Ansys Materials | GRANTA

Ansys Materials | GRANTA

Material Intelligence with Ansys Granta

Ansys Materials | GRANTA

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Le soluzioni GRANTA consentono ai clienti di controllare, analizzare e applicare in maniera coerente e strutturata i dati sui materiali, aspetto assolutamente fondamentale per realizzare un progetto robusto.
GRANTA offre strumenti in grado di supportare la scelta dei materiali e le decisioni di sostituzione di materiali applicati alla Normal Produzione, per rispondere ad esigenze di vario tipo che possono derivare dalla necessità di soddisfare normative sempre più restrittive (es. Reach e ROHS) oppure necessità tecniche di alleggerimento ecc.

I database di materiali che entrano negli strumenti GRANTA ricoprono tutto lo scibile a disposizione grazie anche ad importanti collaborazioni con i maggiori produttori di materiali al mondo.

Le linee di prodotti GRANTA sono:

  • Materials Data For Simulation
  • GRANTA EduPack
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Materials Data for Simulation Focused materials data set to support simulation analysts, embedded into Ansys Mechanical and Ansys Electronics Desktop



Si tratta di un database aggiuntivo inserito dentro Ansys Mechanical o Ansys Electronics Desktop che include più di 700 materiali – inclusi metalli, plastiche, polimeri, compositi, materiali magnetici, ceramici ecc.- i cui datasheet sono direttamente leggibili dentro l’ambiente Workbench.

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Improving the design of the Air Purification Tower using 3D CFD

The Nederman Group is a world leading supplier and developer of products and solutions within the environmental technology sector. Their latest step is the use of 3D CFD which improved the performance of their Air Purification Tower by 15%!

Nederman’s Air Purification Tower is the perfect choice if source extraction is not a satisfying option.

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Le nostre competenze in Ansys Materials | GRANTA


Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators

This paper presents the design and first experimental results of a very compact Ku-band bandpass filter for high power satellite applications. The filter was designed and simulated using the Ansys HFSS and Mechanical simulators. Proposed as part of an ESA ARTES Advanced Technology project, the filter is based on dielectric loaded combline resonators.

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Numerical analyses of the heat transfer processes of a key cooling system in the ITER reactor

Supporting the design of a critical system with realistic numerical simulations of heat radiation and conjugate heat transfer

The ITER reactor’s electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system launcher requires an effective cooling system due to the strong thermal loads it supports. In supporting the design of this cooling system, NINE performed several numerical studies using the Ansys simulation tools

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CFD-Driven Design of a Ventilation System for Kitchen Hoods

Optimized design achieves energy efficiency and cost containment objectives

This article presents a study that the Elica Group commissioned from EnginSoft to support it engineering team in redesigning the ventilation system of its “Tilly” kitchen hood model

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