Research Projects


Multi-OMICS techniques in the medical sciences: AI to support public Health




The overall objective of the TECNOMED-HUB project is to create, in the Piedmont region of Italy, a technology platform to support medical research 4.0, based on the integration of existing multi-omics platforms with self-learning algorithms, data mining, and big data analytics. These AI tools will receive structured and unstructured data as input, obtained from one or more platforms for analysing clinical data or biological samples with a multi-OMICS modality (i.e. big data generation), and will use machine learning algorithms to provide researchers with structured and easy-to-use results.

The end result includes a Knowledge Map to correlate, for instance, the genetic and biological properties of a disease, or the composition and mechanisms of action of drugs.

Project Summary

The project includes four strategic activities:

Activity 1: the development of platforms for future pandemics based on mass spectrometry, immunomics, antigenic profiling, and the implementation of a repository of clinical and omics data to complete the biobank. The TECNOMED-HUB includes an AI platform for the creation of data-driven digital twins to complement the bioinformatics facility.

Activity 2: monitoring the outcomes of COVID-19 in the Piedmontese population one year after the disease.

Activity 3: evaluation of vaccine response (Pfizer vs AstraZeneca) among healthcare personnel, university staff, and "fragile" populations (autoimmune patients on immunosuppressants)

Activity 4: transferring the results obtained into the clinical and routine diagnostics of the hospital analysis laboratory.


Personalised medicine is based on the creation of therapeutic pathways that use the characteristics of the patient's molecular profile. The novel approach of personalised medicine entails a significant increase in innovative laboratory tests with a consequent increase in the volume of data to be collected, analysed and translated into useful information to guide clinical decisions. The main innovation of the TECNOMED-HUB is the systemization of a set of multi-OMICS platforms to serve healthcare personnel and society.

ES Role

EnginSoft is contributing to the creation of a user-friendly platform for healthcare personnel with no specific mathematical-IT expertise (doctors, laboratory analysts). The platform will be accessible at different levels, either for experts in data analysis and Artificial Intelligence, or through a simplified interface for healthcare users to extract and use the required data. The platform will quickly and intuitively display information that supports the study of and fight against infectious diseases. For example: potential antiviral drugs, proteins for vaccine development, or genetic indicators signalling the presence of an infection despite the absence of symptoms.


Università del Piemonte Orientale | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria "Maggiore della Carità" di Novara | AGS - ADVANCED GLOBAL SOLUTION SPA | EnginSoft

Funding Scheme

ERDF 2014-2020 Region Piedmont - Action I.1a.5.1; Research, Technology development and Innovation. Call INFRA-P – Support to projects for the implementation, strengthening and widening of public research infrastructures.


Project web site

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24 months


June 2022 – May 2024


Università del Piemonte Orientale

Reference in EnginSoft

Danilo Col

Partners Number


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