EnginSoft è un'azienda che opera da 40 anni nella consulenza ingegneristica e trasferimento tecnologico, con un attivo di +100 progetti co-finanziati in ambito Europeo, Nazionale e Regionale.
A partire dal 1998, collaboriamo e coordiniamo progetti co-finanziati, ricoprendo spesso un ruolo strategico, che ci ha consentito di essere riconosciuti dalla Commissione Europea come Key Innovator e dal MIUR come Laboratorio di Trasferimento Tecnologico.
Il Team di esperti dell'unità Innovation & Technology Transfer
mette a disposizione delle aziende le sue competenze e la sua esperienza, per trasformare nuove
idee in progetti di successo, seguendo tutto l'iter: lo studio di fattibilità dell'idea progettuale,
il monitoraggio dei bandi, la costruzione del partenariato, la preparazione e sottomissione della
proposta, la previsione di budget e la gestione del progetto in ogni stato di avanzamento, fino
alla rendicontazione finale.
Il servizio di consulenza sostiene le imprese nel loro percorso di crescita basandosi sull'innovazione
ed il trasferimento tecnologico, individuando le opportunità più adatte alla specifica realtà aziendale,
affiancando il cliente in tutte le fasi.
La nostra forza sta nel proporci come coordinatori, partner o consulenti solo per progetti in ambiti in cui abbiamo competenze, e di conseguenza siamo in grado di comprendere e tradurre l'idea progettuale, di chi si affida a noi, in un progetto di successo
Strutturazione, formalizzazione e sottomissione delle proposte per progetti co-finanziati
Coordinamento e rendicontazione di progetti europei, nazionali, regionali
L'esperienza maturata in 20 anni ci consente di proporci come partner competente, efficiente e di reputazione riconosciuta dagli enti finanziatori garantendo elevati standard di qualità ed efficienza organizzativa, supportati da una struttura con ampie conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche multidisciplinari, consolidate competenze di gestione dei progetti ed abilità nella creazione di partenariati a livello internazionale, nazionale e regionale.
I numeri dell'unità Innovation & Technology Transfer di EnginSoft sono una garanzia: dal tasso di successo sulle proposte che sottomettiamo, superiore al 40%, al riconoscimento come Partner e Coordinatore nei progetti svolti e in corso. Ma anche dalla recente certificazione "Innovation Health Check" come Azienda con eccellente livello per i 6 pilastri della gestione dell'innovazione: Cultura, Business, Strategia, Struttura, Risorse e Processi che EnginSoft, nella sua globalità, ha costruito e raffinato nel corso della sua storia.
La strategia relazionale e progettuale, che applichiamo, è quella di comprendere prima di tutto gli orientamenti e gli interessi concreti di innovazione del cliente: in altri termini, ci concentriamo sullo studio di fattibilità, sulla valutazione dell'innovazione che si vuole introdurre in azienda. Trovare lo strumento di co-finanziamento più adatto, poi, è solo una questione di tempo: monitorando costantemente le opportunità, siamo in grado di identificare la soluzione ed il bando più convenienti e più appropriati per le tue esigenze.
Contatta il nostro team Innovation & Technology Transfer per qualsiasi informazione.
Chiedi informazioniDai uno sguardo alle schede di alcuni dei nostri progetti di ricerca
Research project
ACCURATE will improve the sustainability, resilience, and ability to manage unforeseen events in value chains through Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS).
Research project
ODE4HERA will enable and accelerate the development of Hybrid-Electric Regional (HER) aircrafts.
Research project
YOGA sviluppa una piattaforma semiautomatizzata e standardizzata rivolta a qualsiasi laboratorio clinico impegnato nella caratterizzazione dei tessuti da biopsia quando il materiale disponibile è molto poco.available.
Research project
BioStruct is dedicated to developing manufacturing processes for bio-based fiber-reinforced composite parts in structural applications.
Research project
The main specific objective of SPACE is to enable the most widely used European A&C HPC codes (which are also among the most widely used worldwide) to efficiently and effectively exploit the pre-exascale systems funded by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and available at the end of 2022, and to prepare them for the transition to exascale and beyond.
Research project
SERENA intende sviluppare un sistema propulsivo prototipale per un velivolo di categoria di Aviazione Generale basato su tecnologie di alimentazione ibride (celle a combustibile alimentate a idrogeno, batterie e super-capacitori).
Research project
The overall objective of the RaRe2 project is to create a flexible and resilient Holistic Ecosystem Platform powered by the interactions of many European organizations interested in cooperating in the rapid reconfiguration of process chains through collaborative systems and adaptive workforce up-skilling.
Research project
The LIFESAVER addresses the presently unmet societal and healthcare needs in creating and developing of a validated scientific knowledge base for the development and implementation of regulatory approaches relevant to maternal and fetal health.
