Course category
18 hours [3 days / 6 hours]
9.00 - 12.00 | 14.00 - 17.00
Enrico Boesso
Tolerance management during the product development process is based on a method called “Dimensional Management”. It defines the activities and their sequence to obtain the desired quality at the lowest possible cost through the management of mechanical variations.
ISO-GPS is a standardized technical language that enables the robust practical application of Dimensional Management through functional description of the dimensional/geometric requirements and unambiguous specifications. Its prescriptions are used to describe the dimensional and geometric variations that can be accepted in the production of a single component, it clearly indicates what you need to measure and allows to explicitly control all the aspects of such variations.
Tolerance analysis is the only possible way to understand if the “as designed” tolerances values are too large (poor quality) or too small (unnecessary demand for high process capability) to optimize them finding a balance between these two conflictual requirements.
Learning Outcomes
Target Audience
Experience in technical drawings management could be useful, but not mandatory.
The training program includes:
Introduction to Dimensional Management
ISO-GPS (Geometrical Product Specification)
Introduction to tolerance analysis
To receive more information on our training proposals, or a personalized offer, click on the "Send an information request" button and fill out the form with your details and we will contact you.
Send an information requestYou will receive a personalized offer for each course, based on your preferred delivery method (live online, in person in one of our classrooms or in-house at your company), and requirements (number of participants, curriculum, level and technology).
Dates, times and provision methods (live online, in person in our facilities or in-house at your premises) will be agreed with the customer: the information provided in the course overviews is merely indicative.
For live online courses, we use a web platform that does not require installation of local software. It enables participation in the sessions via Mac, PC or any mobile device. The EnginSoft Training Secretariat will send the participation link and credentials to the individual trainees.
Silvia Galtarossa
Ph. +39 049 770 5311 |