Ansys Electronics

Ansys Electronics

L'eccellenza nel settore della simulazione elettronica, elettromagnetica, di sistema e multifisica

Ansys Electronics

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

La Suite di prototipazione virtuale Ansys Electronics è di supporto alla progettazione di componenti elettromeccanici ed elettronici, tramite la simulazione dei campi elettromagnetici e il calcolo dei parametri prestazionali circuitali e di sistema. I tools Electronics rappresentano la più efficiente soluzione numerica di supporto alla progettazione e al miglioramento dei prodotti e, grazie all'accuratezza dei risultati e della velocità di calcolo, consentono un incremento rilevante della qualità dei prodotti e una significativa riduzione di tempi e costi.

In affiancamento alla soluzione general purpose di tipo elettromagnetico, elettromeccanico ed elettronico, gli strumenti Ansys Electronics, sono declinati e specifici per l'analisi di svariate applicazioni specifiche: antenne, radar e relative installazioni, Co-siting elettromagnetico, Motori elettrici ed attuatori elettromeccanici, Radio propagazione, Elettronica di potenza, Compatibilità ed interferenza elettromagnetica (EMI/EMC) e Signal & power integrity nell'ambito dei principali settori industriali (Aerospace, Automotive, Biomedical, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food, Entertainment, Logistic, Oil & Gas).

Le relative tematiche sono interamente affrontate con i migliori strumenti disponibili sul mercato per l'analisi numerica:

  • HFSS
  • Maxwell
  • Q3D Extractor
  • SIwave
  • Icepak

Questi prodotti beneficiano della completa integrazione nell’ambiente multidisciplinare Ansys Electronics Desktop grazie al quale è possibile l'interazione completa bidirezionale di strumenti relativi a fisiche diverse (elettriche, termiche, fluidodinamiche e strutturali). Gli strumenti Ansys Electronics integrano modellatori parametrici avanzati per la creazione interna di geometrie e tools per l'importazione ed elaborazione di modelli MCAD/ECAD generati dagli strumenti dedicati e nei principali formati: IGES, STEP, ACIS, PARASOLID, PRO/ENGINEER, AUTOCAD, CATIA, GXF, GDS, CADENCE, MENTOR GRAPHICS, ZUKEN, ODB++, etc.

Il valore e le potenzialità degli strumenti Ansys Electronics è esaltato dalle potenzialità derivanti dal High Performance Computing (HPC), che si avvale di metodi di Multi-Processing (MP), Domain Decomposition, Solver Distribution e GPU Computing.

Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) è la piattaforma che consente di simulare componenti, dispositivi e sistemi elettrici, elettronici ed elettromagnetici.

L’interfaccia dell’AEDT consente di integrare gli strumenti Ansys per le varie applicazioni e gli specifici domini di simulazione.
Tramite l’AEDT è possibile accedere a strumenti come HFSS, Maxwell, Q3DExtractor, Icepak, Twin Builder, e integrare in un singolo progetto le più accurate simulazioni 2D e 3D con quelle circuitali e di sistema.

L’ambiente AEDT è parametrico e consente al progettista/analista di esplorare gli effetti delle variabilità geometriche, di materiale, circuitali e di sistema, al fine di ottimizzare le prestazioni di prodotto.

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Optimizing the shape of the M10 engine’s injector head methane circuit using RBF mesh morphing

This article is based on a collaboration between RBF Morph and AVIO to configure a numerical optimization procedure to improve the Vega E M10 engine’s performance by optimizing the methane circuit of the injector head.

aerospace rbf-morph ansys meshing


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training courses


The topics covered in the "ELECTRONICS / ELECTROMAGNETISM" courses focus on the design of electromechanical and electronic components by simulating electromagnetic fields and calculating circuit and system performance parameters.

training electronics ansys

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Using CFD Analysis to predict the effect of Wind on a Tower Crane

CFD proves to offer a reliable working methodology for designers

This article proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to address these complexities.

