Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.
Ansys Customization Toolkit, o più sinteticamente ACT, è una tecnologia che permette di sviluppare ed utilizzare delle customizzazioni - o estensioni - per le diverse piattaforme di simulazione Ansys (Mechanical, Fluent, Maxwell, Electronics Desktop, ecc.) al fine di estenderne le funzionalità.
Le tecnologie Ansys permettono di eseguire di default numerose tipologie di attività e simulazioni. Per includere delle nuove feature utili all’utente per una specifica attività è possibile sfruttare le potenzialità della console ACT, basata sul linguaggio di programmazione Python.
Alcuni esempi pratici: ACT permette all’utente di utilizzare delle speciali “wizard” in grado di creare in modo automatico un profilo NACA, eseguire una verifica strutturale in conformità con la normativa ASME o Eurocodice, studiare fenomeni acustici avanzati, simulare il processo di formatura di un cordone di saldatura, e molto altro ancora.
Tutte le estensioni ACT vengono installate dall’interfaccia Ansys Workbench e possono essere scaricate dall’Ansys App Store:
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This technical article describes a project that was undertaken by TAE SUNG Software and Engineering, in collaboration with DY AUTO in Korea, to establish a computerized process to conduct three-dimensional real-scale analysis of any of the three types of windshield wiper currently in use, and to establish a specific standard for evaluating wiper performance.
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EnginSoft developed a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis methodology for the performance evaluation of a Pelton turbine
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Our competences in Ansys Customization Toolkit
The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is a 40m-class optical and infrared telescope being built in Chile. The ELT has a complex geometry, with a rotating structure and a dome that must be protected from wind effects to ensure accurate observations. To study the wind flow within the dome, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was created.
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By taking advantage of EnginSoft experience in Simulation Based Engineering, by means of the FEM analysis, the Durability, Structural Integrity and Buckling behavior of a new group of toxic liquid and fuel storage tanks have been investigated.
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Since this cannot be accurately measured in an implanted stent, manufacturers decided to use Multiphysics to simulate the process to better understand the method and to calculate the forces operating on the implant in order to improve the stent design and the surgical procedure, as described in this article.
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