Emulate 3D

Emulate 3D

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Emulate 3D

Emulate 3D è un prodotto Rockwell Automation

Emulate 3D è un software avanzato di digital twin che consente agli utenti di creare repliche virtuali precise dei loro sistemi di automazione industriale. Questo potente strumento permette di effettuare test completi, simulazioni ed emulazioni dei sistemi prima della loro costruzione fisica, offrendo vantaggi significativi in vari settori, tra cui la gestione dei materiali, la produzione e l'automazione.

Caratteristiche principali

  • Commissioning virtuale: Emulate 3D consente di testare e fare debug dei sistemi di controllo in un ambiente virtuale prima del commissioning fisico. Questo riduce il rischio di errori e diminuisce i tempi di inattività, garantendo un'implementazione più fluida.
  • Simulazione ed emulazione: Simulando ed emulando interi sistemi virtualmente, Emulate 3D elimina la necessità di prototipi fisici costosi. Questa capacità aiuta anche a identificare e risolvere eventuali problemi già nella fase di progettazione, migliorando le prestazioni complessive del sistema.
  • Aumento della produttività: Il software riduce significativamente i tempi di sviluppo permettendo agli utenti di individuare e risolvere i problemi in anticipo. Ciò porta a una riduzione dei tempi e dei costi legati alla prototipazione fisica, aumentando la produttività complessiva.
  • Collaborazione e comunicazione: Emulate 3D facilita la collaborazione in tempo reale tra i vari stakeholder, migliorando la comunicazione e assicurando un allineamento tra i team. Questo ambiente collaborativo aiuta a ridurre gli errori durante le fasi di progettazione, test e implementazione.

Applicazioni industriali

  • Gestione dei materiali: Nell'industria della gestione dei materiali, Emulate 3D viene utilizzato per progettare, simulare e ottimizzare i sistemi di trasporto, le celle robotiche e altre attrezzature per la gestione dei materiali, ottimizzando le operazioni prima della loro implementazione fisica.
  • Produzione: Il software supporta la simulazione e la validazione delle linee di produzione, consentendo ai produttori di testare e affinare le prestazioni del sistema in modo virtuale, garantendo l'efficienza operativa prima dell'installazione effettiva.
  • Automazione: Emulate 3D svolge un ruolo chiave nel settore dell'automazione, consentendo agli utenti di progettare, testare e validare i sistemi di controllo, riducendo significativamente il rischio di interruzioni operative e tempi di inattività durante il commissioning fisico.
Emulate 3D Emulate 3D

Principali vantaggi

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  Prototipazione delle macchine

Progetta e costruisci facilmente la prossima generazione di macchine con fiducia.

  Miglioramento dei processi

Con una copia digitale di un sistema o impianto, utilizza lo strumento per testare scenari “what if” e migliorare i processi.

  Messa in servizio virtuale

Progetta, testa, valida e metti in servizio le macchine prima che entrino in funzione.

  Integrazione MES/WMS

Analogamente a DCS/PLC, collega sistemi di livello superiore per anticipare l'integrazione.

  Analisi della produttività

Ottimizza la produttività con simulazioni 3D in tempo reale di processi dinamici.

  Analisi avanzata

Un modello gemello consente di prevedere prestazioni e KPI.

  Simulatori per la formazione degli operatori

Riduci i rischi formando la forza lavoro in un ambiente virtuale sicuro.

  Analisi della forza lavoro

Sfrutta il gemello digitale per ottimizzare il personale e il supporto.

