CompareVidia ist ein Produkt der Capvidia.
CompareVidia ist eine einfach zu bedienende Anwendung zum Validieren und Vergleichen von CAD-Modellen. Ein einfacher Arbeitsablauf ermöglicht es Ihnen, zwei CAD-Modelle zu laden und sie anhand Ihrer Kriterien zu vergleichen. Die Modelle werden entweder als BESTANDEN oder als NICHT BESTANDEN eingestuft. Es wird automatisch ein Bericht erstellt, der die Einhaltung von Standards wie Boeings D6-51991 "Quality Assurance Standard for Digital Product Definition" digital zertifiziert.
CompareVidia ist die bevorzugte Lösung führender Hersteller und bietet eine effiziente, leistungsstarke und automatische Methode zur Validierung der Integrität von CAD-Modellen in verschiedenen Phasen des digitalen Produktlebenszyklus.
Find out how and why to implement Model-based definition (MBD).
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Special Springs commissioned EnginSoft’s engineers to calculate the production cost repercussions of a technical product modification requested by an important customer.
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training courses
The training course on geometric product specification and tolerance analysis addresses the issues related to tolerance management and the approach known as "Dimensional Management", which defines the activities involved and their sequence for achieving the desired quality at the lowest possible cost. We offer a wide range of training courses – scheduled, on-demand and customized – designed to meet the varying needs of individuals and/or the company in which they work: SO-GPS, ASME-GD&T standards, Tolerance analysis and model-based definition, and Software technologies training.
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Unsere Expertise im CompareVidia
In a recent interview, Enrico Boesso (EnginSoft) and Daniel Campbell (Capvidia) discussed how Model-Based Definition (MBD) is transforming manufacturing by replacing traditional 2D drawings with data-rich 3D models as the "single source of truth".
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Special Springs commissioned EnginSoft’s engineers to calculate the production cost repercussions of a technical product modification requested by an important customer.
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In this technical case study, we illustrate how EnginSoft engineers helped ABB to optimize the design of the Emax2 project.
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This article examines the simulation of an RCD to determine the factors that affect its response times.
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This case study describes ISEO’s project to introduce a global dimensional management approach based on CETOL6σ that starts from the product concept phase and includes design development and prototyping and extends on to cover all other phases of production through to the finished product, with the guidance and support of EnginSoft.
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This article describes how EnginSoft supported Metasystem in acquiring the know-how to satisfy future customer requests on the one hand, and to create projects that are as profitable as possible in terms of waste minimization, on the other hand.
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