

Validation CAO dérivée et comparaison des révisions


CompareVidia est un produit de Capvidia.

CompareVidia est une application facile à utiliser pour valider et comparer des modèles CAO. Un flux de travail simple vous permet de charger deux modèles CAO et de les comparer en fonction de vos critères. Les modèles sont classés comme RÉUSSI ou ÉCHEC. Un rapport est automatiquement généré pour certifier numériquement la conformité à des normes telles que la « Norme d’assurance qualité pour la définition de produits numériques » D6-51991 de Boeing.

Solution préférée des principaux fabricants, CompareVidia offre un moyen efficace, puissant et automatique de valider l'intégrité des modèles CAO à différentes étapes du cycle de vie des produits numériques.


   Validation de l’export 3D : comparez les fichiers CAO natifs, neutres et dérivés.

   Approbation Boeing D6-51991 et DPD : réussite de la validation des exigences DPD pour Boeing, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, ULA, Northrop Grumman, et plus encore.

   Ordres de modification technique : gérez ces ordres en comparant les révisions CAO pour les modifications prévues et involontaires.

Solutions MBD pour la production et la qualité : CAPVIDIA

Les flux de travaux basés sur des modèles, assurant des données lisibles entre les hommes et les différents moyens de production pour une meilleur communication entre la conception, la production et la qualité.

Découvrez comment et pourquoi implémenter la définition basée sur un modèle (MBD).

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MBD productivity and quality software: Capvidia
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ISEO adopts Cetol 6σ for a global approach to dimensional management

Technical collaboration and support from EnginSoft key to achieving maximum benefit from the solution

This case study describes ISEO’s project to introduce a global dimensional management approach based on CETOL6σ that starts from the product concept phase and includes design development and prototyping and extends on to cover all other phases of production through to the finished product, with the guidance and support of EnginSoft.

tolerances cetol mechanics


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training courses


The training course on geometric product specification and tolerance analysis addresses the issues related to tolerance management and the approach known as "Dimensional Management", which defines the activities involved and their sequence for achieving the desired quality at the lowest possible cost. We offer a wide range of training courses – scheduled, on-demand and customized – designed to meet the varying needs of individuals and/or the company in which they work: SO-GPS, ASME-GD&T standards, Tolerance analysis and model-based definition, and Software technologies training.

cetol tolerances

En savoir plus

Nos compétences en CompareVidia


ISEO adopts Cetol 6σ for a global approach to dimensional management

Technical collaboration and support from EnginSoft key to achieving maximum benefit from the solution

This case study describes ISEO’s project to introduce a global dimensional management approach based on CETOL6σ that starts from the product concept phase and includes design development and prototyping and extends on to cover all other phases of production through to the finished product, with the guidance and support of EnginSoft.

tolerances cetol mechanics


Development of a methodology and tools for tolerances in vehicle electrification to meet future customer demand and ensure competitive advantage

EnginSoft and Metasystem develop design validation, verification methodology for highperformance on-board chargers for electric vehicles

This article describes how EnginSoft supported Metasystem in acquiring the know-how to satisfy future customer requests on the one hand, and to create projects that are as profitable as possible in terms of waste minimization, on the other hand.

automotive tolerances cetol


New Ferry boat: Emax 2 circuit breaker tolerance analysis for maximum efficiency in panelbuilding

EnginSoft engineers help ABB optimize the Emax 2 design to allow ABB’s client IMESA to create a highly compact switchgear column for a state-of-the-art ferryboat

In this technical case study, we illustrate how EnginSoft engineers helped ABB to optimize the design of the Emax2 project.

tolerances cetol electronics mechanics eztol