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Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

construction modefrontier ansys optimization energy


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Flexible factory design and reconfiguration using digital simulation models

The text discusses the importance of digital simulation models in modern factory design and reconfiguration, particularly in response to shorter product lifecycles and increased customization demands. Traditional design methods often lead to inefficiencies and high costs, making digital simulation essential for creating flexible and adaptable production systems. The article highlights a case study involving a furniture assembly factory, where a manufacturer needed to efficiently handle a variety of custom kitchen cabinet orders. The system integrator was tasked with designing a robotic assembly line that could maintain production efficiency despite the high variety of products.

industry4 SIMUL8

Scopri di più

Le nostre competenze in Emulate 3D


Structural Analysis of the Planing Hull for the Permare Amer 116 Super Yacht

An efficient, fully integrated and optimized logic that consisted in the coupling of different software analysis tools

The main structure of the yacht is made of composite laminates with the presence of many composite reinforcements and bonded joints. We conducted a detailed structural analysis of the entire structure and verified the structural requirements.

marine optimization


Strategy to optimize the independent suspension system of an off-highway, agricultural tractor

The purpose of the case study was to implement a design methodology that used multi-disciplinary simulation and an automated process to analyse thousands of product configurations and highlight vehicle performance distributions in terms of handling, comfort, and cost. This approach ensures that the best solution is always selected.

mechanics modefrontier automotive optimization


Lucid Motors boosts electric vehicle performance with modeFRONTIER

Performing multi-objective inverter cooling system optimization with modeFRONTIER

This brief article summarises how California-based electric car company, Lucid Motors, used the CAE application, ModeFRONTIER for performing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

automotive optimization modefrontier


Structural optimization of a bridge beam section subjected to instability of equilibrium

CAE and numeric simulation guides engineers to an optimal design for structural safety at the lowest cost

This technical article describes how engineers tackled a design optimization challenge to ensure the structural integrity of a section of the beam of a typical steel bridge whose web of main beams was subject to instability.

civil-engineering modefrontier optimization


Integrated Simulation of Commercial Pasta Manufacturing

The Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project, which resulted in a simulation model

This study was part of the Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project,

modefrontier ansys ls-dyna magma optimization food-beverage consumer-goods


Controlled Floater for Marine Pipeline Towing

A system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields

A developer of innovative equipment designed a system to simplify the towing and laying down of marine pipelines in shallow water fields.

energy modefrontier optimization oil-gas recurdyn


Optimizing the Glass Clamping of a Pyrolytic Oven

An appreciable 30 to 40% decrease in stresses

The aim of this study was to find the best quality glass-clamping system, through parametric model optimization, for a new pyrolytic self-cleaning oven by Indesit.

modefrontier optimization consumer-goods appliances


Advanced strategies for the flow field optimization of a medical device

How to use a hybrid method of CFD analysis for product optimization and performance improvement while reducing the computational effort and the time required to achieve the results

Further reduction of the heat loss compared to the best design of the NSGA-II first phase design optimization: a further 4% gained

cfd biomechanics ansys modefrontier optimization


Simulating tomorrow's future today: Forty years of EnginSoft and counting

The text provides an in-depth account of Stefano Odorizzi’s journey in founding and growing EnginSoft, our engineering company specializing in computer simulation and modelling. Established in 1984, EnginSoft overcame early challenges, such as the high cost of computing, to emerge as a leader in simulation services, particularly in the fields of mechanical engineering and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The narrative highlights several key milestones in the company’s history.

cfd metal-process-simulation industry4 news mechanics optimization


Optimization of the SLM/DMLS process to manufacture an aerodynamic Formula 1 part

This paper presents the RENAULT F1 Team’s AM process for an aerodynamic insert in titanium Ti6Al4V. Production was optimized by identifying the best orientation for the parts and the best positioning for the support structures in the melting chamber, in addition to using the ANSYS Additive Print module, a simulation software useful for predicting the distortion of a part and for developing a new, 3D, compensated model that guarantees the best “as-built” quality.

automotive additive-manufacturing optimization


The roller coaster

A design challenge combining excitement and rigour

A fascinating article on the origin, history, and evolution of roller coasters from their earliest prototypes in Russia in the 16th century on the banks of the Neva River of St. Petersburg, and then dives into detail on how numerical simulation of roller coasters works to ensure their success both as entertainment and from a safety perspective for users and operators.

