Engineering Day | Webinar

Introduction to Multiscale Extension for Ansys Workbench

Improving efficiency in the material design work based on virtual material testing

Date: 25 March 2021

Timetable: 14:00 CET

Speaker/s: Koji Yamamoto

Language: English

Koji Yamamoto

Material is a fundamental element that determines the properties of any industrial product. To develop innovative products, new materials with better properties than those of the past are essential. On the other hand, materials informatics or ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering), which is an approach to discover or explore new materials by using computer technologies such as simulation and machine learning, is expected to dramatically improve the efficiency of materials design.

The material database is the most important information for these efforts. However, for composites, there is still a lack of a sufficient amount of databases available in general. Virtual material testing has the potential to clear up the problem. This webinar will provide an overview of Ansys's add-in multiscale analysis capabilities, which can be used to analytically predict the equivalent properties of composites using the finite element model.


  • Composite Materials;

  • Homogenization Analysis;

  • Ansys Workbench Products;

  • Multiscale Analysis;

  • Materials Informatics;

  • ICME.

General Introduction of J-OCTA

Enrolment Methods

The event is free: you need to register to attend.

A Web platform (GoToWebinar) is used, which does not require local software installation.
You can participate in the session via: MAC, PC, or any mobile device.

Upon registration, a link, and credentials to participate will be sent to the e-mail address provided.

You can ask questions and participate in the discussion in the chat room.

Afterwards you will be able to watch the recording of this webinar, and our other initiatives, by visiting the Media Center on our website or our YouTube channel.

Engineering Day

2021, 25th March | Hour: 14:00 CET

Enjoy the initiative!


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A new tool for Ansys that facilitates materials testing and microscopic analysis of composite materials

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