
Durchsuchen Sie unsere Softwareangebote für Ihre Region:

Arena Simulation

Model and Analyze Every Aspect of Your Manufacturing Processes

Arena is a discrete event simulation and automation software: it enables manufacturing organizations to increase throughput, identify process bottlenecks, improve logistics and evaluate potential process changes.

industry4 optimization digital-manufacturing arena rockwell

FactoryTalk DataMosaix

Got Data?
Put it to work with FactoryTalk DataMosaix

FactoryTalk DataMosaix is an advanced Industrial DataOps platform developed by Rockwell Automation, designed to streamline access to complex industrial data by integrating Information Technology (IT), Operations Technology (OT), and Engineering Technology (ET). This solution makes data more accessible, meaningful, and actionable, enabling manufacturing organizations to unlock greater value from the vast amounts of data generated across their production systems—enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in decision-making.

industry4 optimization digital-manufacturing rockwell datamosaix

Emulate 3D

Digitally Bringing Your Mechanical Designs to Life

Emulate 3D is an advanced digital twin software that enables users to create accurate virtual replicas of their industrial automation systems. This powerful tool allows for comprehensive testing, simulation, and emulation of systems before they are physically constructed, providing significant advantages across various industries, including material handling, manufacturing, and automation.

industry4 optimization digital-manufacturing rockwell emulate3d

smart prodactive

What does it take to boost your shopfloor? Data, traceability, process optimization. In other words, smart prodactive!

The “smart prodactive” tool predicts the quality, energy and cost of the injection process in real-time, covering the 100% of products, and suggests the appropriate re-actions to adjust the process set-up and/or mechanism.

industry4 metal-process-simulation optimization smartprod


The Real Power of Simulation

X-RHEA (Extended Reality for Human Engineering Application) ist die immersive Lösung für die Visualisierung und Präsentation von CAE-Daten (Computer-Aided Engineering).

automotive meshing mechanics optimization industry4


Manufacturing Insights Platform

The leading cloud-based platform used by manufacturers to unlock cost, manufacturability, and carbon insights for increased product profitability and sustainability.

industry4 optimization digital-manufacturing apriori


Get Durability Right

Endurica provides solutions that put you in control of durability issues of elastomers components early in the development cycle. The Endurica solutions help our clients understand and manage the effects on fatigue life of nonlinear material behavior, component geometry, and complex duty cycles. Endurica has served leading companies in the automotive, medical device, offshore, and consumer products.

automotive endurica


Innovative digitale Plattform für die Entwicklung und Modellierung von Batterien, die deren Verhalten simuliert, vorhersagt und optimiert

Oorja verwendet einen Ansatz, der auf einfachen und schnellen physikalischen Modellen basiert, die die Grundlage für den Algorithmus des maschinellen Lernens bilden, wodurch die Anzahl der für den anfänglichen Datensatz benötigten Daten reduziert wird.

automotive electronics energy oorja


Fortschrittliche Analysewerkzeuge für die mathematisch schlüssige Entwicklung des Konzepts

Maple verbindet die weltweit leistungsfähigste Rechen-Engine mit einer Bedienerschnittstelle, die es äußerst einfach macht, mathematische Probleme zu analysieren, zu untersuchen, zu visualisieren und zu lösen.

maple maplesim


Software zur 3D-Toleranzanalyse

CETOL 6σ bietet wertvolle Einblicke, die Sie dabei unterstützen bekannte Kostentreiber bei der Herstellung von Baugruppen, wie Prototypen, Nacharbeiten und Angsttoleranzen, zu reduzieren.

cetol eztol gdtadvisor tollerances

Maple Flow

Mathematical software for engineering calculations

Maple Flow is an advanced software for symbolic processing, visualization, and analysis of mathematical data and models. Developed by Maplesoft, Maple Flow combines the power of symbolic computation with an intuitive interface, allowing users to explore and solve complex problems efficiently.

maple maplesim


Ihr Einstieg in das Toleranzmanagement

EZtol ist der erste Schritt softwareunterstützt einen Toleranzmanagementprozess zu etablieren und ermöglicht durch seinen einfachen Aufbau den umgehenden Einstieg in den methodischen Ansatz des Toleranzmanagements.

eztol cetol gdtadvisor

GD&T Advisor

The interactive software solution to guide the designer or engineer towards the correct application of GD&T

GD&T Advisor the interactive software solution to guide the designer or engineer towards the correct application of GD&T, based on CETOL 6σ Precise Constraint Technology

eztol cetol gdtadvisor


MBDVidia - MBD Workflow & CAD Revision

Ihre wertvollen nativen CAD-Daten sind jetzt offen für die Verwendung und Wiederverwendung in jeder Umgebung. Echtes MBD: 3D-CAD + PMI, das für Menschen und Maschinen lesbar ist.

