestrians or passengers in order to limit the quantity of large claims compensation for the insurance company, while ensuring the fairness of the compensation for the customer to foster greater trust and credibility in the insurance provider.

automotive ls-dyna


Using Simulation and Modeling for medical Radio Frequency design

A study demonstrating the benefits of simulation over prototyping

The growth of technology and end-user expectations is ever more important in many application areas and medical devices are at the forefront of this innovation process.

ansys electronics


Forklift Dynamics

The forklift’s wheels were represented in detail to implement a sophisticated model of the tire features

A client wanted to evaluate the dynamic performance of a new-concept forklift, so a fully-functional multibody model of the forklift was built by assembling the client’s CAD geometries.

multibody automotive mechanics recurdyn


A new methodology based on LS-DYNA for integrating product & process engineering of a steel wheel

Wheels are products with key geometrical and structural specifications.

A new methodology is presented, following an integrated process-product analysis approach, showing some benefits related to increased accuracy and the potential application of new optimization methods.

ls-dyna automotive composites


Battery modelling and the Goldilocks zone

The article discusses the importance of understanding the behaviour and performance of batteries under different operating conditions, particularly in the context of large-scale adoption of batteries. The hybrid approach has successfully identified the Goldilocks Zone for electrochemical parameters and provides a good match between predicted and experimental data.

automotive oorja energy


The importance of numerical simulation in optimizing electrified power transmission systems

Off-road vehicles are evolving towards full sustainability, driving the need for solutions that maximize fuel efficiency while reducing atmospheric emissions. To meet the growing interest in electrification, the significant challenge of power loss management in electric engines must be addressed.

particleworks automotive


Cost Effective High- Performance Design: Innovation is the Answer

Marelli Motori applies multiphysics simulation to cost-effectively design better, more reliable motors and generators faster

Improving efficiency while reducing cost is a very complex engineering challenge. Marelli Motori makes extensive use of CFD and FEM multiphysics simulation to do just that in the design of its electrical motors and generators.

ansys automotive cfd


Lubrication and heat dissipation in transmissions and bearings

Lubrication and heat dissipation in transmissions and bearings are critical to both the performance and the life of these systems

Transmission design is mainly based on the mechanical aspects of the transmission and lubrication is an aspect that is verified, and eventually corrected, based on bench testing, i.e. once the design phase has been completed and a physical prototype is available.

mechanics particleworks automotive


Electrifying Solutions for Motors and Generators

Marelli Motori engineers use Ansys multiphysics solutions to custom-design motors and generators to solve challenges in hydropower, cogeneration, oil and gas, civil and commercial marine transport, military applications, and ATEX applications involving motors and generators in explosive atmospheres, among other applications.

automotive ansys energy


The use of virtual prototyping tools in the design of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

Interview with Fabrizio Magugliani, Sr. Engineer, Aero/Thermo Analytical Design, Ansaldo Nucleare SpA

Two main reasons have been the drivers for introducing and using CAE simulation technologies and mathematical modeling: safety and achieving optimal design.

ansys energy


Strategy to optimize the independent suspension system of an off-highway, agricultural tractor

The purpose of the case study was to implement a design methodology that used multi-disciplinary simulation and an automated process to analyse thousands of product configurations and highlight vehicle performance distributions in terms of handling, comfort, and cost. This approach ensures that the best solution is always selected.

mechanics modefrontier automotive optimization


Thermal management: challenges in and strategies for developing electrified products

Thermal management (TM) is a critical challenge in developing efficient, compact, and reliable electrified products in the automotive industry and beyond. TM encompasses strategies and technologies that maintain optimal operating temperatures for system components, ensuring safety and efficiency. This study explores TM in electrified products, focusing on the integration of hydraulic units, electric motors, and electronics, and the importance of system-level design from the pre-design phase.

automotive cfd


Engine Dynamics

A four-stroke engine was analyzed in depth by means of a detailed Multibody Dynamics (MBD) simulation

This type of highly-defined model provides valuable outputs: the contact analysis provides detailed information about the pressure and friction between the parts, which is useful for estimating wear

automotive multibody recurdyn


Optimization of water spray parameters by 3D CFD particle simulation for an automotive anti-aquaplaning system

