Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys Additive Prep

Ansys is a software suite of Ansys Inc.

Ansys Additive Prep is built into Ansys SpaceClaim that allows you to prepare the component for the 3D printing process. It is tightly integrated into the additive workflow allowing to easily investigate a set of variables to export for simulation to identify failure modes and determine the expected distortions and stresses, without utilizing machine time and print materials.

Ansys Additive Prep enables to:

  • Creates build volume
  • Orients part
  • Creates support regions
  • Create advanced support geometries with full control over all details
  • View the Build File with the Slice Viewer
  • Modify or specify build parameters
  • Export geometries for simulation
  • Estimate costs
  • Create and export build files to additive manufacturing equipment

Ansys Additive Prep is included in Ansys Additive Suite and Ansys Additive Print and is also available as an add-on to Ansys SpaceClaim.

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Ansys Additive


Progettazione e Simulazione del processo Additive Manufacturing per componenti metallici

Vantaggi e ritorno dell'investimento

Ottime potenzialità nella riprogettazione di parti di macchine e stampi per la produzione

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Ansys Additive

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Numerical analyses of the heat transfer processes of a key cooling system in the ITER reactor

Supporting the design of a critical system with realistic numerical simulations of heat radiation and conjugate heat transfer

The ITER reactor’s electron cyclotron heating and current drive (EC H&CD) system launcher requires an effective cooling system due to the strong thermal loads it supports. In supporting the design of this cooling system, NINE performed several numerical studies using the Ansys simulation tools

ansys energy


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Our competences in Ansys Additive Prep


Structural Optimization of the Drift Chamber at FermiLAB

A collaboration between EnginSoft and the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N.)

The ultimate goal of the study was to optimize the Drift Chamber’s performance in terms of stiffness, strength and weight o be mounted on the Mu2e particle detector at FermiLAB in Chicago

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How to optimize an external gear pump in highly constrained conditions

Meeting the engineering challenge of increasing efficiency while reducing costs

In this technical case study, EnginSoft assists Casappa to further refine an already-optimized standard series pump for an electrical motor and generator

mechanics optimization modefrontier


Agricultural equipment suppliers use CAE to improve product performance, safety and desirability

CAE technologies also reduce design and testing times, and design costs

This case study describes how the company’s R&D team used ANYSYS and Spaceclaim to conduct Finite Element Method analyses to refine the design of a new model of a sprayer boom used by farmers to distribute phytosanitary products over fields for crop protection.

ansys automotive rail-transport