
2023, June 13-16 | training online

FEMFAT Standard training - online

Join the STANDARD TRAINING to learn essential FEMFAT skills and the basic concepts

Join a FEMFAT training to learn state-of-the-art methods and strategies in fatigue life analysis and profit from a 2 month test license of all trained modules.

The standard training will take place online from 13 to 16 June.

For all information, program details and registrations, visit FEMFAT standard training web page.

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The globally leading software for finite element based fatigue life prediction

FEMFAT is a universally applicable software program for the fatigue analysis of statically and/or dynamically loaded components and complete systems.



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New process to analyze vibrational fatigue of solder joints on printed circuit boards used in electric vehicles

High degree of automation allows assessment of massive number of solder joints and electronic components

This technical article presents a simulation process to analyze fatigue in electronic parts, particularly in solder joints, on printed circuit boards (PCBs).

femfat electronics automotive