mechanics civil-engineering construction optimization


Optimization techniques applied to centrifugal compressor design

Using RSM to save design time and speed time-to-market

Optimization tools, and specifically response surface methods (RSM), can be adapted very well in the design process to provide information around the design of a compressor stage. This article will cover two of the possible optimization uses: the search of optimum performance and data generation.

modefrontier optimization mechanics


Introducing Skippy: an athletic monopedal robot, designed for a repertoire of behaviors

Demonstrating the effectiveness of a systematic, complete design approach to achieve extreme, unprecedented behaviors

This article discusses a realistic multi-objective parameter optimization study of a highly athletic one-legged robot, called Skippy, in which both the parameters of the mechanism and the parameters of its optimal behaviors were sought.

optimization modefrontier biomechanics


Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

construction modefrontier ansys optimization energy


Optimizing a cam mechanism using Adam and MATLAB

The design of a cam for high-speed production machines with various operating criteria imposes various conflicting objectives

This technical case study explains the application of a two-step methodology using the MATLAB and Adam algorithms in the modeFRONTIER software platform.

optimization modefrontier automotive


Development and optimization of crash brackets for ECE R29 regulation compliance

IVECO uses modeFRONTIER to simulate results to pass type-approval tests

This paper presents the main steps taken in the development phase of the IVECO cab suspension brackets to comply with the new ECE R29 crash regulation for Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HVC).

modefrontier optimization automotive


The brave new world of virtual commissioning

Current market demands require new approaches to assure business imperatives are achieved

The following article explains how this new approach to the design of automated machines can enable industrial automation OEMs and system integrators to achieve these business imperatives with the assistance of industrialPhysics simulation software.

mechanics iphysics industry4


Fluid Dynamics Optimization of Racing Engine Inlet Ducts at Aprilia Racing

Optimising racing engine inlet ducts using fluid dynamics

Racing engines are continuously evolved and fine-tuned to allow them to achieve extraordinary levels of performance, albeit with great complexity. However, MotoGP regulations restrict engine development by constraining some of the main design parameters.

optimization modefrontier cfd ansys rail-transport


Optimizing the cable routing for a hyper-redundant inspection robot for harsh, hazardous environments

A multi-objective optimization framework to reduce the actuation loads and increase the payload

This article discusses a multi-objective optimization study to determine the optimal matrix for the routing of the actuating cable system in order to minimize the cable load on the robot and maximize the robot’s payload.

optimization modefrontier mechanics electronics


Calibration of the Johnson-Cook plasticity for high strain rate regime applications

Material models used in structural finite element analysis (FEA) are often one of the key aspects that engineers need to describe very accurately.

optimization modefrontier ls-dyna


The design optimization of a small axial turbine with millions of configurations

The case for computerized optimization over manual design interventions

In this article, we show that the main turbine characteristics, such as efficiency and exit flow angle, can be sufficiently improved using parametric optimization.

modefrontier energy optimization


Improved blast furnace performance with material load optimization

Combining modeFRONTIER with Rocky DEM to design a better deflector saves up to 130 hours of computation time

The Arvedi Group approached the University of Trieste to find a solution to the uneven distribution of material inside the hopper of their blast furnace in Trieste, Italy.

optimization modefrontier rocky mechanics


Using multidisciplinary optimization for engine suspension stiffness

Optimizing idling and ride comfort

In this technical article, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles explain how they created a multibody optimization project to identify the optimal values for the powertrain suspension stiffness for a three-cylinder engine in order to minimize the vibrations at idle condition and ensuring greater ride comfort to the passengers.

automotive optimization modefrontier


How to optimize an external gear pump in highly constrained conditions

Meeting the engineering challenge of increasing efficiency while reducing costs

In this technical case study, EnginSoft assists Casappa to further refine an already-optimized standard series pump for an electrical motor and generator

mechanics optimization modefrontier


Multi-Objective Optimization of a Sailing Yacht Aluminum Mast

The optimal mast weight under specific structural strength requirements

The aim of this study was to reduce the weight of the world’s tallest aluminum mast for a new series of single mast sailing yachts manufactured by Perini Navi under the brand name Salute.

