Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys is a software suite of Ansys Inc.

Ansys Additive Prep is built into Ansys SpaceClaim that allows you to prepare the component for the 3D printing process. It is tightly integrated into the additive workflow allowing to easily investigate a set of variables to export for simulation to identify failure modes and determine the expected distortions and stresses, without utilizing machine time and print materials.

Ansys Additive Prep enables to:

  • Creates build volume
  • Orients part
  • Creates support regions
  • Create advanced support geometries with full control over all details
  • View the Build File with the Slice Viewer
  • Modify or specify build parameters
  • Export geometries for simulation
  • Estimate costs
  • Create and export build files to additive manufacturing equipment

Ansys Additive Prep is included in Ansys Additive Suite and Ansys Additive Print and is also available as an add-on to Ansys SpaceClaim.

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Ansys Additive


Progettazione e Simulazione del processo Additive Manufacturing per componenti metallici

Vantaggi e ritorno dell'investimento

Ottime potenzialità nella riprogettazione di parti di macchine e stampi per la produzione

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Ansys Additive

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A natural remedy for hot-spot stresses

Using advanced mesh morphing to seamlessly perform bio-inspired structural shape optimization

This paper demonstrates how the biological growth method, studied by Mattheck in the 1990s, can be easily implemented for structural shape optimization finite element method (FEM) analyses using advanced radial basis functions (RBF) mesh morphing.

ansys biomechanics rbf-morph


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Our competences in Ansys Additive Prep


Improving the efficiency of an electric arc furnace’s canopy hood

This technical article describes a numerical (transient computational fluid dynamics) simulation applied to study the suction efficiency of a canopy hood in a steel plant’s electric arc furnace with a view to increasing it.

ansys energy


Greenhouse Module for Space System

This feasibility study has been carried out to investigate and develop the characteristics of a greenhouse module for a future lunar base

This project has been coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and it is embedded in the MELiSSA framework of ESA research projects.

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Multi-purpose ANSYS APDL script developed for analysis of matter-radiation interaction

Ability to predict thermal and mechanical behavior within specific physical parameters has multiple industrial applications

In this article, we present a procedure to investigate the thermo-mechanical effects produced by the particles of an extremely focused beam hitting a material target spot.