In this paper, we discuss the digital modelling and simulation of the EASYRAIN Aquaplaning Intelligent Solution (AIS) using mesh-free moving particle simulation (MPS).

automotive particleworks


Enhanced low cycle fatigue analysis and the influence of load sequence for an e-motor’s rotor

The article discusses advancements in low cycle fatigue analysis for an electric motor's rotor, focusing on a new method implemented in the FEMFAT software. Traditional methods have limitations in accurately predicting material plasticization due to a lack of consideration for the sequence of load peaks, which can affect component lifespan.

automotive femfat


Improving the reliability of multibody simulation by implementing a hysteretic tyre model for radial dynamics

Multibody simulation is integral to engineering, enabling precise analysis of structural loads and dynamic behaviours in complex systems. In the context of forklifts, where tyres play a critical role due to the absence of suspension systems, accurate tyre modelling is essential. This study develops and validates a hysteretic Bouc-Wen model for the radial dynamics of solid rubber tyres to enhance simulation reliability.

multibody recurdyn mechanics automotive


Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: mean strain effects

The article focuses on the difference in fatigue behaviour between rubber and metal materials. While metal fatigue is often described by a simple rule: increasing mean strain is detrimental to fatigue life, rubber fatigue is more complex and depends on the material's ability to strain crystallize. The text concludes that while tensile mean stresses are always detrimental in metals, in rubber they may be either beneficial or harmful depending on whether the rubber can strain crystallize.

mechanics endurica automotive


A perspective on simulation in the automotive industry

Face to face with Paul Stewart, design process leader and consultant

Futurities interviewed Paul Stewart about his thoughts on the evolution of simulation’s role in the design process in the automotive industry, the evolving roles of CAD and CAE and the move to freeform deformation in automotive design, as well as the likely impact and role of artificial intelligence technologies in this space.



Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

ansys cfd turbomachinery energy oil-gas


Optimizing an offshore wind turbine monopile for hurricane-prone regions

This technical article describes a project led by BLOM Maritime under the auspices of the HS-03 SNAME (the Society of Naval Architects and Maritime Engineers) panel in which ESTECO’s modeFRONTIER process automation and design optimization software was used to optimize the design of a monopile for a 15MW turbine to survive hurricane conditions.

modefrontier energy


Filming the Bloodhound Super Sonic Car Land Speed Record

Using CAE to optimise the design of a prototype for a super sonic filming drone

This detailed technical case study describes how the students arrived at a supersonic aircraft drone prototype using MATLAB and modeFRONTIER in order to reduce the time and costs of numerical and wind-tunnel testing.

automotive modefrontier optimization


CFD simulation of an axial piston pump with Ansys CFX

This work presents the CFD model of an axial piston pump and compares it to a validated 0D model. The main objective of this study was to analyze the flow field inside the pump, focusing on the aspects that involved the main inner volumes, such as the filling and emptying dynamics in the piston chambers and the flow field inside the ducts.

ansys cfd energy


New process to analyze vibrational fatigue of solder joints on printed circuit boards used in electric vehicles

High degree of automation allows assessment of massive number of solder joints and electronic components

This technical article presents a simulation process to analyze fatigue in electronic parts, particularly in solder joints, on printed circuit boards (PCBs).

femfat electronics automotive


Improving the efficiency of an electric arc furnace’s canopy hood

This technical article describes a numerical (transient computational fluid dynamics) simulation applied to study the suction efficiency of a canopy hood in a steel plant’s electric arc furnace with a view to increasing it.

ansys energy


Lucid Motors boosts electric vehicle performance with modeFRONTIER

Performing multi-objective inverter cooling system optimization with modeFRONTIER

This brief article summarises how California-based electric car company, Lucid Motors, used the CAE application, ModeFRONTIER for performing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

automotive optimization modefrontier


New solution for cost-effective electromagnetic analysis

EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program

EnginSoft’s cost-effective solution was successfully created in collaboration with F4E’s expert teams after numerous years spent developing and testing tools, algorithms and customized interfaces in each phase of the Electromagnetic FEM analysis workflow.

energy ansys electronics


RecurDyn helps ensures passenger safety in faster, higher capacity detachable chair lifts

Software facilitates dynamic studies of complex multi-body models to predict accelerations; verify, shape and size structural parts

