Ansys Customization Toolkit

Ansys Customization Toolkit

Ansys Customization Toolkit

Ansys è un prodotto Ansys Inc.

Ansys Customization Toolkit, o più sinteticamente ACT, è una tecnologia che permette di sviluppare ed utilizzare delle customizzazioni - o estensioni - per le diverse piattaforme di simulazione Ansys (Mechanical, Fluent, Maxwell, Electronics Desktop, ecc.) al fine di estenderne le funzionalità.

Le tecnologie Ansys permettono di eseguire di default numerose tipologie di attività e simulazioni. Per includere delle nuove feature utili all’utente per una specifica attività è possibile sfruttare le potenzialità della console ACT, basata sul linguaggio di programmazione Python.

Alcuni esempi pratici: ACT permette all’utente di utilizzare delle speciali “wizard” in grado di creare in modo automatico un profilo NACA, eseguire una verifica strutturale in conformità con la normativa ASME o Eurocodice, studiare fenomeni acustici avanzati, simulare il processo di formatura di un cordone di saldatura, e molto altro ancora.

Tutte le estensioni ACT vengono installate dall’interfaccia Ansys Workbench e possono essere scaricate dall’Ansys App Store:

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Using Simulation and Modeling for medical Radio Frequency design

A study demonstrating the benefits of simulation over prototyping

The growth of technology and end-user expectations is ever more important in many application areas and medical devices are at the forefront of this innovation process.

ansys electronics


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SACMI designs optimized next-generation components using automated surface sculpting

Uses Adjoint and BGM shape-modification approaches for mesh morphing

Mesh morphing has proven to be a valuable tool in parametrizing numerical models to perform shape optimization. It allows engineers to save time in generating new configurations for analysis because it does not require geometry modification and mesh re-generation.

ansys mechanics

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Our competences in Ansys Customization Toolkit


CFD Characterization of the Ventricular Assist Device HeartAssist 5® Through a Sliding Mesh Approach

Analysis to determine possible optimizations to enhance device safety and efficacy for long-term patient use

This technical article describes how high-end numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were applied to mimic the realistic operating conditions of a Ventricular Assist Device (VADs) and analyze its hemodynamics in order to identify potential areas for optimization of the device’s performance, safety and efficacy.

ansys cfd biomechanics


Conduct fatigue checks directly in Ansys Mechanical using SDC Verifier

Template-based design automates future routine work, and automated documentation facilitates report generation

A lot of steel structures such as cranes, heavy machinery and other equipment subjected to repetitive loading is highly likely to develop cracks or failures because of the fatigue damage.

civil-engineering ansys sdc-verifier


Ku-band filter design for high power space applications using Ansys simulators

This paper presents the design and first experimental results of a very compact Ku-band bandpass filter for high power satellite applications. The filter was designed and simulated using the Ansys HFSS and Mechanical simulators. Proposed as part of an ESA ARTES Advanced Technology project, the filter is based on dielectric loaded combline resonators.

ansys electronics aerospace