Research Projects


Demonstration of very low energy new buildings


Other - Green Building


Framework of demonstration and dissemination of very innovative and cost-effective energy efficiency technologies for the achievement of very low energy new buildings

Project Summary

This framework is based in three pillars:

  • Analysis of suitable energy efficiency technologies (technical and economic viability),
  • Demonstration activity deployed in three new buildings,
  • Dissemination at European Level.

Three new buildings will be used as pilots, deploying in each one a set of very innovative measures, constructive elements for energy optimization, high efficient equipment and advanced energy management. All the above allows to enhance the overall energy efficiency of the building in order to achieve consumption (primary energy) lower than 60 kWh/(m2yr).


It is expected an important impact in building sector, in particular in new buildings, in the following four main areas:

  • Energetic: Drastic energy consumption reduction (more than 50 %),
  • Environmental: Significant CO2 emissions reduction (more than 60 %),
  • Building sector business: encouraging a mass market for very low energy new buildings, facilitating understanding of all stakeholders,
  • European policies: contributing to boost the implementation of standards and regulations.


CARTIF | DRAGADOS | Fraunhofer IBP | FACIT | Domagk Gewerbepark | 1A Ingenieros | Studio Lucchin | EnginSoft |

Funding Scheme

Funding Scheme FP7 Collaborative Project | Call identifier EeB.ENERGY.2011.8.1-1


Project web site

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4 years


January 2012 - December 2015


EnginSoft Spa

Reference in EnginSoft

Angelo Messina

Partners Number


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