Research project
Obiettivo generale del progetto TECNOMED-HUB è quello di realizzare, sul territorio piemontese, una piattaforma tecnologica a supporto della ricerca medica 4.0, basata sull’integrazione delle piattaforme multi-omiche già presenti (ma facilmente implementabili ad altre tecnologie in futuro), con algoritmi di autoapprendimento, data mining e big data analytics.
Research project
The experiment will investigate and optimize magnetic-drive centrifugal pumps using Cloud-based HPC with the objective of improving performance and developing new products.
Research project
OPTIMA is an SME-led project that aims to harness and optimize several industrial applications and a set of open source libraries. These will be used in at least three different application domains on two new HPC systems populated with FPGA integrated circuits and using several innovative programming environments.
Research project
DigiPrime will create and operate a federated model of digital platforms by developing reliable data sharing mechanisms and preserving the confidentiality of business-critical data, governed by smart contracts and using block-chain tracking.
Research project
Attraverso un innovativo approccio Digital Twin in ambito Prognostics Health Monitoring (PHM) è possibile l’individuazione di comportamenti anomali dei sistemi monitorati, che potrebbero portare a rotture impreviste durante il servizio, aumentando la capacità di diagnostica di guasto. Il monitoraggio consente una migliore pianificazione degli interventi manutentivi potendo valutare costi dell’intervento ed efficienza residua del sistema.
Research project
The Smart Spaces Safety and Security for All Cities project (S4AllCities) is a large-scale project with the aim of revolutionizing the way smart cities become more prepared for and resilient against physical and cyber-attacks on their soft targets, smart spaces and critical infrastructure.
Research project
The final goal of the project is to define a technology solution to repair metal components. End users require an automated or semi-automated solution for mounting a part of partially unknown shape into a machine, measuring the relevant part of its surface in 3D and automatically generating a repair program to restore it to the desired shape.
Research project
Metal Additive manufacturing is a complex operation that requires the fine-tuning of hundreds of processes parameters to obtain repeatability and a high quality design at dimensional, geometric, and structural levels. To help manufacturing companies address these challenges, AMQ_TOOLS develops an innovative quality-oriented decision support framework.
Research project
Development of a novel “manufacturing system-level quality and productivity optimizer tool” enabling the evaluation of the system level impacts of the defect avoidance policies that can be adopted within single processes.
Research project
The ultimate goal of PREMUROSA project is to train a new generation of scientists with an integrated vision of the whole value chain in musculo-skeletal regeneration technologies and able to boost the necessary innovations to achieve precision principles in developing innovative devices and optimized clinical applications.
Research project
The scientific and technological objective of the project is to create a hybrid system where a neural network in the brain of a living animal and a silicon neural network of spiking neurons on a chip are interconnected by neuromorphic synapses, thus enabling co-evolution of connectivity and co-processing of information of the two networks.
Research project
The ISAF – Integrated Smart Assembly Factory – project was created to address the problem of joining two or more large parts/structures made of composite materials and therefore affected by the natural variability of the manufacturing process. The variability creates empty space (“gap”) between the parts of the joint .
Research project
Il progetto sviluppa soluzioni e strumenti per la Manifattura Agile per la competitività e l’innovazione di prodotto affrontando quattro aree di sviluppo
Research project
The SIADD project aims to increase the manufacturing quality and sustainability of some additive manufacturing processes for metals, composite materials and multi-material metals/ composites, while also taking into account the personnel’s economic and environmental conditions and well-being.
Research project
Recovery of Mechanical Energy from fluids to feed and Internet of Things (IoT) node that monitors diesel-engine exhaust gases.
Research project
Il progetto VOLPE mira all’ingegnerizzazione e all’industrializzazione di un innovativo strumento optoelettronico per la rilevazione di sostanze esplosive in forma volatile, integrabile con i sistemi commerciali per il controllo dei bagagli a mano, ed in grado di operare in completa autonomia.
Research project
The goal of the project was to design a full Plant Characterization Unit (PCU) chamber with a completely sealed environment for the plants and roots. The designed plant control unit inherited the know-how from two previous projects, HySSE and AtSSE.
Research project
LUBFORLIFE’s ultimate goal is the integration of innovative components and technologies into electromechanical actuators, for aircraft and UAV flight controls, which do not require relubrication during their entire operating lifes.
Research project
The project addresses the problem of managing the data collected when servicing very different objects in order to optimize their costs and availability for the end user.
Research project
The ultimate goal of the project is to “open” a new operating area in Space, namely that of Very Low Earth Orbits (VLEO), or orbits between 160 and 250km in altitude.
Research project
The RPASinAir project has the strategic objective of developing the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and innovative sensors connected to airborne, satellite or public archive systems, which are capable of reporting critical events and of helping to prevent and manage emergencies (floods, landslides, earthquakes, industrial accidents).
