Smart manufacturing
How can product quality and productivity be maximized? Manufacturers with both well-established and novel processing technologies strive to ensure product quality and process stability. However, they also need to achieve their quality goals without sacrificing too much productivity. For example, a manufacturer may find it impossible to implement a 100% inspection policy while meeting a given delivery deadline for a production lot.
EnginSoft, coordinator and sole partner of SYLENT, addressed these issues by developing a novel digital twin application, the ZPolicyManager, a manufacturing system-level quality and productivity optimizer tool for the simultaneous analysis and optimization of quality-oriented and productivity-oriented KPIs. The tool supports decision making under scenarios where zero-defect manufacturing goals (e.g., product quality) are in conflict with productivity goals (e.g., production rate and lead-time). The ZPolicyManager evaluates and automatically optimizes the controllable parameters of production processes, product quality assurance and inspection policies by analysing their impact on selected KPIs (e.g., the overall production plant OEE).
The Policy Manager tool has been integrated into the Zero-Defect Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP framework), and both the tool and a use case are accessible via the ZDMP marketplace.
Development of a novel “manufacturing system-level quality and productivity optimizer tool” enabling the evaluation of the system level impacts of the defect avoidance policies that can be adopted within single processes. The tool provides the users of the ZDMP platform with additional decision-making capabilities to allow them to choose the best defect prevention policies at a system level by avoiding local-optimal solutions while simultaneously optimizing the quality and productivity of the entire production system.
Developing and integrating a new tool to optimize the KPIs for production and quality into a digital Internet of Things (IOT) platform. Implementing the Digital Twin of a manufacturing system.
EnginSoft is the coordinator and sole partner in the project.
EnginSoft SpA
This project has received cascade funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 825631.
Programme: H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Topic: DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 - Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories
Call identifier: H2020-DT-2018-1
Grant identifier: sub grant agreement (cascade funding call 2) under project ZDMP – Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform, grant No 825631
9 months
January 2022 – October 2022
EnginSoft SpA
Giovanni Paolo Borzi - Anteneh Yemaneh
Some of our competences in research and technology transfer
Research project
SERENA intende sviluppare un sistema propulsivo prototipale per un velivolo di categoria di Aviazione Generale basato su tecnologie di alimentazione ibride (celle a combustibile alimentate a idrogeno, batterie e super-capacitori).
Research project
The core of this project is the development of a trade-off study, meant to compare several different structures incorporating new technologies, in order to determine the most promising solutions among those considered