Ansys Elastic Licensing

Ansys Elastic Licensing

Ansys Elastic Licensing

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Ansys offre oggi la possibilità di accedere all’intero portfolio di tecnologie di simulazione in modo flessibile attraverso una nuova modalità pay-per-use. L’opzione Ansys Elastic Licensing prevede l’acquisto preventivo e l’utilizzo (a consumo orario) di un certo numero di Ansys Elastic Units, funzionali all’utilizzo delle tecnologie Ansys Mechanical, CFD ed Electronics senza limitazioni tecniche.

Ambienti di modellazione, ottimizzazione e tecnologia Ansys HPC per il calcolo parallelo vengono abilitate attraverso l’uso delle Elastic Units. Ciò consente all’analista di svolgere rapidamente la propria simulazione sfruttando appieno la propria dotazione hardware. Qualora l’hardware a propria disposizione non fosse soddisfacente, le Ansys Elastic Units possono essere utilizzate come elemento abilitante per la piattaforma Ansys Cloud.

In sintesi, le Ansys Elastic Units rappresentano dei veri e propri gettoni che permettono di avere accesso a qualsiasi tecnologia Ansys sia sfruttando l’hardware all’interno del proprio ufficio tecnico (opzione on-premise) sia usufruendo di risorse esterne con elevate prestazioni (opzione on-the-cloud).

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Reshaping the DEMO Tokamak’s TF Coil with high fidelity Multiphysics CAE and advanced mesh morphing

This article describes the Multiphysics optimization procedure undertaken to ensure the best compromise between electromagnetic and structural compliance for the Toroidal Field coils of the Advanced Divertor Configurations of the toroidal chamber, that holds the plasma in which the fusion reaction takes place.

energy ansys rbf-morph


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CFD analysis for the evaluation of the air flow within a climate control unit

Considering the value of numerical analysis for new product design

The objective of the study was to create a virtual model of Climaveneta’s new ACU171 Expanded Close Control Unit and then match the numerical results with the experimental measures.

cfd ansys appliances

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Our competences in Ansys Elastic Licensing


Optimizing the performance of antennas installed on avionics platforms

Rapid and accurate evaluation of platform impact on antenna radiating characteristics is vital

This article discusses the use of the Ansys HFSS SBR+ method for wave propagation analysis that is based on specific EM propagation formulations (commonly referred to as Asymptotic Methods), and which offers an effective alternative in terms of solution accuracy and computational cost. The method’s effectiveness is demonstrated in this case study that considers the analysis of an ESM sinuous antenna installed on an avionics platform.

ansys electronics


Improving the design of the Air Purification Tower using 3D CFD

The Nederman Group is a world leading supplier and developer of products and solutions within the environmental technology sector. Their latest step is the use of 3D CFD which improved the performance of their Air Purification Tower by 15%!

Nederman’s Air Purification Tower is the perfect choice if source extraction is not a satisfying option.

ansys mechanics


Using Simulation and Modeling for medical Radio Frequency design

A study demonstrating the benefits of simulation over prototyping

The growth of technology and end-user expectations is ever more important in many application areas and medical devices are at the forefront of this innovation process.

ansys electronics