RecurDyn ist ein Produkt der FunctionBay Inc.
RecurDyn ist eine überlegene Multi-Flexible-Body-Dynamics (MFBD) Softwarelösung mit bemerkenswerter Kontakttechnologie und leistungsstarkem Solver für komplexe Mehrkörper-Modelle mit mehreren Kontaktpunkten und flexiblen Körpern.
Diese Softwarelösung ist intuitiv und benutzerfreundliche und ermöglicht dem Nutzer, mit Leichtigkeit die Anwendungsumgebung anzupassen und individuell zu gestalten, um komplizierte und mühsame Arbeitsschritte zu erleichtern.
Durch die Kombination der Kraft eines optimierten, rekursiven Solvers mit einer herausragenden Kontakttechnologie liefert die MFBD-Software hervorragende Simulationsergebnisse. Die Effektivität von RecurDyn wird besonders mit Hinblick auf große Mehrkörpermodelle, mit vielen Kontaktpunkten und flexiblen Bauteilen unter Beweis gestellt. Neben seinem starken Solver, zeichnet sich diese MFBD-Softwarelösung durch eine natürliche, benutzerfreundliche und windowsbasierte Modellierungsfläche sowie seine individuell gestaltbare Anwendungsumgebung aus. Dies ermöglicht die Automatisierung komplizierter und mühsamer Aufgaben.
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The final portion of the paper path of a laser printer has been studied using the Media Transport Toolkit to evaluate the influence of the corrugating roller which is used to corrugate the sheet to keep it straight before falling into the tray.
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training courses
In the Multibody environment more than in any other knowledge of software functionality and the ability to apply it to practical problems dictates the difference between success and failure. RecurDyn courses, designed by EnginSoft, are tailored to enable our clients to become effective in the shortest possible time.
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Unsere Expertise im RecurDyn
In this example, a tracked bulldozer was simulated to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle on different terrains and with different obstacles. The model can also be used to calculate the loads operating on the vehicle’s structure..
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This technical article describes a project undertaken by OPEM to optimize and validate the laws of motion governing the moving operations of a machine that produces coffee capsules, namely the cut and weld unit, the film feeder, the conveyor and the support structure.
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Multibody simulation is integral to engineering, enabling precise analysis of structural loads and dynamic behaviours in complex systems. In the context of forklifts, where tyres play a critical role due to the absence of suspension systems, accurate tyre modelling is essential. This study develops and validates a hysteretic Bouc-Wen model for the radial dynamics of solid rubber tyres to enhance simulation reliability.
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This article describes the multibody simulation of a switch disconnector and its validation with experimental tests, undertaken by LOVATO Electric for the purpose of conducting a detailed evaluation of a potential new tool to design the mechanical part of its electrical devices.
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A client wanted to evaluate the dynamic performance of a new-concept forklift, so a fully-functional multibody model of the forklift was built by assembling the client’s CAD geometries.
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A developer of innovative equipment designed a system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields.
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A multibody model of an excavator was developed to calculate the loads acting on the structure and to perform static structural verifications of the different components.
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Today, numerical simulation and experimental testing are used to qualify products in different stages of the development process.
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A virtual prototype of a belt must necessarily include the high flexibility of the belt itself, as well as a detailed description of the contacts. This is another scenario where RecurDyn provides better functionality than its competitors.
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The premium software RecurDyn was used to simulate a Double Pole Single Throw Switch using three different modeling schemes. A comparison of the results provided useful information for the designers.
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LIXIL is trying to introduce Particleworks, a meshless multiparticle simulation (MPS) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool in the research and development of these products.
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The article describes a study on the behaviour of a vertical-axis washing machine's hydraulic balancer, which is a critical component that helps to balance the load during the spinning phase of the washing cycle. The study was conducted by SPM, a company that specializes in dynamic analysis, to confirm a hypothesis that the flexibility of the tub was causing the imbalance and to validate a proposed modification to stiffen the structure.
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Dynamic studies are required to predict the accelerations, verify that the cams are properly shaped, and to extract the loads to structurally size the parts.
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Stranding and closing planetary machines are huge pieces of equipment designed to twist multiple heavy spools of strand at noticeable speed, to manufacture large section steel ropes.
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This type of highly-defined model provides valuable outputs: the contact analysis provides detailed information about the pressure and friction between the parts, which is useful for estimating wear
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Packaging companies are always striving to stay one step ahead of their competitors in providing the best solutions for product capacity.
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This is a classic scenario that exploits the best features of RecurDyn software, such as the Full-Flex and the Geo-Contact technology.
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In this example, a gluer machine was studied using RecurDyn
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This technical article describes a human body model (HBM) wizard developed for RecurDyn and discusses what is already possible and what is in the development pipeline for the near future. Biomotion Solutions provides software to quickly build HBMs in industrial-grade simulation packages.
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This article examines the simulation of an RCD to determine the factors that affect its response times.
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The final portion of the paper path of a laser printer has been studied using the Media Transport Toolkit to evaluate the influence of the corrugating roller which is used to corrugate the sheet to keep it straight before falling into the tray.
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RecurDyn software allows belt-type systems, including CVTs, to be both modelled and simulated accurately. The dedicated “Belt Toolkit”, which is an automated modeling assistant, includes all of the components found in a belt-type transmission.
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The model contains both rigid and flexible bodies: the pin was modelled using the proprietary Full Flex technology which includes a Finite Element body in the dynamic simulation.
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Salvagnini is a reference in applying intelligence to sheet metal working and has selected RecurDyn software for its multibody analysis requirements, becoming the 500th commercial customer of FunctionBay Inc.
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In this example, these features were tested by simulating the motion of a very thin plastic film (32µm) being dragged by two rollers.
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