Smart Manufacturing
The AGILE project arises from the discussions within the Veneto system of companies and research organizations, and from a post-emergency perspective, identifies as its strategic approach the capacity for an "agile" reconversion of production systems through the application of advanced solutions for product innovation. It forms part of the "Smart Manufacturing" specialization strategy.
This is an "industrial reaction" to the COVID-19 emergency, built on flexibility, reconversion and resilience, positioning it as part of the broader scope of business competitiveness based on Industry 4.0.
The AGILE approach is based on several "lessons learned":
The project develops solutions and tools for Agile Manufacturing for competitiveness and product innovation by addressing four development areas: (1) the virtualization of the design phase, (2) the development and industrialization of advanced and rapid production technologies, (3) rapid reconfiguration and optimization of production lines and (4) intelligent quality management.
The AGILE Project operates within specific and representative types of production lines:
The enabling technologies used by the project are:
The extent of innovation can be outlined with reference to the AGILE activity areas.
1) Virtualization of the design phase to manage and optimize the design chain: integration and customization of systems, in relation to the characteristics of the production cycles;
2) Development and industrialization of advanced and rapid production technologies;
3) Rapid reconfiguration and optimization of the seven production lines to manage variations in products and lots; KPIs and OEEs will be introduced to ensure the flexibility of the company’s entire production system;
4) Intelligent quality management: production monitoring and control systems that use predictive quality models to intervene in almost real time; increased product traceability to achieve digital certification.
EnginSoft’s role as the only engineering company in the partnership, is fundamental and transversal to address the digitalization of production lines. In particular, following the study of advanced solutions for agile manufacturing, the multi-disciplinary skills and solutions proposed by EnginSoft contribute to the Virtualization of the design phase; Rapid reconfiguration and optimization of production lines; and intelligent quality management.
The project partners are members of the Italian SINFONET and M3NET Regional Innovation Networks
Funding Scheme POR - Obiettivo "Incremento dell'attività di innovazione delle imprese" - Parte FESR fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale 2014 - 2020
“Progetto finanziato con il POR FESR 2014-2020 Regione del Veneto” - ASSE 1 “RICERCA, SVILUPPO TECNOLOGICO E INNOVAZIONE” AZIONE 1.1.4 “Sostegno alle attività collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi”
ERDF European Regional Development Fund 2014 - 2020
Importo finanziamento: € 1.413.985,00 / Grant Amount: € 1.702.983,50
by Filippo Voltazza | Saen
Stefania Bruschi, Rachele Bertolini | Università degli Studi di Padova, DII
Nicola Gramegna, Giampietro Scarpa | EnginSoft
Futurities - Winter 2023
This paper presents a summary of some of the significant results obtained in the metallurgical part of the Veneto region’s AGILE project. Digitalizing the design phase transforms, systematizes, and virtualizes design, making it faster and more flexible and enabling it to become a company “asset” that can be improved as contexts and scenarios change, all of which strongly support competitiveness.
The solution described in this paper was introduced into one of the aluminium alloy high-pressure die-casting (HPDC) foundries of one of the project partners (Saen) and used various simulation tools to redesign both the HPDC process and a die to accommodate the insertion of an insert with conformal channels made with additive printing in H13 steel.
Read the articleSome of our competences in research and technology transfer
Research project
The overall objective of the RaRe2 project is to create a flexible and resilient Holistic Ecosystem Platform powered by the interactions of many European organizations interested in cooperating in the rapid reconfiguration of process chains through collaborative systems and adaptive workforce up-skilling.
Research project
The final goal of the project is to define a technology solution to repair metal components. End users require an automated or semi-automated solution for mounting a part of partially unknown shape into a machine, measuring the relevant part of its surface in 3D and automatically generating a repair program to restore it to the desired shape.
Research project
The project aimed to develop an open integrated framework that connects materials models at various levels of complexity, experimental data sets and commercial information (e.g. ingredients and processing costs), so that decision makers can use a wider variety of key performance indicators.