
May 25 – 26, 2023 | worshop

GSEW@Italy Workshop: Additive Manufacturing in Space to boost entrepreneurship, sustainability and economic growth

The iniziative, organized by Areospace Technology District, European Space Agency and Italian Space Agency, will bring together leaders of major space and non-space European stakeholders, both from institutions and commercial sectors, to interactively discuss potenzial cooperative iniziatives to develop Additive Manufacturing for space:

  • Discuss how space activities and needs foster industrial competitiveness, economic growth, innovation and sustainability;
  • Reinforce the European ecosystem of entrepreneurs and start-up companies capable to develop solutions in line with the most advanced challenges;
  • Foster the creation of spin-in/spin off opportunities;
  • Promote and start discussions on specific industrial cooperation;
  • Promote ESA BIC Network and describe ASI strategies for startups;
  • Share challenges to potential new unconventional solutions developedbeyond the partner’s traditional R&D approach;
  • Promote capabilities and competences belonging to DTA and Apulianindustrial ecosystem;
  • Promote ASI and ESA programmes and initiatives.

EnginSoft will participate at GSEW@Italy Workshop, taking place at the Swabian Castle, Mesagne, Apulia, Italy, on 25 and 26 May.

For all information, please visit the official website

GSEW@Italy Workshop

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Optimizing the shape of the M10 engine’s injector head methane circuit using RBF mesh morphing

This article is based on a collaboration between RBF Morph and AVIO to configure a numerical optimization procedure to improve the Vega E M10 engine’s performance by optimizing the methane circuit of the injector head.

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Greenhouse Module for Space System

This feasibility study has been carried out to investigate and develop the characteristics of a greenhouse module for a future lunar base

This project has been coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and it is embedded in the MELiSSA framework of ESA research projects.

aerospace cfd ansys