

Simulazione e ottimizzazione dei processi metallurgici


MAGMA è un prodotto MAGMA GmbH

MAGMASOFT® è uno strumento di ottimizzazione completo ed efficace per migliorare la qualità della lavorazione dei metalli, ottimizzare le condizioni di processo e ridurre i costi di produzione. Utilizzando le metodologie "Virtual Design Experiments" e "Autonomous Optimization", è possibile stabilire parametri di processo affidabili e layout di fusione ottimizzati per tutti i materiali e processi di fusione, in modo efficiente e completo allo stesso tempo.

Attraverso l’Ottimizzazione automatica, le simulazioni con MAGMASOFT possono essere pianificate automaticamente per perseguire contemporaneamente obiettivi diversi di qualità e costo.

Questa soluzione software permette di simulare/ottimizzare l’intero processo di colata (riempimento, solidificazione e raffreddamento dentro e fuori lo stampo), comprendendo inoltre la fase di lavorazione meccanica (separazione dei componenti dai sistemi di colata e lavorazione dei sovrametalli) e di trattamento termico finale. La simulazione di processo può essere applicata con successo analizzando in dettaglio i risultati e i parametri di ogni tipologia di processo tramite i moduli dedicati, che consentono l'ottimizzazione delle fasi di riempimento e solidificazione con una affidabile previsione dei difetti e l'analisi termica degli stampi.

La sua applicazione si estende infine all'analisi delle tensioni residue (cricche a caldo, cricche a freddo, deformazioni) tipiche di ogni processo produttivo rivolta sia ai getti che agli stampi.

Magma - Simulation and virtual optimization of casting processes

Principali vantaggi

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  Supporto di tutti i materiali e di tutti gli aspetti dei processi di fonderia

  Test "virtuali" che riducono considerevolmente i difetti della colata

  Identificazione delle condizioni di processo ottimali per realizzare un processo robusto e affidabile

  Processo decisionale più rapido, che garantisce una riduzione dei tempi per tutte le parti coinvolte

  Miglioramento della gestione della qualità, generando una comprensione sistematica di come le variabili del processo influiscono sulla qualità dei prodotti

  Informazioni affidabili e tempestive che consentono ai progettisti uno sviluppo "robusto" di prodotti e processi


technical paper

Process Production Optimization of a Die-Casting Component for Automotive

This work describes as Tecnopress S.p.A., leader in die-casting components supply on a worldwide level, has applied the numerical optimization so to enhance the control on the production process of an automotive component, allowing to reachthe expected qualitative level without affecting the production cost.

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Shape Rolling of a European Standard Beam IPE Profile

A pilot study carried out by engineers from EnginSoft and Beltrame

The study allowed the engineers to estimate the shape profile geometry after each roll pass, the rolls wear and the total load and point at which the beam will bend in off-center setups.

construction metal-process-simulation forge mechanics


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training courses


EnginSoft eroga corsi di addestramento su tecnologie software adatte alla simulazione di processi manifatturieri. I software di riferimento sono quelli prodotti da MAGMASOFT.

training magma metal-process-simulation

Scopri di più

Le nostre competenze in Magma


Shape Rolling of a European Standard Beam IPE Profile

A pilot study carried out by engineers from EnginSoft and Beltrame

The study allowed the engineers to estimate the shape profile geometry after each roll pass, the rolls wear and the total load and point at which the beam will bend in off-center setups.

construction metal-process-simulation forge mechanics


Innovative and Integrated Technologies for the Development of Aeronautical Components

A more efficient simulation procedure for the design phase of Al-Si alloy components for the aeronautical industry.

