Ansys Additive Science

Ansys Additive Science

Ansys Additive Science

Ansys is a software suite of Ansys Inc.

Ansys Additive Science is a stand-alone solution specifically designed for scientists and engineers to provide an exploratory environment to determine the optimum process parameters for metal additive manufacturing machines and materials.

Ansys Additive Science helps users to ensure the achievement of the highest part integrity allowing to:

  • Determine optimum machine/material parameters
  • Control microstructure and material properties
  • Manufacture using new metal powders faster and more efficiently
  • Reduce the number of experiments needed to qualify components
  • Mitigate risk while accelerating innovation
  • Create process qualification procedures based on comparisons between simulation-predicted “correct” — and sensor-measured “actual” — machine behaviour

Ansys Additive Science enables to gain insight into the microscale meltpool phenomena and to study the effect of various process parameters by enabling prediction of:

  • Meltpool and Porosity
  • Thermal history
  • Thermal sensor measurements
  • Microstructure and material properties
  • Grain morphology
  • DOE via parametric studies
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Ansys Additive


Progettazione e Simulazione del processo Additive Manufacturing per componenti metallici

Vantaggi e ritorno dell'investimento

Ottime potenzialità nella riprogettazione di parti di macchine e stampi per la produzione

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Ansys Additive

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Tracked Vehicle

RecurDyn offers two Toolkits that are completely dedicated to tracked vehicles

In this example, a tracked bulldozer was simulated to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle on different terrains and with different obstacles. The model can also be used to calculate the loads operating on the vehicle’s structure..

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EnginSoft organizes training courses on software technologies related to these manufacturing technologies, designed to ensure that our customers become effective in the shortest possible time.

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Our competences in Ansys Additive Science


Fuel Injection

A multibody model was developed using RecurDyn to study the high-speed dynamic behavior of the injector during a typical work cycle

The model contains both rigid and flexible bodies: the pin was modelled using the proprietary Full Flex technology which includes a Finite Element body in the dynamic simulation.

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New solution for cost-effective electromagnetic analysis

EnginSoft’s contribution recognized in the F4E Technology Transfer Program

EnginSoft’s cost-effective solution was successfully created in collaboration with F4E’s expert teams after numerous years spent developing and testing tools, algorithms and customized interfaces in each phase of the Electromagnetic FEM analysis workflow.

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CFD Characterization of the Ventricular Assist Device HeartAssist 5® Through a Sliding Mesh Approach

Analysis to determine possible optimizations to enhance device safety and efficacy for long-term patient use

This technical article describes how high-end numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were applied to mimic the realistic operating conditions of a Ventricular Assist Device (VADs) and analyze its hemodynamics in order to identify potential areas for optimization of the device’s performance, safety and efficacy.

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