ansys mechanics


CFD-Driven Design of a Ventilation System for Kitchen Hoods

Optimized design achieves energy efficiency and cost containment objectives

This article presents a study that the Elica Group commissioned from EnginSoft to support it engineering team in redesigning the ventilation system of its “Tilly” kitchen hood model

appliances ansys cfd


Using CFD simulation to optimize the ventilation system of a spray booth

Overspray is a key problem in the paint application process. This phenomenon is caused by inefficiencies of the robots inside the spray booth and can best be solved by balancing the air flow properly in the paint application area.

automotive ansys cfd


Numerical simulations for the structural performance assessments: a connecting rod’s case study

Piaggio Group uses CAE to ensure a new product design’s safety and durability

The connecting rod is one of the most important components in powertrain systems, so it requires very careful structural analyses because its failure implies serious damage to the entire engine.

automotive ansys rail-transport


Taking stock: the evolution of simulation around the world pre- and post-Covid-19

From its earliest days through to future post-pandemic perspectives

At this particular moment in time, this article wishes to reflect on the evolution of CAE and simulation in an effort to present a big-picture view when most of us are daily dealing with all the devil in the details in every aspect of our lives. We approached some long-standing business friends in engineering simulation from various regions around the world to help us in this task

ansys industry4 news


CFD study to optimize the cooling performance of a narrow specialty tractor

Numerical modelling reveals design strengths and weaknesses prior to prototype testing, saving time and money

In this technical article, a CFD study of various designs for four different specialty tractors: two brands of specialty tractors for vineyard configurations, and two brands of specialty tractors for orchard configurations, are described.

automotive ansys cfd


Greenhouse Module for Space System

This feasibility study has been carried out to investigate and develop the characteristics of a greenhouse module for a future lunar base

This project has been coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and it is embedded in the MELiSSA framework of ESA research projects.

aerospace cfd ansys


Optimizing the performance of antennas installed on avionics platforms

Rapid and accurate evaluation of platform impact on antenna radiating characteristics is vital

This article discusses the use of the Ansys HFSS SBR+ method for wave propagation analysis that is based on specific EM propagation formulations (commonly referred to as Asymptotic Methods), and which offers an effective alternative in terms of solution accuracy and computational cost. The method’s effectiveness is demonstrated in this case study that considers the analysis of an ESM sinuous antenna installed on an avionics platform.

ansys electronics


The use of virtual prototyping tools in the design of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

Interview with Fabrizio Magugliani, Sr. Engineer, Aero/Thermo Analytical Design, Ansaldo Nucleare SpA

Two main reasons have been the drivers for introducing and using CAE simulation technologies and mathematical modeling: safety and achieving optimal design.

ansys energy


Transient CFD Analysis of a Pelton Turbine

The performance evaluation to upgrade an existing hydropower plant

EnginSoft developed a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis methodology for the performance evaluation of a Pelton turbine

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Cost Effective High- Performance Design: Innovation is the Answer

Marelli Motori applies multiphysics simulation to cost-effectively design better, more reliable motors and generators faster

Improving efficiency while reducing cost is a very complex engineering challenge. Marelli Motori makes extensive use of CFD and FEM multiphysics simulation to do just that in the design of its electrical motors and generators.

ansys automotive cfd


Cross Validation of the Final Design for the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge

The bridge designed by the world famed architect Santiago Calatrava

The bridge represents an example of a cable stayed mixed steel-concrete structure, where the stay cables are asymmetrically connected to the center of the deck and to the top of the central transverse steel arch.

construction civil-engineering ansys straus7


A natural remedy for hot-spot stresses

Using advanced mesh morphing to seamlessly perform bio-inspired structural shape optimization

This paper demonstrates how the biological growth method, studied by Mattheck in the 1990s, can be easily implemented for structural shape optimization finite element method (FEM) analyses using advanced radial basis functions (RBF) mesh morphing.

ansys biomechanics rbf-morph


Optimizing the cable routing for a hyper-redundant inspection robot for harsh, hazardous environments

A multi-objective optimization framework to reduce the actuation loads and increase the payload

This article discusses a multi-objective optimization study to determine the optimal matrix for the routing of the actuating cable system in order to minimize the cable load on the robot and maximize the robot’s payload.

optimization modefrontier mechanics electronics


Multi-purpose ANSYS APDL script developed for analysis of matter-radiation interaction

Ability to predict thermal and mechanical behavior within specific physical parameters has multiple industrial applications

In this article, we present a procedure to investigate the thermo-mechanical effects produced by the particles of an extremely focused beam hitting a material target spot.



Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators

This paper presents the design and first experimental results of a very compact Ku-band bandpass filter for high power satellite applications. The filter was designed and simulated using the Ansys HFSS and Mechanical simulators. Proposed as part of an ESA ARTES Advanced Technology project, the filter is based on dielectric loaded combline resonators.

ansys electronics aerospace


Filling and compression analysis of metallic powders composed of spherical particles

The efficiency of material design can be greatly improved by using FEM-based virtual material testing analysis

This article presents an example of the analysis of a powder composed of spherical particles. Since powders have a very fine heterogeneous structure, a multi-scale approach based on homogenization analysis is proposed.

multiscale ansys mechanics


Analysis of the behavioral characteristics of detergent powder using Rocky-Ansys Fluent two-way coupling

This analysis attempts to understand the behavior of sticky detergent powders according to flow velocity using Rocky-Ansys Fluent two-way coupling.

consumer-goods rocky ansys


Optimally designing an artificial lung for extracorporeal life support

A CFD-based approach

The study described in this article was designed to obtain greater insight into the gas transfer mechanism at microscopic scale using computational fluid dynamics in order to accelerate design exploration to find the optimal solution.

biomechanics ansys


A CFD simulation of melting furnace for the production of stone wool

Simulation provides substantial information about the melter’s operating conditions

Gamma Meccanica’s R&D department is constantly researching new solutions to improve the overall performance of equipment, production capacity and reliability while developing environmentally sustainable processes and applications to benefit its customers.

cfd mechanics ansys


Multiphase CFD Analysis of Condensation in Automotive Headlamps

A new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes

EnginSoft implemented a new 3D CFD multi-phase model to simulate the water condensation-evaporation processes inside automotive headlamps for Automotive Lighting, a leading supplier of quality headlights to the OEM market

automotive cfd ansys rail-transport


New methodology to better understand fatigue life in complex components

First six months’ use demonstrates comprehensive usability for designers with open future development prospects

This technical article details the application of the methodology developed using ANSYS WorkBench

ansys mechanics maplesim


The Structural Design of Roller Coasters

An integrated CAD-CAE procedure

Engineers will normally need to evaluate a number of different designs, only one of which will result in the final construction configuration. This is why numerical simulation plays an indispensible role in roller coaster design.

ansys civil-engineering construction


The impact of numerical analysis on the efficiency of cooker hood ventilation systems

Minimizes trial and error activities and costs and improves right-first-time results

This technical article describes how CFD analysis minimizes trial and error activities and costs and improves RFT – “right first time” – results.

consumer-goods cfd furniture ansys


Many companies united by a common purpose: to enable people to rise

The choice to employ the ANSYS technology

Today the numerical simulation offers an important added value for dimensioning and testing of the motorbike’s chassis.

rail-transport ansys


Cimolai Technology chooses Ansys to save design time and improve product quality

Cimolai Technology designs and produces special machines and plants for lifting, handling, transport and launching operations

Cimolai Technology explains the business benefits it has achieved since the installation in terms of time savings in planning, and design, and improvements in product quality and in delivery forecast ability.

ansys mechanics rail-transport marine


Advanced strategies for the flow field optimization of a medical device

How to use a hybrid method of CFD analysis for product optimization and performance improvement while reducing the computational effort and the time required to achieve the results

Further reduction of the heat loss compared to the best design of the NSGA-II first phase design optimization: a further 4% gained

cfd biomechanics ansys modefrontier optimization


Comparing cooling methods for e-motors

A simulation methodology developed by TotalEnergies

In this paper, we will present the methodology developed by TotalEnergies and EnginSoft to select, design and improve an e-motor by simulating and predicting electromagnetic losses, fluid flow behaviour and temperature distributions.

