
Autumn 2023 | Product peek

Particleworks 8: the most advanced mesh-less fluid dynamics simulation software

by Michele Merelli, EnginSoft
Futurities Year 20 n°3, Summer 2023

The latest version of Particleworks, the particle-based fluid dynamics simulation software that uses moving particle simulation (MPS), is now available with a wide range of features and improvements that complete the solver’s ability to manage integrated physics (it includes a thermal solver), and make simulations faster due to its multi-resolution (MR) and multi-GPU (graphic processing unit) support.

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An advanced CFD Software solution, based on the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method

Particleworks is an advanced CFD Software solution, based on the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method.



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CFD study of a Pelton turbine runner

Comparison between traditional Eulerian and novel Lagrangian approaches

This technical article, a collaboration between EnginSoft and ZECO, compares two different methodologies for the study and optimization of impulse turbines, specifically Pelton turbines, in order to evaluate which is the quicker and more reliable method.

cfd particleworks energy