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This paper presents the preliminary simulation study of a typical centrifuge currently produced by Gamma Meccanica. The objective of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of the centrifuge using moving particle simulation and discrete element method (MPS-DEM) simulation techniques with Particleworks 7.2.1 to gain a better understanding of phenomena that are impossible to monitor experimentally.
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The study described in this article was designed to obtain greater insight into the gas transfer mechanism at microscopic scale using computational fluid dynamics in order to accelerate design exploration to find the optimal solution.
biomechanics ansys
Unsere Expertise im Total Materia
The study described in this article was designed to obtain greater insight into the gas transfer mechanism at microscopic scale using computational fluid dynamics in order to accelerate design exploration to find the optimal solution.
biomechanics ansys
Spiral bevel gear pairs (SBGs) play an important role in transferring power between non-parallel shafts in transmission systems. This paper presents the dynamic results of the case study investigated and illustrates nonlinear phenomena.
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This article presents an example of a proposed design optimization approach with a case study.
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This article provides a non-exhaustive overview of some of the latest advances in the adoption of CAE technologies in the medical field by citing some ongoing EU research programs.
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The premium software RecurDyn was used to simulate a Double Pole Single Throw Switch using three different modeling schemes. A comparison of the results provided useful information for the designers.
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Gamma Meccanica’s R&D department is constantly researching new solutions to improve the overall performance of equipment, production capacity and reliability while developing environmentally sustainable processes and applications to benefit its customers.
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The purpose of the case study was to implement a design methodology that used multi-disciplinary simulation and an automated process to analyse thousands of product configurations and highlight vehicle performance distributions in terms of handling, comfort, and cost. This approach ensures that the best solution is always selected.
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This technical article details the application of the methodology developed using ANSYS WorkBench
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In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.
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This paper demonstrates how the biological growth method, studied by Mattheck in the 1990s, can be easily implemented for structural shape optimization finite element method (FEM) analyses using advanced radial basis functions (RBF) mesh morphing.
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This technical article describes an acoustic emissions study conducted on an electric water circulation pump used for supplementary cooling or heating functions in vehicles, by the Modeling & Simulation Pumps Department of Pierburg Pump Technology
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This paper presents the preliminary simulation study of a typical centrifuge currently produced by Gamma Meccanica. The objective of this study is to evaluate the behaviour of the centrifuge using moving particle simulation and discrete element method (MPS-DEM) simulation techniques with Particleworks 7.2.1 to gain a better understanding of phenomena that are impossible to monitor experimentally.
mechanics particleworks
Stacker cranes handle pallet placement in the warehouse, moving longitudinally along the aisles between the warehouse shelves to deposit and retrieve loads. Stacker cranes are susceptible to earthquakes that can damage them and the racks around them.
mechanics civil-engineering
In this technical case study, EnginSoft assists Casappa to further refine an already-optimized standard series pump for an electrical motor and generator
mechanics optimization modefrontier
This technical article describes a project undertaken by OPEM to optimize and validate the laws of motion governing the moving operations of a machine that produces coffee capsules, namely the cut and weld unit, the film feeder, the conveyor and the support structure.
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This technical article describes how high-end numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were applied to mimic the realistic operating conditions of a Ventricular Assist Device (VADs) and analyze its hemodynamics in order to identify potential areas for optimization of the device’s performance, safety and efficacy.
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This technical article describes a human body model (HBM) wizard developed for RecurDyn and discusses what is already possible and what is in the development pipeline for the near future. Biomotion Solutions provides software to quickly build HBMs in industrial-grade simulation packages.
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A fascinating article on the origin, history, and evolution of roller coasters from their earliest prototypes in Russia in the 16th century on the banks of the Neva River of St. Petersburg, and then dives into detail on how numerical simulation of roller coasters works to ensure their success both as entertainment and from a safety perspective for users and operators.
mechanics civil-engineering construction optimization
In this article, Del Negro explains how Ricardo is developing solutions to support its customers to predict the lifecycle of motorcycle components, using finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue analysis.
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Optimization tools, and specifically response surface methods (RSM), can be adapted very well in the design process to provide information around the design of a compressor stage. This article will cover two of the possible optimization uses: the search of optimum performance and data generation.
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Cimolai Technology explains the business benefits it has achieved since the installation in terms of time savings in planning, and design, and improvements in product quality and in delivery forecast ability.
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A client wanted to evaluate the dynamic performance of a new-concept forklift, so a fully-functional multibody model of the forklift was built by assembling the client’s CAD geometries.
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In the lime industry, the process engineers of Cimprogretti advise on process safety, analyse and interpret laboratory and plant data and provide specialised support to ensure the technical integrity of equipment and plants.
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Transmission design is mainly based on the mechanical aspects of the transmission and lubrication is an aspect that is verified, and eventually corrected, based on bench testing, i.e. once the design phase has been completed and a physical prototype is available.
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Mesh morphing has proven to be a valuable tool in parametrizing numerical models to perform shape optimization. It allows engineers to save time in generating new configurations for analysis because it does not require geometry modification and mesh re-generation.
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Nederman’s Air Purification Tower is the perfect choice if source extraction is not a satisfying option.