Dynamic studies are required to predict the accelerations, verify that the cams are properly shaped, and to extract the loads to structurally size the parts.

recurdyn multibody mbd-ansys automotive



The influence of flexibility was considered with the use of both the Reduced Flex and the Full Flex options in RecurDyn

A multibody model of an excavator was developed to calculate the loads acting on the structure and to perform static structural verifications of the different components.

automotive multibody recurdyn mechanics


Application of Particleworks to the design and performance evaluation of waterproofing for automotive air conditioning systems

This article introduces a case study on the waterproofing of an automotive air conditioning system for rainy conditions using Particleworks, a particle method CFD software.

particleworks automotive


Fuel tank sloshing: digital modelling with meshless CFD

Motorsport’s competitive demands drive innovation, such as optimizing fuel tank performance by reducing sloshing and ensuring efficient fuel extraction. This study explores a meshless CFD approach using Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) to streamline workflows and reduce computational costs compared to traditional finite volume method (FVM) CFD.

automotive cfd particleworks


Digitizing a process to standardize the analysis and evaluation of windshield wiper performance

TAE SUNG collaborates with DY Auto to develop dedicated software

This technical article describes a project that was undertaken by TAE SUNG Software and Engineering, in collaboration with DY AUTO in Korea, to establish a computerized process to conduct three-dimensional real-scale analysis of any of the three types of windshield wiper currently in use, and to establish a specific standard for evaluating wiper performance.

automotive ls-dyna ansys


Development and optimization of crash brackets for ECE R29 regulation compliance

IVECO uses modeFRONTIER to simulate results to pass type-approval tests

This paper presents the main steps taken in the development phase of the IVECO cab suspension brackets to comply with the new ECE R29 crash regulation for Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HVC).

modefrontier optimization automotive


CFD analysis of an industrial burner of a regeneration gas heater application

Using CFD analysis to save time and money in designing and testing industrial burners for the oil and gas industry

In this technical case study, EnginSoft was called in to assist in the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flame size of a regeneration gas-fired heater for a project in Oman.

ansys mechanics energy oil-gas


Numerical simulations for the structural performance assessments: a connecting rod’s case study

Piaggio Group uses CAE to ensure a new product design’s safety and durability

The connecting rod is one of the most important components in powertrain systems, so it requires very careful structural analyses because its failure implies serious damage to the entire engine.

automotive ansys rail-transport


DEM-FEM coupling for simulating the manufacturing process of all-solid-state batteries

The article discusses advancements in all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) as safe energy storage solutions, highlighting the challenges in achieving high ion conductivity compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). While ASSBs offer safety and high energy density, issues such as internal resistance and low ionic conductivity hinder their performance.

energy multiscale


Face to face with Pietro Del Negro Senior CAE engineer at Ricardo

How Ricardo predicts the life of motorcycle components

In this article, Del Negro explains how Ricardo is developing solutions to support its customers to predict the lifecycle of motorcycle components, using finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue analysis.

femfat mechanics automotive


Using CFD simulation to optimize the ventilation system of a spray booth

Overspray is a key problem in the paint application process. This phenomenon is caused by inefficiencies of the robots inside the spray booth and can best be solved by balancing the air flow properly in the paint application area.

automotive ansys cfd


Gravity Die Casting of Motorcycle Components

A permanent mold casting study of the mold design and mold-casting process of an aluminum alloy single-sided-swing-arm

The advent of the Naked Motorcycle has changed the way we look at motorcycle parts: they now also need to be aesthetically pleasing because they are mostly visible to the naked eye.

automotive magma metal-process-simulation rail-transport


Cold Forging of a Silent Block Bush Steel Sleeve

Minimize physical prototypes and reduce waste, while reducing the lead time and overall production costs

The object of this study was simulating and optimizing the cold forging process for a silent block bush steel sleeve. A silent block bush is traditionally used in the linkage system of a car suspension, in railway carriages and in agricultural machinery.

metal-process-simulation forge forging automotive


Powering the next generation of off-highway suspension design

Design process integration of an independent suspension axle for off-highway vehicles

This study presents the work undertaken by Dana Incorporated to develop a new independent suspension axle for an off-highway vehicle (OHV). This multi-disciplinary simulation activity combines improvements to the kinematic and dynamic performance of the suspension while also examining the constraints of the mechanical design and the hydraulic system, as well as the cost of the suspension.

