
Tuesday 20 June 2023 | 17:00 UTC | Multibody Dynamics Community Meeting

The NAFEMS Multibody Dynamics Working Group is hosting the free webinar Handling Flexible Bodies in Multibody Dynamics

The NAFEMS Multibody Dynamics Working Group, and its online Community for engineers and scientists interested in Multiphysics analysis, is hosting the free webinar “Handling Flexible Bodies in Multibody Dynamics” by Fabiano Maggio on June, 20th, 2023.

This webinar provides a general overview of the topics related to Multibody Dynamics, drafting the best practices to include flexible bodies in multi-body simulation. Additionally, a real industrial application will be presented presented, to best highlight the effects of wrong modelling choices.

For all information and registration, please visit the webinar page. NAFEMS Multibody Dynamics Community Meeting

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An innovative Multibody Dynamics based CAE software

RecurDyn is a superior Multibody Dynamics solution with exceptional contact technology and powerful solver for large scale multibody models with multiple contacts and flexible bodies.



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Tracked Vehicle

RecurDyn offers two Toolkits that are completely dedicated to tracked vehicles

In this example, a tracked bulldozer was simulated to evaluate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle on different terrains and with different obstacles. The model can also be used to calculate the loads operating on the vehicle’s structure..

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