The scope of this study was to determine and validate a more efficient simulation procedure for the design phase of Al-Si alloy components for the aeronautical industry.

aerospace magma metal process simulation


Cold Forging of a Silent Block Bush Steel Sleeve

Minimize physical prototypes and reduce waste, while reducing the lead time and overall production costs

The object of this study was simulating and optimizing the cold forging process for a silent block bush steel sleeve. A silent block bush is traditionally used in the linkage system of a car suspension, in railway carriages and in agricultural machinery.

metal-process-simulation forge forging automotive


Comparative analysis of temperature control systems for high pressure die casting dies

Numerical methods for the thermal analysis of the HPDC process are needed to shorten the cost, the design and production time and the samples to involve in finding acceptable operating conditions.

In High Pressure Die Casting production it is necessary to keep the die temperature within a certain specified range

die-casting magma metal-process-simulation


Gravity Die Casting of Motorcycle Components

A permanent mold casting study of the mold design and mold-casting process of an aluminum alloy single-sided-swing-arm

The advent of the Naked Motorcycle has changed the way we look at motorcycle parts: they now also need to be aesthetically pleasing because they are mostly visible to the naked eye.

automotive magma metal-process-simulation rail-transport


Steel Casting Optimization of a Gas Diffuser

An optimal gating and feeding system for the production of steel parts

The object of this study is a steel diffuser, which for obvious reasons needs to comply with very strict quality guidelines and industry regulations.

metal process simulation die casting metal-process-simulation magma consumer-goods


Integrated Simulation of Commercial Pasta Manufacturing

The Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project, which resulted in a simulation model

This study was part of the Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project,

modefrontier ansys ls-dyna magma optimization food-beverage consumer-goods


Finite Elements Investigations about the Warm Hydroforming Process of Aluminum Alloys using LS-DYNA

The tensile and formability tests in warm condition

The present work investigates the Warm Hydro Forming (WHF) process of an AA6xxx series alloy (AA6061-T6) using a numerical-experimental approach.

ls-dyna metal-process-simulation


Comparison of casting simulation results and experimental data in heavy section ductile iron production

Aims to provide accurate information on cooling curves, microstructures and mechanical properties of large items for generic commercial uses

This technical article discusses a comparison study of simulated results and experimental data on the cooling curves, the microstructure and the mechanical properties inside a general commercial ductile iron casting.

die-casting metal-process-simulation magma


High Pressure Die Casting Optimization of a Connecting Rod

A multi-objective engineering simulation study of the connecting rods manufacturing process

Connecting rods connect the pistons to the crank shaft in automotive engines and are vital components of the engine. Connecting rods are traditionally produced in ferrous metals by forging or die casting.

metal-process-simulation automotive magma


Treating residual stresses and deformations in die castings

Virtual simulation during product and process design improves time to market and cost efficiency

This technical article illustrates the advantages of using virtual simulation to evaluate the thermal processes of die casting to reduce the formation of residual stresses and deformations in the components produced.

metal-process-simulation mechanics magma


Simulation-Based Engineering Science: a heritage to cherish and invest in for a sustainable future

The adoption of SBES has significantly increased in the last two decades, driven by advancements in computing technology and the rise of Industry 4.0, which promotes nine key enabling technologies, including engineering simulation and big data analytics. SBES is crucial for the integration and automation of production systems, improving flexibility, speed, and quality.

automotive construction energy cfd metal-process-simulation


Simulating tomorrow's future today: Forty years of EnginSoft and counting

The text provides an in-depth account of Stefano Odorizzi’s journey in founding and growing EnginSoft, our engineering company specializing in computer simulation and modelling. Established in 1984, EnginSoft overcame early challenges, such as the high cost of computing, to emerge as a leader in simulation services, particularly in the fields of mechanical engineering and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The narrative highlights several key milestones in the company’s history.

cfd metal-process-simulation industry4 news mechanics optimization


Ring Rolling of a Wind Tower Flange

A tool to reduce the level of post manufacturing defects, material wastage and overall production costs

An academic study of the hot ring rolling process at ASFO Spa, that it ended with the company using Transvalor Forge as a tool to reduce the level of post manufacturing defects, material wastage and overall production costs

energy forge metal-process-simulation