modefrontier automotive


A method to conduct dynamic analyses of floating solar structures using AQWA

Structural analysis method also considers response characteristics over time

This technical paper presents an analysis process to accurately examine the environmental loads and structural stability of a Floating photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The method includes a hydrodynamic analysis of the Floating PV in its water-based environment as well as a structural analysis of its structural stability based on the characteristics of motion it undergoes.

ansys energy


Cooling fan module road test simulation

For engine cooling, Johnson Electric offers smart Cooling Fan Modules (CFM) with best in class efficiency and power density

ptimization of the product starts with a strong correlation of the model with specifically designed tests under controlled conditions.

ansys automotive


Optimization of the SLM/DMLS process to manufacture an aerodynamic Formula 1 part

This paper presents the RENAULT F1 Team’s AM process for an aerodynamic insert in titanium Ti6Al4V. Production was optimized by identifying the best orientation for the parts and the best positioning for the support structures in the melting chamber, in addition to using the ANSYS Additive Print module, a simulation software useful for predicting the distortion of a part and for developing a new, 3D, compensated model that guarantees the best “as-built” quality.

automotive additive-manufacturing optimization


Development of a methodology and tools for tolerances in vehicle electrification to meet future customer demand and ensure competitive advantage

EnginSoft and Metasystem develop design validation, verification methodology for highperformance on-board chargers for electric vehicles

This article describes how EnginSoft supported Metasystem in acquiring the know-how to satisfy future customer requests on the one hand, and to create projects that are as profitable as possible in terms of waste minimization, on the other hand.

automotive tolerances cetol


Accurate modeling and simulation of belt-type continuously variable transmissions

RecurDyn facilitates virtualization of dynamic systems governed by both contacts and large flexibility

RecurDyn software allows belt-type systems, including CVTs, to be both modelled and simulated accurately. The dedicated “Belt Toolkit”, which is an automated modeling assistant, includes all of the components found in a belt-type transmission.

automotive rail-transport recurdyn


Analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamics of a paint shop’s hot water distribution network

This article describes an analysis of the performance of a hot water distribution piping network consisting of a main boiler and various utilities inside an automotive paint shop based in France. The simulation is performed using Flownex, a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) software with concentrated parameters.

automotive flownex


Using simulation and validation to build trust in new tools

A multibody simulation of a switch disconnector

This article describes the multibody simulation of a switch disconnector and its validation with experimental tests, undertaken by LOVATO Electric for the purpose of conducting a detailed evaluation of a potential new tool to design the mechanical part of its electrical devices.

recurdyn multibody electronics


Using multidisciplinary optimization for engine suspension stiffness

Optimizing idling and ride comfort

In this technical article, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles explain how they created a multibody optimization project to identify the optimal values for the powertrain suspension stiffness for a three-cylinder engine in order to minimize the vibrations at idle condition and ensuring greater ride comfort to the passengers.

automotive optimization modefrontier


Using CAE simulation to verify the structural safety and performance of a two-wheeler’s driving mechanism

Coupled simulation methods enables more accurate evaluation

In this article, we describe how Piaggio used computer-assisted engineering simulation to evaluate the structural safety, performance and dynamic behavior of the driving mechanism of a two-wheeled vehicle under both normal and spurious operating conditions, specifically static and fast dynamic conditions.

automotive multibody


Damage Estimation of Vehicle through Tsunami Simulation using Particleworks and LS-DYNA

MPS method in fluid computational dynamics offers possibilities for improving the design of vehicle safety

In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.

automotive ls-dyna energy cfd particleworks environmental


Optimization of an automotive manufacturing system design taking into account regional requirements

Applying CAE to facilitate business CapEx decision making in the automotive manufacturing sector

In this case study, EnginSoft engineers explain how they used modeFRONTIER to assist Comau, a Fiat Chrysler subsidiary, to optimize their approach to the preliminary design of production systems for automotive manufacturing system RFQs.

automotive optimization rail-transport modefrontier SIMUL8 iphysics industry4


Ensuring product innovation and lifetime product performance right from the design phase

Lovato Electrics chooses ANSYS MAXWELL to guarantee it brings superior products to market in less time