automotive electronics particleworks


High Quality Printing with CFD

Simulation allows engineers to improve print quality, ensure operator safety and contain energy consumption

In this article, Uteco describes how it applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to assist the design and improvement of its printing machines.

cfd ansys mechanics


Improving the performance of shaped charges and passive ballistic protections

CAE models evaluated using two commercial solvers

In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.

ansys ls-dyna civil-engineering mechanics oil-gas


Simulating the multiphysics of a residual current device

Ensuring the safety of users around electrical contacts

This article examines the simulation of an RCD to determine the factors that affect its response times.

appliances ansys cetol recurdyn tolerances


The Fundamental Role of a Simulation-Based Approach in New High-Technology Product Development

Numerical simulation assists in all phases of product development from scoping and costing to final performance analysis

Simulation is nowadays strongly connected to new product development in most high-technology industries.

ansys electronics


Optimization of a brush cutter using knowledge-based engineering

This article describes how the company created and tested a process to construct a parametric CAD model capable of providing its designers with a starting point for any new machine to be designed.

mechanics ansys modefrontier maplesim maple


Optimizing the Aerodynamic Efficiency of an Aircraft Nacelle

The optimal aerodynamic design while substantially reducing the costs

The challenge was to find the optimal aerodynamic design while substantially reducing the costs associated with traditional CFD modeling.

aerospace cfd ansys


From saving energy to creating energy

Use pumps as turbines to generate low-cost electricity from existing piping systems

This article describes how SAER ELETTROPOMPE used Ansys CFX to transform "standard" pumps into pumps to be used as turbines.

energy ansys cfd


Dynamic response of a buried pipeline, under the action of the fall of rocks on the soil

Safety assessment of a buried pipeline potentially subject to rockfalls

Oil or gas pipelines that cover long distances pose complex design challenges. Every environment the pipeline crosses is characterized by different potential geohazards. One of the most dangerous for a pipeline is a rockfall.

oil-gas mechanics ansys


Cooling fan module road test simulation

For engine cooling, Johnson Electric offers smart Cooling Fan Modules (CFM) with best in class efficiency and power density

ptimization of the product starts with a strong correlation of the model with specifically designed tests under controlled conditions.

ansys automotive


Optimizing the shape of the M10 engine’s injector head methane circuit using RBF mesh morphing

This article is based on a collaboration between RBF Morph and AVIO to configure a numerical optimization procedure to improve the Vega E M10 engine’s performance by optimizing the methane circuit of the injector head.

aerospace rbf-morph ansys meshing


Ensuring product innovation and lifetime product performance right from the design phase

Lovato Electrics chooses ANSYS MAXWELL to guarantee it brings superior products to market in less time

Lovato Electric is committed to delivering innovation through its products and so it commissioned EnginSoft to help it create a pilot project in order to compare and finally select an electromagnetic field simulation software solution.

ansys electronics


Johannesburg 2010 World Cup Stadium Roof and Facade Design

An ambitious remodeling and expansion plan for the stadium was initiated

The study analyzed these structures for strength, service and stability conditions before construction.

civil-engineering construction ansys


A History of Vortices

Detecting and mitigating critical flow structures in water pumping stations is a complex engineering task, that has always been based on experimental activities.

GE Power is a world leading supplier of solutions for power generation, from engineering to manufacturing. Detecting and mitigating critical flow structures in water pumping stations is a complex engineering task, that has always been based on experimental activities. Now GE Power can rely also on CFD modelling and on the support of EnginSoft

ansys cfd energy


CFD simulation of an axial piston pump with Ansys CFX

This work presents the CFD model of an axial piston pump and compares it to a validated 0D model. The main objective of this study was to analyze the flow field inside the pump, focusing on the aspects that involved the main inner volumes, such as the filling and emptying dynamics in the piston chambers and the flow field inside the ducts.

ansys cfd energy


Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems Performance Modeling

Model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE)

EnginSoft developed a 3D CFD model of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant for the simulation of the Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Systems’ (ACHE) arrays and their interaction with the wind.

