Ansys Cloud

Ansys Cloud

Ansys Cloud

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Ansys Cloud è un innovativo servizio che permette di eseguire simulazioni con le tecnologie Ansys sfruttando le considerevoli potenzialità HPC (High Performance Computing) messe a disposizione dalla piattaforma Cloud Computing di Microsoft Azure®. Una svolta epocale per chi abbia la necessità di effettuare simulazioni accurate in modo rapido ma senza investire pesantemente sull’acquisto di hardware.

Ansys Cloud nasce dalla pluriennale collaborazione tra Ansys Inc. e Microsoft Corporation, finalizzata ad abbattere le mura fisiche del tradizionale ufficio per permettere a tutti gli analisti di essere pienamente operativi e super-efficienti in ogni luogo del mondo. A disposizione c’è l’intero portfolio Ansys grazie ad una innovativa strategia pay-per-use chiamata Ansys Elastic Units.

Il modello realizzato ad esempio in Ansys Mechanical, Ansys Fluent o Ansys Electronics Desktop può essere lanciato direttamente sulla piattaforma Ansys Cloud da una speciale Wizard. Il calcolo viene monitorato costantemente da un pc o dal proprio smartphone, è possibile eseguire un avanzato post-processing dei risultati in remota o interrompere il run facilmente.

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Johannesburg 2010 World Cup Stadium Roof and Facade Design

An ambitious remodeling and expansion plan for the stadium was initiated

The study analyzed these structures for strength, service and stability conditions before construction.

civil-engineering construction ansys


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A method to conduct dynamic analyses of floating solar structures using AQWA

Structural analysis method also considers response characteristics over time

This technical paper presents an analysis process to accurately examine the environmental loads and structural stability of a Floating photovoltaic (PV) power plant. The method includes a hydrodynamic analysis of the Floating PV in its water-based environment as well as a structural analysis of its structural stability based on the characteristics of motion it undergoes.

ansys energy

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Le nostre competenze in Ansys Cloud


Using CFD Analysis to predict the effect of Wind on a Tower Crane

CFD proves to offer a reliable working methodology for designers

This article proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to address these complexities.

ansys mechanics


Using CFD simulation to optimize the ventilation system of a spray booth

Overspray is a key problem in the paint application process. This phenomenon is caused by inefficiencies of the robots inside the spray booth and can best be solved by balancing the air flow properly in the paint application area.

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Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

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