Ansys is a software suite of Ansys Inc.
LS-DYNA is a general-purpose finite element program capable of simulating complex real world problems. It is used by the automobile, aerospace, construction, military, manufacturing, and bioengineering industries. LS-DYNA is optimized for shared and distributed memory Unix, Linux, and Windows based, platforms, and it is fully QA'd by LSTC. The code's origins lie in highly nonlinear, transient dynamic finite element analysis using explicit time integration.
"Nonlinear" means at least one (and sometimes all) of the following complications:
"Transient dynamic" means analyzing high speed, short duration events where inertial forces are important. Typical uses include:
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Gambacciani began his career in development of diesel engines at FIAT-GM Powertrain (now FCA) where he gains a solid experience on CAE both in the fluid and structural environment.
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Our competences in Ansys LS-DYNA
In this technical article, the authors discuss the development of CAE models for simulating the behavior of shaped charges, devices used in various industrial sectors, against two types of target – a monolithic steel target and a multi-layer steel-ceramic target – in order to better understand the physics of penetration.
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Gambacciani began his career in development of diesel engines at FIAT-GM Powertrain (now FCA) where he gains a solid experience on CAE both in the fluid and structural environment.
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This technical case study describes how the ROPS and FOPS of a tractor were numerically studied in the early design phase to ensure compliance with OECD Standard Code 4 (for the cabin’s resistance to longitudinal, lateral and vertical energy or force) and Code 10 (for overhead protection from falling objects).
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This study was part of the Virtual Optimization PAsta production process (OPAV) research project,
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Material models used in structural finite element analysis (FEA) are often one of the key aspects that engineers need to describe very accurately.
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The barrier has been thoroughly tested and certified against car and bus impact conditions.
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This technical article describes a project that was undertaken by TAE SUNG Software and Engineering, in collaboration with DY AUTO in Korea, to establish a computerized process to conduct three-dimensional real-scale analysis of any of the three types of windshield wiper currently in use, and to establish a specific standard for evaluating wiper performance.
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Sport equipment design is characterized by the fact that a fundamental part of a product success depends on the athlete’s feedback.
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In this technical article, we demonstrate how to apply a one-way coupling technique using a combination of ParticleWorks and LS-DYNA to estimate tsunami damage to a vehicle.
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The residual strength, in particular the compression strength after damage due to low velocity impact, is one of the most critical issue for composite laminates.
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This article combines the use of the finite element method with a Design Thinking approach to reconstruct a road traffic accident for an traffic accident insurance report in order to analyse the outcome of the accident, compare the respective property damage, and the physical injuries to pedestrians or passengers in order to limit the quantity of large claims compensation for the insurance company, while ensuring the fairness of the compensation for the customer to foster greater trust and credibility in the insurance provider.
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This project investigates how best to correctly predict the energy absorption of these non-isotropic and non-homogeneous materials, whose lamina thickness is typically of the order of 0.2 mm or less and consists of tiny fibers or particles dispersed in a matrix material.
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A new methodology is presented, following an integrated process-product analysis approach, showing some benefits related to increased accuracy and the potential application of new optimization methods.
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While the engineers relied on modeFRONTIER's capabilities, the procedure has been to calibrate the constitutive parameters of LS-DYNA's advanced material models, and to use them for prediction, design optimization and robustness analysis.
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