energy cfd ansys oil-gas


Digitizing a process to standardize the analysis and evaluation of windshield wiper performance

TAE SUNG collaborates with DY Auto to develop dedicated software

This technical article describes a project that was undertaken by TAE SUNG Software and Engineering, in collaboration with DY AUTO in Korea, to establish a computerized process to conduct three-dimensional real-scale analysis of any of the three types of windshield wiper currently in use, and to establish a specific standard for evaluating wiper performance.

automotive ls-dyna ansys


RecurDyn enables engineers to create full FE models of flexible belts

Faciliitates extraction of stresses and strains from entire structure and takes into account all friction forces, shape and misalignment dynamics and structural flexibility

A virtual prototype of a belt must necessarily include the high flexibility of the belt itself, as well as a detailed description of the contacts. This is another scenario where RecurDyn provides better functionality than its competitors.

multibody mbd-ansys recurdyn


Ultra-Wide Band Radome CAE Optimization

Overcoming mechanical and electromagnetic challenges in refining a radome for electronic warfare

Elettronica SpA designs and produces systems for electronic warfare. Each system design is unique according to its platform and purpose. In this article, the company describes how it used CAE to approach the challenging design of a single sandwich radome.

ansys optimization electronics


Interview with Diego Barone, R&D Project Leader at Vin Service

Interview with Diego Barone, R&D Project Leader at Vin Service

Vin Service, founded in 1976, is a world leader in dispenser technology and the first Italian manufacturer of draft-wine dispensers. Its core business is in the dispensing equipment industry and in cooling systems for beverages.

ansys mechanics food-beverage


Nautilus tech by Faber Spa: The new frontier for hoods ventilation

A Finite Element Method approach applied to product development for ventilation hoods

Faber Spa, which has designed and manufactured ventilation hoods for the past 50 years, holds a key global position both in terms of production and technology. It has achieved this position through strategic investments in research and development.

ansys appliances consumer-goods cfd


Immergas: Using CAE to improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions and costs, and shorten time-to-market

Interview with engineer Luca Cavalli, from the advanced engineering team at Immergas

In this interview, engineer Luca Cavalli, of Immergas’ advanced engineering team, discusses the technical and business benefits the company has realised since first introducing Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) technologies into its R&D department in 1997.

ansys appliances cfd mechanics


Reshaping the DEMO Tokamak’s TF Coil with high fidelity Multiphysics CAE and advanced mesh morphing

This article describes the Multiphysics optimization procedure undertaken to ensure the best compromise between electromagnetic and structural compliance for the Toroidal Field coils of the Advanced Divertor Configurations of the toroidal chamber, that holds the plasma in which the fusion reaction takes place.

energy ansys rbf-morph


CFD Characterization of the Ventricular Assist Device HeartAssist 5® Through a Sliding Mesh Approach

Analysis to determine possible optimizations to enhance device safety and efficacy for long-term patient use

This technical article describes how high-end numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were applied to mimic the realistic operating conditions of a Ventricular Assist Device (VADs) and analyze its hemodynamics in order to identify potential areas for optimization of the device’s performance, safety and efficacy.

ansys cfd biomechanics


A new heart valve replacement procedure modeled with multiphysics simulation could eliminate the need for open-heart surgery

24% operative mortality rate of open-heart surgery for older patients drives search for less-invasive aortic valve replacement technique

Since this cannot be accurately measured in an implanted stent, manufacturers decided to use Multiphysics to simulate the process to better understand the method and to calculate the forces operating on the implant in order to improve the stent design and the surgical procedure, as described in this article.

cfd biomechanics ansys


Performance and Shape Optimization of the Campagnolo Tri-ProPad bike shorts pad

A new and revolutionary pad for bike shorts.

