
2023, June 20-21 | training online

FEMFAT Advanced training - MAX - online

Elevate your FEMFAT proficiency and expertise through our advanced training program

This training is suitable for advanced users. Take part to better understand the more complex calculation processes in the FEMFAT max module and to keep the associated longer calculation times as short as possible.

The standard training will take place online from 20 to 21 June.

For all information, program details and registrations, visit FEMFAT advanced training - MAX web page.

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The globally leading software for finite element based fatigue life prediction

FEMFAT is a universally applicable software program for the fatigue analysis of statically and/or dynamically loaded components and complete systems.



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Face to face with Pietro Del Negro Senior CAE engineer at Ricardo

How Ricardo predicts the life of motorcycle components

In this article, Del Negro explains how Ricardo is developing solutions to support its customers to predict the lifecycle of motorcycle components, using finite element analysis (FEA) and fatigue analysis.

femfat mechanics automotive