Lovato Electric is committed to delivering innovation through its products and so it commissioned EnginSoft to help it create a pilot project in order to compare and finally select an electromagnetic field simulation software solution.

ansys electronics


Multiphase CFD Analysis of Condensation in Automotive Headlamps

A new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes

EnginSoft implemented a new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes inside automotive headlamps for Automotive Lighting, a leading supplier of quality headlights to the OEM market

automotive cfd ansys rail-transport


CFD study to optimize the cooling performance of a narrow specialty tractor

Numerical modelling reveals design strengths and weaknesses prior to prototype testing, saving time and money

In this technical article, a CFD study of various designs for four different specialty tractors: two brands of specialty tractors for vineyard configurations, and two brands of specialty tractors for orchard configurations, are described.

automotive ansys cfd


Multiphase fluid dynamics simulation of electric expansion valves for refrigeration and air conditioning applications

Evaluating the ability of numerical methods to replace experimental testing to calculate the capacities of expansion valves

This article details a study that was undertaken by Castel, a producer of refrigeration and air conditioning components, to compare the results of an experimental method for testing expansion valves with a numerical method using Ansys.

ansys energy


Optimizing a cam mechanism using Adam and MATLAB

The design of a cam for high-speed production machines with various operating criteria imposes various conflicting objectives

This technical case study explains the application of a two-step methodology using the MATLAB and Adam algorithms in the modeFRONTIER software platform.

optimization modefrontier automotive


Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems Performance Modeling

Model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE)

EnginSoft developed a 3D CFD model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE) arrays and their interaction with the wind.

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Drag Optimization of the E-1 Electric Racecar

A FIA E-1 class racecar was being developed by Brigham Young University to set a world speed record for Electric Vehicles

The car is designed to race on the ultra-flat Salt Flats in Bonneville, Utah. The racecar weighs less than 500kg so increasing the downforce was critical. Reducing aerodynamic drag was also critical due to the power requirements of the racecar.

cfd automotive


Durability and Buckling Analysis of Storage Tanks

Teknokon Machinery has developed its know-how in design and manufacturing of various types of storage tanks

By taking advantage of EnginSoft experience in Simulation Based Engineering, by means of the FEM analysis, the Durability, Structural Integrity and Buckling behavior of a new group of toxic liquid and fuel storage tanks have been investigated.

energy mechanics ansys


Exploring multi-resolution particle CFD methods

Particle-based CFD (computational fluid dynamics) methods have become very popular in recent years due to the simplicity of the model configuration process and the ability to solve free surface problems such as splashing.

automotive particleworks


LS-DYNA and modeFRONTIER for Material Model Calibration at Automobili Lamborghini

The main challenge is to reproduce their structural behavior by developing suitable numerical models

While the engineers relied on modeFRONTIER's capabilities, the procedure has been to calibrate the constitutive parameters of LS-DYNA's advanced material models, and to use them for prediction, design optimization and robustness analysis.

modefrontier ls-dyna automotive composites


New Ferry boat: Emax 2 circuit breaker tolerance analysis for maximum efficiency in panelbuilding

EnginSoft engineers help ABB optimize the Emax 2 design to allow ABB’s client IMESA to create a highly compact switchgear column for a state-of-the-art ferryboat

In this technical case study, we illustrate how EnginSoft engineers helped ABB to optimize the design of the Emax2 project.

tolerances cetol electronics mechanics eztol


Agricultural equipment suppliers use CAE to improve product performance, safety and desirability

CAE technologies also reduce design and testing times, and design costs

This case study describes how the company’s R&D team used ANYSYS and Spaceclaim to conduct Finite Element Method analyses to refine the design of a new model of a sprayer boom used by farmers to distribute phytosanitary products over fields for crop protection.

ansys automotive rail-transport


The design optimization of a small axial turbine with millions of configurations

The case for computerized optimization over manual design interventions

In this article, we show that the main turbine characteristics, such as efficiency and exit flow angle, can be sufficiently improved using parametric optimization.

modefrontier energy optimization


Simulation-Based Engineering Science: a heritage to cherish and invest in for a sustainable future

The adoption of SBES has significantly increased in the last two decades, driven by advancements in computing technology and the rise of Industry 4.0, which promotes nine key enabling technologies, including engineering simulation and big data analytics. SBES is crucial for the integration and automation of production systems, improving flexibility, speed, and quality.

