
Summer 2022 | Product peek

Accurate pollutant prediction with Equivalent reactor networks

by Fabio Villa, EnginSoft
Futurities Year 19 n°2, Summer 2022

The simulation of reacting flows is critical for developing competitive products in diverse industries: transport, power generation, materials processing, the chemical industry, and many others. Improving designs for these cases is difficult because they often consist of systems with complex geometries, boundary conditions, and physics, including large networks of chemically reacting species, turbulence, and radiation.

The more accurate the fuel model, the more realistically the fuel performance of your design can be predicted. Ansys Chemkin couples Multiphysics simulations incorporating advanced physical models with an advanced chemical solver to provide full simulation capabilities for reacting flows. Many tools have recently been included in the Ansys CFD enterprise license.

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Using CFD Analysis to predict the effect of Wind on a Tower Crane

CFD proves to offer a reliable working methodology for designers

This article proposes the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to address these complexities.

ansys mechanics