

L'ambiente integrato di simulazione Ansys


Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Ansys sviluppa una gamma di soluzioni software agli elementi finiti utilizzati nei più diversi ambiti dell'ingegneria. Le soluzioni CAE che propone, sono potenti, aperte e flessibili, e coprono l'intera gamma della fisica, dalla meccanica strutturale alla fluidodinamica, dall'elettromagnetismo all'elettromeccanica.

Per ogni settore industriale, poi, sono disponibili verticalizzazioni specifiche, per fornire alle aziende gli strumenti adeguati alla realizzazione di prodotti innovativi.

EnginSoft Italy is Ansys Elite Channel Partner

Ansys Workbench è la più moderna piattaforma di simulazione numerica esistente sul mercato.

Concepita per esaltare l’approccio multifisico e parametrico, la piattaforma Workbench consente all’utente di costruire in modo semplice ed efficace il proprio flusso di lavoro attraverso schemi a blocchi e link.

Workbench si accoppia in modo bidirezionale a tutti i principali ambienti CAD, include e connette tutti gli strumenti delle principali suite Ansys (e.g. Structures, Fluids, Electronics), consente di creare processi di simulazione multidisciplinari gestendo in forma tabellare tutti i parametri creati durante la creazione del modello numerico.



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Many companies united by a common purpose: to enable people to rise

The choice to employ the ANSYS technology

Today the numerical simulation offers an important added value for dimensioning and testing of the motorbike’s chassis.

rail-transport ansys


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The Structural Design of Roller Coasters

An integrated CAD-CAE procedure

Engineers will normally need to evaluate a number of different designs, only one of which will result in the final construction configuration. This is why numerical simulation plays an indispensible role in roller coaster design.

ansys civil-engineering construction

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Le nostre competenze in Ansys


Multiphase CFD Analysis of Condensation in Automotive Headlamps

A new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes

EnginSoft implemented a new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes inside automotive headlamps for Automotive Lighting, a leading supplier of quality headlights to the OEM market

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Taking stock: the evolution of simulation around the world pre- and post-Covid-19

From its earliest days through to future post-pandemic perspectives

At this particular moment in time, this article wishes to reflect on the evolution of CAE and simulation in an effort to present a big-picture view when most of us are daily dealing with all the devil in the details in every aspect of our lives. We approached some long-standing business friends in engineering simulation from various regions around the world to help us in this task

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Using CFD simulation to optimize the ventilation system of a spray booth

Overspray is a key problem in the paint application process. This phenomenon is caused by inefficiencies of the robots inside the spray booth and can best be solved by balancing the air flow properly in the paint application area.

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