Sport equipment design is characterized by the fact that a fundamental part of a product success depends on the athlete’s feedback.

sports modefrontier ansys ls-dyna


Structural Analysis of the Celtic Gateway Footbridge Design

A cable stayed, stainless steel footbridge connecting the port in the Welsh island of Anglesey to the town center of Holyhead

The footbridge is supported by two cable-stayed, stainless steel arches lying on inclined planes, supporting a steel deck with concrete infill.

civil-engineering ansys construction straus7


New process to analyze vibrational fatigue of solder joints on printed circuit boards used in electric vehicles

High degree of automation allows assessment of massive number of solder joints and electronic components

This technical article presents a simulation process to analyze fatigue in electronic parts, particularly in solder joints, on printed circuit boards (PCBs).

femfat electronics automotive


RecurDyn helps ensures passenger safety in faster, higher capacity detachable chair lifts

Software facilitates dynamic studies of complex multi-body models to predict accelerations; verify, shape and size structural parts

Dynamic studies are required to predict the accelerations, verify that the cams are properly shaped, and to extract the loads to structurally size the parts.

recurdyn multibody mbd-ansys automotive


Using Simulation and Modeling for medical Radio Frequency design

A study demonstrating the benefits of simulation over prototyping

The growth of technology and end-user expectations is ever more important in many application areas and medical devices are at the forefront of this innovation process.

ansys electronics


SACMI designs optimized next-generation components using automated surface sculpting

Uses Adjoint and BGM shape-modification approaches for mesh morphing

Mesh morphing has proven to be a valuable tool in parametrizing numerical models to perform shape optimization. It allows engineers to save time in generating new configurations for analysis because it does not require geometry modification and mesh re-generation.

ansys mechanics


MICAD, engineering aimed at the sea’s jewels

CAE technologies in the Marine Industry

Traditional naval architecture meets the CFD analysis with the aim to improve consolidated products reaching values in terms of performance never seen before.

ansys cfd marine


CFD analysis for the evaluation of the air flow within a climate control unit

Considering the value of numerical analysis for new product design

The objective of the study was to create a virtual model of Climaveneta’s new ACU171 Expanded Close Control Unit and then match the numerical results with the experimental measures.

cfd ansys appliances


New solution for cost-effective electromagnetic analysis

EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program

EnginSoft’s cost-effective solution was successfully created in collaboration with F4E’s expert teams after numerous years spent developing and testing tools, algorithms and customized interfaces in each phase of the Electromagnetic FEM analysis workflow.

energy ansys electronics


Fluid Dynamics Optimization of Racing Engine Inlet Ducts at Aprilia Racing

Optimising racing engine inlet ducts using fluid dynamics

Racing engines are continuously evolved and fine-tuned to allow them to achieve extraordinary levels of performance, albeit with great complexity. However, MotoGP regulations restrict engine development by constraining some of the main design parameters.

optimization modefrontier cfd ansys rail-transport


Acoustic assessment of an electric water pump using Ansys Workbench and Multiphysics simulation

Feasibility study of a complete acoustic workflow

This technical article describes an acoustic emissions study conducted on an electric water circulation pump used for supplementary cooling or heating functions in vehicles, by the Modeling & Simulation Pumps Department of Pierburg Pump Technology

acoustic ansys mechanics


RecurDyn easily analyses the complex dynamics of a musical box

Analysis includes highly flexible bodies and extended contacts with their surfaces

This is a classic scenario that exploits the best features of RecurDyn software, such as the Full-Flex and the Geo-Contact technology.

recurdyn multibody mbd-ansys


New Ferry boat: Emax 2 circuit breaker tolerance analysis for maximum efficiency in panelbuilding

EnginSoft engineers help ABB optimize the Emax 2 design to allow ABB’s client IMESA to create a highly compact switchgear column for a state-of-the-art ferryboat

In this technical case study, we illustrate how EnginSoft engineers helped ABB to optimize the design of the Emax2 project.

tolerances cetol electronics mechanics eztol


Using high-fidelity FSI simulation and advanced mesh morphing to simulate and mitigate vortex-induced Vibrations

This study discusses the complex and challenging problem of controlling vortex-induced vibrations (VIV).

cfd mechanics ansys rbf-morph


Fuel Injection

A multibody model was developed using RecurDyn to study the high-speed dynamic behavior of the injector during a typical work cycle