Research project
Il progetto “TEMART - Tecnologie e materiali per la manifattura artistica, i Beni Culturali, l’arredo, il decoro architettonico e urbano e il design del futuro” ha l’obiettivo di migliorare i prodotti dei settori citati (funzionalità ed estetica) mettendo a loro disposizione le diverse tecnologie che sono presenti nella RIR M3NET.
Research project
Le attrezzature robotizzate per le operazioni di molatura, sbavatura, smaterozzatura e riparazione dei getti sviluppate dal progetto costituiscono una novità assoluta la maggior parte delle fonderie di leghe ferrose.
Research project
L’innovatività del progetto GAP consiste nello sviluppo di materiali metallici innovativi, con potenzialità applicative multi-settoriali, incrementate dalla sperimentazione di nuove tecnologie specifiche (utilizzo di anime ceramiche per la pressocolata, trattamenti superficiali, metodologie di giunzione).
Research project
Il progetto PreMANI ambisce a dimostrare la capacità di penetrazione di tali tecniche in settori applicativi eterogenei, caratterizzati da esigenze molto diverse, facendo leva sugli aspetti metodologici di natura generale.
Research project
Il progetto supporta alcune aziende della rete SINFONET nell'utilizzo di servizi specialistici, di assistenza, orientamento, affiancamento, informazione e promozione dell’export, per promuovere non solo le proprie specificità ma anche l’intero complesso della filiera fonderia.
Research project
The objective was to design, study and characterize the atmospheric sub-system of a Plant Control Unit and its processes related to crop growth. The atmosphere of the plant-related environment had to be homogeneous and meet the plants’ requirements.
Research project
The project aimed to develop an open integrated framework that connects materials models at various levels of complexity, experimental data sets and commercial information (e.g. ingredients and processing costs), so that decision makers can use a wider variety of key performance indicators.
Research project
The ForZDM project developed and demonstrated tools to support the rapid implementation of Zero-Defect Manufacturing solutions in industry, and to design more competitive and robust multi-stage manufacturing systems.
Research project
The ReCaM-project demonstrates at TRL 7 a set of integrated tools for the rapid and autonomous reconfiguration of agile production systems
Research project
ExaNeSt studies architectural solutions to store and share data in a unified manner. A prototype of a physical platform and rack systems, needed to realiza European exascale systems, are developed.
Research project
ProRegio project aims at developing a manufacturing intelligence based product-service that can rigorously change the current way customer requirements are addressed by manufacturing companies.
Research project
The aim of EDEN ISS is to identify operation procedures for safe food production in space through adaptation, integration and demonstration of higher plant cultivation techniques.
Research project
The MAIPCO project concerns defect analysis in the production of complex composite components in the aeronautical sector and has developed new methodologies to reduce these defects.
Research project
The project covered a wide range of space-related issues ranging from exploration of the Universe to Earth observation, including systems, the management of remote data reception, and awareness-raising activities for regional consumer acceptance of the use of space systems.
Research project
RLW is emerging as a promising joining technology for sheet metal assembly due to benefits on several fronts including reduced processing time, (50-75%) and decreased factory floor footprint (50%), reduced environmental impact through energy use reduction (60%), and providing a flexible process base for future model introduction or product change.
Research project
Framework of demonstration and dissemination of very innovative and cost-effective energy efficiency technologies for the achievement of very low energy new buildings
Research project
The core of this project is the development of a trade-off study, meant to compare several different structures incorporating new technologies, in order to determine the most promising solutions among those considered
Research project
Develop an innovative design of a sealed gully and hydroponic system for space applications of food production with regenerative systems: space stations, lunar base and Mars exploration.
Research project
Objective: To demonstrate that hydrogen "green" production is possible through the exploitation of solar power.
Research project
The MUSIC is strongly aimed at leading EU-HPDC/PIM factories to cost-based competitive advantage through the necessary transition to a demand-driven industry with lower waste generation, efficiency, robustness and minimum energy consumption.
Research project
Production of components made of composite material, equipped with wireless communication systems capable of operating correctly in environments hostile to radio frequency.
Research project
A virtual design environment created for the study of casting and welding processes, of surface and massive heat treatment, and of operational performance of alloy steel-made products, using a design chain approach.
Research project
A virtual design environment dedicated to the study of surface hardening (carburizing and nitride hardening) and of welding of alloy steel products.
Research project
Development of methodologies (and of laboratory version of a software platform designed to implement them), capable of supporting architects and engineers in designing eco-buildings characterized by an optimal compromise between environmental performance (in terms, for example, of the CO2 equivalent produced during their entire life-cycle) and costs
Research project
The main aim of the project is to set out the knowledge and skills that a competent simulation engineer (CAE engineer) should possess, and to develop a set of tools that will enable engineers to develop, manage and certify their competencies within a wide range of industry sectors.