automotive construction energy cfd metal-process-simulation


Transient CFD Analysis of a Pelton Turbine

The performance evaluation to upgrade an existing hydropower plant

EnginSoft developed a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis methodology for the performance evaluation of a Pelton turbine

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Fuel Injection

A multibody model was developed using RecurDyn to study the high-speed dynamic behavior of the injector during a typical work cycle

The model contains both rigid and flexible bodies: the pin was modelled using the proprietary Full Flex technology which includes a Finite Element body in the dynamic simulation.

recurdyn mbd-ansys automotive multibody


Comparing finite volume and particle CFD simulation methods for understanding lubrication in automotive transmissions and axles

Understanding the flow of oil lubrication in transmissions and axles is vital to improving their efficiency and reducing the wear of key components. The choice, and volume of lubricant, and the shape of the gearbox housing can all be optimized for the expected gear speeds, loads, and temperatures.

automotive particleworks


Optimizing the cable routing for a hyper-redundant inspection robot for harsh, hazardous environments

A multi-objective optimization framework to reduce the actuation loads and increase the payload

This article discusses a multi-objective optimization study to determine the optimal matrix for the routing of the actuating cable system in order to minimize the cable load on the robot and maximize the robot’s payload.

optimization modefrontier mechanics electronics


CFD study of a Pelton turbine runner

Comparison between traditional Eulerian and novel Lagrangian approaches

This technical article, a collaboration between EnginSoft and ZECO, compares two different methodologies for the study and optimization of impulse turbines, specifically Pelton turbines, in order to evaluate which is the quicker and more reliable method.

cfd particleworks energy


Woodrail Road Barrier Impact Analysis

The Woodrail® road barrier is designed to improve vehicle safety blending in with the surrounding environment.

The barrier has been thoroughly tested and certified against car and bus impact conditions.

automotive ls-dyna


Intermarine Shipyard tests Flownex SE for its naval piping systems

Software found to save time in the design phase

This technical article describes a comparative study that was undertaken by Intermarine, with the assistance of EnginSoft, between using the Flownex simulation environment and Intermarine’s manual or classic methods (both of which were compared with actual field data from on-board measurements) to predict pressure losses in the various piping systems that convey fluids on board a vessel.

marine energy oil-gas flownex


Ultra-Wide Band Radome CAE Optimization

Overcoming mechanical and electromagnetic challenges in refining a radome for electronic warfare

Elettronica SpA designs and produces systems for electronic warfare. Each system design is unique according to its platform and purpose. In this article, the company describes how it used CAE to approach the challenging design of a single sandwich radome.

ansys optimization electronics


Rubber fatigue ≠ metal fatigue: what to do when linear superposition fails

This article presents the challenges of conducting fatigue analysis on rubber components due to their nonlinear behaviour, contrasting this with linear superposition methods used in metal fatigue analysis. Traditional linear methods are effective for linear materials, allowing for efficient stress-strain history generation through the scaling of finite element (FE) solutions based on input load histories. However, these methods fail for rubber because of its complex material properties and behaviours.

endurica automotive


Real data integration in a data-driven approach for track signal definition

Methodology to generate road profiles for predicting vehicle behaviour in a virtual environment: reproduction of real road and off-road conditions.

The article focuses on the increasing importance of simulation in product development, particularly for vehicles, to identify potential issues early and reduce costs associated with design changes. As physical prototypes become more expensive to modify, integrating virtual testing allows for the assessment of design parameters and product performance before mass production.



Optimizing the spray cooling of e-drives with moving particle simulation

This article discusses the use of moving particle simulation of the oil distribution system to predict heat dissipation and temperature distribution in the engine in order to examine virtual e-drive prototypes to improve their final design.

particleworks automotive


Comparing cooling methods for e-motors

A simulation methodology developed by TotalEnergies

In this paper, we will present the methodology developed by TotalEnergies and EnginSoft to select, design and improve an e-motor by simulating and predicting electromagnetic losses, fluid flow behaviour and temperature distributions.

automotive electronics particleworks


Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

construction modefrontier ansys optimization energy


Controlled Floater for Marine Pipeline Towing

A system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields

A developer of innovative equipment designed a system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields.

energy modefrontier optimization oil-gas recurdyn