optimization modefrontier ansys marine rail-transport


Creating an accurate digital twin of a human user for realistic modeling and simulation

Multibody system simulation using biomechanical human body models in RecurDyn

This technical article describes a human body model (HBM) wizard developed for RecurDyn and discusses what is already possible and what is in the development pipeline for the near future. Biomotion Solutions provides software to quickly build HBMs in industrial-grade simulation packages.

multibody recurdyn industry4 biomechanics


Propeller design by means of multiobjective optimization: CP propeller test case

Validatipon of the results by means of an experimental campaign carried out at Genoa University Cavitation Tunnel

Modern propeller requirements involve many different characteristics, not limiting only to maximum efficiency, but considering also propeller cavitating behavior and, more and more, its side effects, in terms of radiated noise and pressure pulses.

marine modefrontier optimization


Optimization of an automotive manufacturing system design taking into account regional requirements

Applying CAE to facilitate business CapEx decision making in the automotive manufacturing sector

In this case study, EnginSoft engineers explain how they used modeFRONTIER to assist Comau, a Fiat Chrysler subsidiary, to optimize their approach to the preliminary design of production systems for automotive manufacturing system RFQs.

automotive optimization rail-transport modefrontier SIMUL8 iphysics industry4


Faster than the wind: the optimization experience in the America’s Cup Challenge

New America’s Cup regulations: a design challenge

Sailing and engineering teams have been dealing with a new set of challenges ranging from boat handling, tactics and, it goes without saying, the design of these new vessels and their subsystems.

marine optimization modefrontier


Ultra-Wide Band Radome CAE Optimization

Overcoming mechanical and electromagnetic challenges in refining a radome for electronic warfare

Elettronica SpA designs and produces systems for electronic warfare. Each system design is unique according to its platform and purpose. In this article, the company describes how it used CAE to approach the challenging design of a single sandwich radome.

ansys optimization electronics


Flexible factory design and reconfiguration using digital simulation models

The text discusses the importance of digital simulation models in modern factory design and reconfiguration, particularly in response to shorter product lifecycles and increased customization demands. Traditional design methods often lead to inefficiencies and high costs, making digital simulation essential for creating flexible and adaptable production systems. The article highlights a case study involving a furniture assembly factory, where a manufacturer needed to efficiently handle a variety of custom kitchen cabinet orders. The system integrator was tasked with designing a robotic assembly line that could maintain production efficiency despite the high variety of products.

industry4 SIMUL8


Taking stock: the evolution of simulation around the world pre- and post-Covid-19

From its earliest days through to future post-pandemic perspectives

At this particular moment in time, this article wishes to reflect on the evolution of CAE and simulation in an effort to present a big-picture view when most of us are daily dealing with all the devil in the details in every aspect of our lives. We approached some long-standing business friends in engineering simulation from various regions around the world to help us in this task

ansys industry4 news


The Future of Digital Manufacturing Starts with Model-Based Definition (MBD): Enrico Boesso of EnginSoft Face to Face with Daniel Campbell of Capvidia

In a recent interview, Enrico Boesso (EnginSoft) and Daniel Campbell (Capvidia) discussed how Model-Based Definition (MBD) is transforming manufacturing by replacing traditional 2D drawings with data-rich 3D models as the "single source of truth".

comparevidia mbdvidia tolerances digital-manufacturing mechanics


Filming the Bloodhound Super Sonic Car Land Speed Record

Using CAE to optimise the design of a prototype for a super sonic filming drone

This detailed technical case study describes how the students arrived at a supersonic aircraft drone prototype using MATLAB and modeFRONTIER in order to reduce the time and costs of numerical and wind-tunnel testing.

automotive modefrontier optimization