The model contains both rigid and flexible bodies: the pin was modelled using the proprietary Full Flex technology which includes a Finite Element body in the dynamic simulation.

recurdyn mbd-ansys automotive multibody


A method to conduct dynamic analyses of floating solar structures using AQWA

Structural analysis method also considers response characteristics over time

This technical paper presents an analysis process to accurately examine the environmental loads and structural stability of a Floating photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The method includes a hydrodynamic analysis of the Floating PV in its water-based environment as well as a structural analysis of its structural stability based on the characteristics of motion it undergoes.

ansys energy


Preliminary thermo-mechanical design, simulation and optimization of LAD on board the eXTP space mission

This article describes the preliminary study resulting in the design solutions adopted for the LAD module’s most important thermo-mechanical drivers, which were developed and used to demonstrate compliance with the system requirements at the spacecraft level.

aerospace rbf-morph ansys


Plastic Film Dragging

The dynamics of flexible bodies as they interactthrough contact with other bodies

In this example, these features were tested by simulating the motion of a very thin plastic film (32µm) being dragged by two rollers.

recurdyn mbd-ansys mechanics multibody


Numerical applications of an Ansys-based tool to analyze hybrid metal/composite lattice structures

Computationally efficient method enables design and optimization processes of axial-symmetric lattice structures to be conducted simply and quickly

This paper, by means of presenting three application cases, provides a brief description of the capabilities of a numerical tool developed for the design and optimization of hybrid metal/composite lattice structures created with 3D printing

ansys composites


Improving the design of the Air Purification Tower using 3D CFD

The Nederman Group is a world leading supplier and developer of products and solutions within the environmental technology sector. Their latest step is the use of 3D CFD which improved the performance of their Air Purification Tower by 15%!

Nederman’s Air Purification Tower is the perfect choice if source extraction is not a satisfying option.

ansys mechanics


Numerical analyses of the heat transfer processes of a key cooling system in the ITER reactor

Supporting the design of a critical system with realistic numerical simulations of heat radiation and conjugate heat transfer

The ITER reactor’s electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system launcher requires an effective cooling system due to the strong thermal loads it supports. In supporting the design of this cooling system, NINE performed several numerical studies using the Ansys simulation tools

ansys energy


Durability and Buckling Analysis of Storage Tanks

Teknokon Machinery has developed its know-how in design and manufacturing of various types of storage tanks

By taking advantage of EnginSoft experience in Simulation Based Engineering, by means of the FEM analysis, the Durability, Structural Integrity and Buckling behavior of a new group of toxic liquid and fuel storage tanks have been investigated.

energy mechanics ansys


Multi-Objective Optimization of a Sailing Yacht Aluminum Mast

The optimal mast weight under specific structural strength requirements

The aim of this study was to reduce the weight of the world’s tallest aluminum mast for a new series of single mast sailing yachts manufactured by Perini Navi under the brand name Salute.

optimization modefrontier ansys marine rail-transport


Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

construction modefrontier ansys optimization energy


Beyond the barrier of perfection

Optimization Case study of a multi-stage steam turbine designed by Franco Tosi Meccanica

This case study details the design optimization of an axial steam turbine of 160 MW, focusing on maximizing the total-to-total isentropic efficiency of the last three low-pressure stages of the turbine.

cfd ansys turbomachinery modefrontier


Multiphase fluid dynamics simulation of electric expansion valves for refrigeration and air conditioning applications

Evaluating the ability of numerical methods to replace experimental testing to calculate the capacities of expansion valves

This article details a study that was undertaken by Castel, a producer of refrigeration and air conditioning components, to compare the results of an experimental method for testing expansion valves with a numerical method using Ansys.

ansys energy


Whirlpool uses simulation to investigate improvements to vacuum cleaner performance

Simulation studies help Whirlpool identify the most useful design modifications to support its product objectives

This article describes how EnginSoft applied a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, on behalf of Whirlpool EMEA, to simulate three different geometrical design modifications to the vacuum cleaner head to improve on a baseline performance that was modelled first.

appliances cfd ansys


Electrifying Solutions for Motors and Generators

Marelli Motori engineers use Ansys multiphysics solutions to custom-design motors and generators to solve challenges in hydropower, cogeneration, oil and gas, civil and commercial marine transport, military applications, and ATEX applications involving motors and generators in explosive atmospheres, among other applications.

automotive ansys energy


A Great Team, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Testing

Will the customer be satisfied with the performance and the quality of the product?

