Suite d'analyse et de dimensionnement de canalisations et d'équipements


Start Prof, HYDROSYSTEM, PASS/Equip and Nozzle-FEM sont une suite logicielle de NTP Truboprovod.

Start Prof

Le premier logiciel d'analyse des contraintes des canalisations au monde

START Prof ® évalue les réponses structurelles et les contraintes des systèmes de canalisations à usage différent sous des charges statiques et cycliques et effectue une analyse sismique. La première édition du logiciel START Prof a été introduite en 1969. Aujourd'hui, START Prof ® est le logiciel d'analyse des contraintes des canalisations le plus utilisé en Russie et dans les pays de l’Europe de l’Est, où il est devenu de facto une référence concernant l’'analyse des contraintes et des flexibilités des oléoducs, gazoducs, et autres canalisations électriques.

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The world’s first Pipe Stress Analysis Software


Sélection de la taille nominale, perte de chaleur et calcul hydraulique des systèmes de canalisations

Le logiciel Hydrosystem effectue des calculs de pertes de chaleur et de pertes de charge ainsi que la sélection de la taille nominale des réseaux de canalisations, transportant des fluides monophasiques compressibles ou incompressibles (gaz ou liquides), ainsi que des mélanges gaz-liquides diphasiques. Il est largement utilisé dans les industries de l’énergie, du raffinage du pétrole, de la pétrochimie, du gaz, du pétrole, de la chimie et autres. Différents paramètres de process des canalisations, des conduites principales, des systèmes de chauffage et de distribution de gaz et d'autres réseaux de canalisations peuvent être calculés à l'aide du programme. Hydrosystem permet de calculer des systèmes de canalisations aériennes et souterraines de toute complexité (y compris les réseaux avec boucles). Les résultats de l'analyse peuvent être utilisés pour la sélection des pompes, des compresseurs, des soupapes de régulation et de sécurité afin de garantir la fiabilité et l'efficacité des systèmes de canalisation.

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Logiciel d'analyse des contraintes et de la stabilité des navires et des appareils

Le programme PASS/Equip est conçu pour le calcul des contraintes et de la stabilité des navires, des appareils et de leurs éléments dans le but d'évaluer leurs capacités de charge dans les conditions de fonctionnement, ainsi que pendant le processus d'assemblage et de tests. Le programme est créé pour la conception, la modernisation et les tests de navires et d'appareils, ainsi que pour effectuer des calculs de contrôle dans les industries de raffinage du pétrole, de la chimie, de la pétrochimie, du gaz naturel, du pétrole et d'autres industries connexes. Le module de base PASS/Equip calcule la contrainte et la stabilité des navires et appareils horizontaux et verticaux conformément aux documents normatifs russes et à l'ASME VIII Div. 1 code.

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Analyse de l'état de contrainte, calcul des flexibilités et charges admissibles des jonctions des buses

Buse-FEM est conçu pour le calcul des contraintes et de la flexibilité des jonctions buse-coque à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis (FEM). Le programme calcule également les charges admissibles de la buse et estime la résistance des jonctions de la buse pour une large gamme de configurations géométriques et de conditions de fonctionnement. Nozzle-FEM contribue à fournir un niveau plus élevé de sécurité de l'équipement tout en réduisant les coûts de main-d'œuvre au stade de la conception. Le programme est recommandé pour la conception et l'examen de la sécurité industrielle des installations pétrolières et gazières, de raffinage, pétrochimiques, chimiques, électriques et autres installations industrielles. Contrairement aux programmes FEM universels (ANSYS, NASTRAN, COSMOS, etc.), ce programme ne nécessite pas de formation particulière et peut être utilisé par tout ingénieur en mécanique.

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technical paper


PASS/EQUIP combines sophisticated calculation capabilities and code compliance with ease-of-use to deliver simulation of pressure vessels for strength and stability by even entry-level engineers and designers. PASS/EQUIP provides pressure vessel strength and stability analysis for horizontal and vertical vessels, columns, storage tanks, as well as shell-and-tube and air cooled heat exchangers under static and seismic loads in order to evaluate bearing strength in operation, test, and assembly states.