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Have you ever grappled with the nonlinearity of materials? This article introduces Multiscale.Sim’s curve-fitting feature for predicting material constants for viscoelastic problems.
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This case study describes ISEO’s project to introduce a global dimensional management approach based on CETOL6σ that starts from the product concept phase and includes design development and prototyping and extends on to cover all other phases of production through to the finished product, with the guidance and support of EnginSoft.
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Stranding and closing planetary machines are huge pieces of equipment designed to twist multiple heavy spools of strand at noticeable speed, to manufacture large section steel ropes.
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This study discusses the complex and challenging problem of controlling vortex-induced vibrations (VIV).
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This article presents an example of the analysis of a powder composed of spherical particles. Since powders have a very fine heterogeneous structure, a multi-scale approach based on homogenization analysis is proposed.
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In this example, a gluer machine was studied using RecurDyn
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Special Springs commissioned EnginSoft’s engineers to calculate the production cost repercussions of a technical product modification requested by an important customer.
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This article discusses a multi-objective optimization study to determine the optimal matrix for the routing of the actuating cable system in order to minimize the cable load on the robot and maximize the robot’s payload.
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The final portion of the paper path of a laser printer has been studied using the Media Transport Toolkit to evaluate the influence of the corrugating roller which is used to corrugate the sheet to keep it straight before falling into the tray.
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In this article, Uteco describes how it applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to assist the design and improvement of its printing machines.
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Vin Service, founded in 1976, is a world leader in dispenser technology and the first Italian manufacturer of draft-wine dispensers. Its core business is in the dispensing equipment industry and in cooling systems for beverages.
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A multibody model of an excavator was developed to calculate the loads acting on the structure and to perform static structural verifications of the different components.
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This article discusses a realistic multi-objective parameter optimization study of a highly athletic one-legged robot, called Skippy, in which both the parameters of the mechanism and the parameters of its optimal behaviors were sought.
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This article describes how the company created and tested a process to construct a parametric CAD model capable of providing its designers with a starting point for any new machine to be designed.
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In this technical case study, EnginSoft was called in to assist in the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flame size of a regeneration gas-fired heater for a project in Oman.
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Multibody simulation is integral to engineering, enabling precise analysis of structural loads and dynamic behaviours in complex systems. In the context of forklifts, where tyres play a critical role due to the absence of suspension systems, accurate tyre modelling is essential. This study develops and validates a hysteretic Bouc-Wen model for the radial dynamics of solid rubber tyres to enhance simulation reliability.
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Performing flow simulations to investigate the complex loss mechanisms caused by the interaction of the rotating oil ring within a piston in the inside of the roll of a calender, which is an important device of a paper machine. Hereby, the trends of the churning losses are determined for design improvement conducted by Voith Paper R&D.
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The avoidance or reduction of chainsaw kickback is a key safety feature for manufacturers. The challenges for engineers are to obtain more accurate analyses of the problem over the tool’s lifecycle.
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Further reduction of the heat loss compared to the best design of the NSGA-II first phase design optimization: a further 4% gained
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In a recent interview, Enrico Boesso (EnginSoft) and Daniel Campbell (Capvidia) discussed how Model-Based Definition (MBD) is transforming manufacturing by replacing traditional 2D drawings with data-rich 3D models as the "single source of truth".
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The Arvedi Group approached the University of Trieste to find a solution to the uneven distribution of material inside the hopper of their blast furnace in Trieste, Italy.
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The article focuses on the difference in fatigue behaviour between rubber and metal materials. While metal fatigue is often described by a simple rule: increasing mean strain is detrimental to fatigue life, rubber fatigue is more complex and depends on the material's ability to strain crystallize. The text concludes that while tensile mean stresses are always detrimental in metals, in rubber they may be either beneficial or harmful depending on whether the rubber can strain crystallize.
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By taking advantage of EnginSoft experience in Simulation Based Engineering, by means of the FEM analysis, the Durability, Structural Integrity and Buckling behavior of a new group of toxic liquid and fuel storage tanks have been investigated.
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Oil or gas pipelines that cover long distances pose complex design challenges. Every environment the pipeline crosses is characterized by different potential geohazards. One of the most dangerous for a pipeline is a rockfall.
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In this technical case study, we illustrate how EnginSoft engineers helped ABB to optimize the design of the Emax2 project.
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In this interview, engineer Luca Cavalli, of Immergas’ advanced engineering team, discusses the technical and business benefits the company has realised since first introducing Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) technologies into its R&D department in 1997.
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In this example, these features were tested by simulating the motion of a very thin plastic film (32µm) being dragged by two rollers.
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In this example, a tracked bulldozer was simulated to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle on different terrains and with different obstacles. The model can also be used to calculate the loads operating on the vehicle’s structure..
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This article proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to address these complexities.
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The following article explains how this new approach to the design of automated machines can enable industrial automation OEMs and system integrators to achieve these business imperatives with the assistance of industrialPhysics simulation software.
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Since this cannot be accurately measured in an implanted stent, manufacturers decided to use Multiphysics to simulate the process to better understand the method and to calculate the forces operating on the implant in order to improve the stent design and the surgical procedure, as described in this article.
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In this case study, LION Corporation uses Particleworks to simulate fluid flow to improve the design of a new cap spout for its new HARETA brand of laundry detergent.
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