tolerances cetol mbdvidia comparevidia


Derivative CAD Validation & Revision Comparison

CompareVidia ist eine einfach zu bedienende Anwendung zum Validieren und Vergleichen von CAD-Modellen. Ein einfacher Arbeitsablauf ermöglicht es Ihnen, zwei CAD-Modelle zu laden und sie anhand Ihrer Kriterien zu vergleichen.

tolerances cetol mbdvidia comparevidia


CAD translation, repair and simplification

CADfix is the leading software solution for CAD model translation, repair, healing, defeaturing and simplification

cadfix cfd mechanics

SDC Verifier

The Comprehensive Structural Design and Verification Solution for FEA Professionals

SDC Verifier technology allows you to perform an in-depth study on the load-bearing structures of large assemblies, modeled with Beam, Shell and Solid elements. In addition, it is capable to recognize automatically joints and welds in order to properly performs rule checks.

sdc-verifier civil-engineering


A revolutionary meshing solution for reliable CFD analysis of rotary positive displacement machines

Thanks to TwinMesh software, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has become an efficient development tool for the first time also for manufacturers of rotary positive displacement machines.

twinmesh cfd


Digital engineering, simulation and augmented reality for machines, production lines design and plant logistics

industrialPhysics is an innovative simulation platform for the digital design and virtual commissioning of complex production machines, lines and plants.

iphysics industry4 optimization mechanics


Manufacturing systems simulation, process digital twin, performance improvement and optimization

SIMUL8 is a software for modeling, simulating, analyzing and optimizing the system-level performance of production systems during their design, reconfiguration and production planning phases.

SIMUL8 industry4 optimization


The strategic Growth Impact AssessmeNT Solution

The strategicGIANT (Growth Impact AssessmeNT) Solution developed by EnginSoft UK to help water companies meet the challenges of urban development under the new regulatory requirements imposed by OFWAT.

strategicgiant industry4 optimization environmental cfd mechanics

ViveLab Ergo

Ergonomic verification in 3D virtual space

ViveLab Ergo is a high-performance cloud computing innovative simulation system that is perfectly capable of modeling machines, robots and people moving in a given physical environment.

vivelab automotive biomechanics


A new tool for Ansys that facilitates materials testing and microscopic analysis of composite materials

Using this technique, all material constants can be evaluated without expensive experimental campaigns.

multiscale composites


Systemsimulation für ein ganzheitliches Anlagenverständnis

MapleSim, als Software zur Simulation von Mehrkörpersystemen, unterstützt den Anwender sowohl in der frühen Konstruktionsphase, als auch in der Optimierung der Performance.

maple maplesim


Effizienz steigern und Kosten sparen

Computergestützte Strömungssimulation (CFD) ist ein notwendiges Verfahren, das mit viel Aufwand verbunden ist. Die Gittergenerierung kann dabei bis zu zwei Wochen in Anspruch nehmen.



CFD-Systemsimulation mit großem Anwendungspotential

Flownex ist ein Designwerkzeug für Fluidnetzwerke. Es ermöglicht die schnelle und genaue CFD-Analyse von Anlagen, indem es Komponenten durch „lumped Parameter“ definiert und sie in einem Thermo-Fluid-Netzwerk miteinander verbindet.



Eine innovative Multibody-Dynamics CAE-Software mit Full-Flex Technologie

RecurDyn ist eine überlegene Multibody-Dynamics-basierte Lösung mit einer bemerkenswerten Kontakttechnologie und einem leistungsstarken Solver für komplexe Mehrkörper-Modelle mit vielen Kontaktpunkten und flexiblen Körpern.



Piping and Equipment analysis & sizing suite

Four software solutions: Start Prof, the first Pipe Stress Analysis Software; HYDROSYSTEM, Nominal Size Selection, Heat Loss & Hydraulic Calculation of Pipeline Systems; PASS/Equip Stress and Stability Analysis of Vessels and Apparatuses Software and Nozzle-FEM, Analysis of stress state, calculation of flexibilities and allowable loads of nozzle junctions

psre oil-gas


Making finite element analysis easier

Straus7's fully-integrated visual environment - combined with a suite of powerful solvers - gives you unparalleled functionality in a single application. Construct models, run analyses and investigate results simultaneously using a seamless interface.


Total Materia

Werkstoff Datenmanagement mit der weltweit umfangreichsten Materialdatenbank

Mit über 500.000 Materialien und für über 70 länderspezifische Standards ist Total Materia die weltweit umfangreichste Werkstoffdatenbank und liefert viele Möglichkeiten, Entwicklungsprozesse nachhaltig aufzuwerten.

totalmateria mechanics


Simulation and virtual optimization of casting processes

MAGMASOFT® is the comprehensive and effective optimization tool for improving metalcasting quality, optimizing process conditions and reducing production costs.

magma metal-process-simulation


Load Calculation Software for Product Engineering

One of the most challenging tasks for an analyst is to develop load cases for their FEA model that match measured strain values.

trueload mechanics


The globally leading software for finite element based fatigue life prediction

FEMFAT is a universally applicable software program for the fatigue analysis of statically and/or dynamically loaded components and complete systems.