Today, numerical simulation and experimental testing are used to qualify products in different stages of the development process.

rail-transport ansys recurdyn


Improving the efficiency of an electric arc furnace’s canopy hood

This technical article describes a numerical (transient computational fluid dynamics) simulation applied to study the suction efficiency of a canopy hood in a steel plant’s electric arc furnace with a view to increasing it.

ansys energy


CFD analysis of an industrial burner of a regeneration gas heater application

Using CFD analysis to save time and money in designing and testing industrial burners for the oil and gas industry

In this technical case study, EnginSoft was called in to assist in the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flame size of a regeneration gas-fired heater for a project in Oman.

ansys mechanics energy oil-gas


Predicting the strength of composite materials using Ansys Software

Applicable from material design to product design

This technical article discusses some of the problems of using finite element method (FEM) simulation software for composite material analysis and introduces new solutions from CYBERNET with Ansys Software for solving these problems.

composites ansys multiscale


Lattice optimization with GENESIS and GSAM

New capability accelerates analysis time and enables determination of optimal lattice dimensions

With GENESIS or GSAM optimization tools, you can maximize additive manufacturing’s potential.

additive-manufacturing gtam-gsam ansys


Conduct fatigue checks directly in Ansys Mechanical using SDC Verifier

Template-based design automates future routine work, and automated documentation facilitates report generation

A lot of steel structures such as cranes, heavy machinery and other equipment subjected to repetitive loading is highly likely to develop cracks or failures because of the fatigue damage.

civil-engineering ansys sdc-verifier


Using simulation and validation to build trust in new tools

A multibody simulation of a switch disconnector

This article describes the multibody simulation of a switch disconnector and its validation with experimental tests, undertaken by LOVATO Electric for the purpose of conducting a detailed evaluation of a potential new tool to design the mechanical part of its electrical devices.

recurdyn multibody electronics


Trapped-vortex approach for syngas combustion in gas turbines

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis reveals ideal placement for the inlets to create the energetic vortex

This technical article presents a study to design a device that operates entirely on the principle of trapped vortices that intrinsically improve the mixing of hot combustion gases with fresh mixture, a characteristic that is essential both to diluted combustion and to Moderate or Intense Low-oxygen Dilution (MILD) combustion.

ansys cfd turbomachinery energy oil-gas


Solving the chainsaw kickback problem with Maplesoft and ANSYS

Maximising chainsaw safety over the tool’s life by analysing the kickback problem and lifetime tool fatigue and performance

The avoidance or reduction of chainsaw kickback is a key safety feature for manufacturers. The challenges for engineers are to obtain more accurate analyses of the problem over the tool’s lifecycle.

maplesim maple mechanics ansys consumer-goods


Agricultural equipment suppliers use CAE to improve product performance, safety and desirability

CAE technologies also reduce design and testing times, and design costs

This case study describes how the company’s R&D team used ANYSYS and Spaceclaim to conduct Finite Element Method analyses to refine the design of a new model of a sprayer boom used by farmers to distribute phytosanitary products over fields for crop protection.

ansys automotive rail-transport


CFD analysis for ESO’s extremely large telescope (ELT) in Chile: Wind screening performance of the dome and main structure

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is a 40m-class optical and infrared telescope being built in Chile. The ELT has a complex geometry, with a rotating structure and a dome that must be protected from wind effects to ensure accurate observations. To study the wind flow within the dome, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was created.

civil-engineering cfd ansys


Integrated Simulation of Commercial Pasta Manufacturing

The Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project, which resulted in a simulation model

This study was part of the Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project,

modefrontier ansys ls-dyna magma optimization food-beverage consumer-goods