
May 11, 2023 | online conference

Maplesoft Engineering Showcase 2023

Siete alla ricerca di nuove tecniche e strumenti per trasformare le vostre attività di ingegneria e migliorare il vostro team di progettazione?

Allora non perdete l'occasione di partecipare alla Maplesoft Engineering Showcase 2023, una conferenza online gratuita, che si svolgerà l’11 maggio.

La conferenza prevede la presentazione di interessanti approfondimenti sui prodotti Maplesoft, prospettive del settore e sessioni interattive, su temi quali: Engineering Design, Research and Analysis, Product Development, System Modeling e Commissioning and Operation.

Per i dettagli del programma e per iscriversi, visitare il sito della conferenza

Maplesoft Engineering Showcase 2023

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Advanced numeric and symbolic solution with a powerful maths engine

Maple is an advanced numeric and symbolic solution with a powerful maths engine. Maple is used by Design Engineers and Advanced Analysts to quickly and accurately perform calculations and mathematical manipulations using live mathematical expressions.

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Solving the chainsaw kickback problem with Maplesoft and ANSYS

Maximising chainsaw safety over the tool’s life by analysing the kickback problem and lifetime tool fatigue and performance

The avoidance or reduction of chainsaw kickback is a key safety feature for manufacturers. The challenges for engineers are to obtain more accurate analyses of the problem over the tool’s lifecycle.

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