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NTP Truboprovod

technical paper


PASS/HYDROSYSTEM provides diameter selection, heat and hydraulic analysis of steady state flow in piping systems of any complexity, including networks with loops. It also covers the most dangerous type of transitional flow related to liquid surge (water hammer). PASS/HYDROSYSTEM combines sophisticated calculation capabilities with ease-of-use to deliver fluid flow and heat transfer simulation and sizing of any piping network for any design stage by even entry-level engineers and designers.

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NTP Truboprovod

technical paper


PASS/START-PROF provides comprehensive stress, flexibility, stability, and fatigue strength analysis with related sizing calculations for buried and above ground, HDPE, FRP/GRP/GRE, vacuum, high pressure, high temperature, and cryogenic piping systems. Calculations are performed under thermal, weight, pressure, wind, snow, ice, seismic, support settlement loads according to the most commonly used standards.

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NTP Truboprovod

technical paper

Steam generation systems design

The project scope included steam generation systems design and analysis for the Noor Energy1, 950MW hybrid solar power project in Dubai, the today world largest CSP plant, able to produce electrical power 24/7.

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NTP Truboprovod

technical paper

Vessels analysis and manufacture

The project included calculation and manufacture of vertical vessels of the VEE or VEP type (GOST 9931-85) (20 units). All vessels are of the same type, but of different sizes.

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NTP Truboprovod

technical paper

UOHUA POWER Dingzhou Power plant Reconstruction Project

The reconstruction project includes the expansion, transformation and optimization of the original heat supply network main station, the addition of 2 sets of 50 MW Condensing and back pressure turbine generator units, 2 sets of demisting mechanical cooling towers (6 groups), cooling water system and the related ancillary equipment, etc.

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NTP Truboprovod

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Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

ansys cfd turbomachinery energy oil-gas


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Improving the performance of shaped charges and passive ballistic protections

CAE models evaluated using two commercial solvers

In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.

ansys ls-dyna civil-engineering mechanics oil-gas

En savoir plus

Nos compétences en PASS


A world on water

Tackling the engineering challenges of offshore oil and gas production

In our two-part feature article, Livio Furlan explains how numerical simulation is used to design and plan structures that will resist the specific environmental characteristics of marine mineral resource extraction, as well as its role in meeting standards and regulatory certification.



Improving the performance of shaped charges and passive ballistic protections

CAE models evaluated using two commercial solvers

In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.

ansys ls-dyna civil-engineering mechanics oil-gas


Transient CFD Analysis of a Pelton Turbine

The performance evaluation to upgrade an existing hydropower plant

EnginSoft developed a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis methodology for the performance evaluation of a Pelton turbine

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Dynamic response of a buried pipeline, under the action of the fall of rocks on the soil

Safety assessment of a buried pipeline potentially subject to rockfalls

Oil or gas pipelines that cover long distances pose complex design challenges. Every environment the pipeline crosses is characterized by different potential geohazards. One of the most dangerous for a pipeline is a rockfall.

oil-gas mechanics ansys


Intermarine Shipyard tests Flownex SE for its naval piping systems

Software found to save time in the design phase

This technical article describes a comparative study that was undertaken by Intermarine, with the assistance of EnginSoft, between using the Flownex simulation environment and Intermarine’s manual or classic methods (both of which were compared with actual field data from on-board measurements) to predict pressure losses in the various piping systems that convey fluids on board a vessel.

marine energy oil-gas flownex


Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

ansys cfd turbomachinery energy oil-gas


Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems Performance Modeling

Model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE)

EnginSoft developed a 3D CFD model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE) arrays and their interaction with the wind.

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Controlled Floater for Marine Pipeline Towing

A system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields

A developer of innovative equipment designed a system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields.

energy modefrontier optimization oil-gas recurdyn


How SDC Verifier simplifies structural engineering: streamlining design, finite element analysis, and standards verification

The cumbersome task of verifying structural design according to numerous standards has always been a challenge. Through tireless dedication and relentless innovation, engineers found that they were able to conduct standards verification directly within Ansys Mechanical, Simcenter 3D, and Femap using SDC Verifier software.

sdc-verifier oil-gas


CFD analysis of an industrial burner of a regeneration gas heater application

Using CFD analysis to save time and money in designing and testing industrial burners for the oil and gas industry

In this technical case study, EnginSoft was called in to assist in the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flame size of a regeneration gas-fired heater for a project in Oman.

ansys mechanics energy oil-gas